We have partnered up with Xtratime, the "Interactive Soccer Community" to bring you a message board to discuss, debate and cheer your favorite team -- FC Barcelona!
Just follow simple registering instructions and you're on your way to keep in touch with all the FC Barcelona fans in the BarçaMania community. Remember to keep it clean and respect each other's opinions.
If we didn't share different opinions there wouldn't be need for a Fan Forum, now would there? :-). So remember, keep it clean and respect your fellow Barça fan.
If you can't find a topic to post about don't worry, here are some suggestions:
1.Barcelona's Dutch revolution.
2.Louis Van Gaal's coaching tactics.
3.Our Champions' League debacle.
4.Our steamroll through the League.
5.Give the youngsters a chance.
Here it is!! Click on the shield below to take you to our FC Barcelona Forum. Remember to register, if you haven't done so already and keep it clean!!
There are various ways you can contact us at BarçaMania. You can either use the more conventional Email or go a step further with
a program calledICQ or "I Seek You". To Email the BarcaMania site, simply send an Email to
BARSA@angelfire.com. I will be checking this account often. To Email me (webmaster) personally, just send an Email to my campus address at jlainez@gmu.edu. When I'm online, you can
always send me a message via ICQ. My ICQ number is 25470266. Once you get familiar with ICQ, the number will make sense ;-).
We're looking forward to hearing from you!
I am currently :