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Organization for SETV Research

Part 1. Introduction to SETV

Search for ExtraTerrestrial Visitation or less formally, SETV, is a scientific based endeavor to collect meaningful and unambiguous data on objects in Earth's atmosphere or our solar system which may provide evidence of visitations from intelligent probes of extraterrestrial origin. SETV is a heterotic search model, a combination of SETA (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Artifacts) and optical SETI (OSETI) / microwave SETI, which are orthodox scientific search for ETI which use electro-optical signal receivers, large radio telescopes and narrow-band multi-channel receivers. SETV regards as its progenitor SETA which was a search for extraterrestrial artifacts in Earth orbit, Lunar orbit, libration points, the asteroid belt and elsewhere in the solar system.

The Organization for SETV Research or OSR, is the parent organization which identified the process and created the search model. The OSR is a private research organization whose mission is dedicated to collecting scientific data by implementing processes and principles developed to aid and conduct instrumented studies and studies of data acquired from probes, proxies, machines, craft and phenomenon of suspected extraterrestrial origin. It is OSR's principle purpose to promote the SETV search model.

SETV Should Not Be Confused With UFOlogy or the study of UFO reports! While some tiny fraction (<0.04% or 1 in 2,500) of the Anomalistic Observational Phenomena (AOP), which people have reported seeing in past decades may have been of intelligent ET origin, this has not been conclusively proven. Data collected in past case reports is curious, yet primarily anecdotal and 'soft' from an acquisition perspective. UFOlogy claims to have found some statistical invariants in the reports, enough to develop a classification system, but that is the most it has really accomplished. Considering the scientific demands for hard data, orthodox UFOlogy is not a desirable approach for a detailed low-level scientific analysis. Granted there are a few books on the subject worth reading (see references ) which contain a variety of useful, albeit mainly historical, information.

OSR is NOT affiliated with alien abductions, crop circles, animal mutilations, or alleged government conspiracies to cover up "the truth about aliens". These fields of study may in some cases lend themselves to a scientific investigation, but until an experiment or test is devised which includes instrumentation, these fields of study mainly involve speculation and untestable hypotheses. So if you are here to find information on these topics you've come to the wrong place.

But while you're here take a look at what SETV has to offer, and please read the OSR/SETV Mission Statement. We think you'll be pleasantly suprised at the rationale for SETV, its scientific basis, and the very good possiblity that by using today's instrumentation and computer technology we can acquire the first scientifcally acceptable evidence upon which to formulate a working and testable ETI hypothesis.

The time is long overdue for a serious study of this nature, and we believe you'll agree that using "the scientific method" is the ONLY WAY we will be able to solve the problem of detecting and possibly verifying ETI probe visitations to the solar system or Earth, in whatever form they take.
For more information please see


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