Esbern Snare's Story - A gateway to the pages of my favorite character.
Darkwolf's page - One of my best friend's pages.
Jennifer Winter's Page - One of my friends from back home.
Matt Cumbow's Page - One of my fraternity brother's pages.
Hunter Browning's Page - Another of my brother's pages.
Elric of Melnibone' - One of Michael Moorcock's greatest fantasy characters
WCW Wrestling - Need I say More.
Happy Puppy Games - a very good download site
White Wolf Online - one heck of a publishing company
Possibly no better way to show that you care than to send a Cyber Card.
Computer SOS Great computers with the best prices and service in . . . well anywhere.
Jedi - The best resource page for Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith.
Kindred - One of my friends from the web.
Dana's Page - One of my friends.
Tommy's House of Pain