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Exception made of the observations of a spectacular falling of a meteorite, nothing had happened recently in the United States that could be referred undoubtedly to the presence of something unidentified in the sky.


At least, if an observation of a strange thing happened somewhere, it have been a very local episode that did not reach nationwide attention.


But…nevertheless, something is going on. Not precisely in the sky, but on TV, reaching millions of people in their households.


Two TV networks started each one about two months ago a series related with the idea of “extraterrestrials”.


On Fridays, at 9 PM –primetime-- CBS puts on the air “THRESHOLD”. The series started on September 16, 2005. Threshold, from producers David Heyman, David Goyer, and Brannon Braga, and written by Bragi Schut, revolves around a female government contingency analyst who leads a team of scientists and military personnel who get in contact with a mysterious alien lifeform.


On Wednesdays, at 10 PM, ABC broadcasts “INVASION”. The series started on September 21. A description of the argument of this series stays: “Man has searched the skies for centuries and has never come up with conclusive evidence to prove the existence of other forms of intelligent life. What if we have been looking in the wrong place? What if there were other forms of intelligent life already living among us? What if perceived natural disasters were really diversions created to conceal clandestine alien activities?”  The natural disasters are hurricanes. The authors capitalized on the strongest season of hurricanes ever happened in the US, and the alien forms live in the water.


During the last two weeks (November 13 to 26) at 11PM and 12PM on different days, WETA, a prestigious public television channel, aired a 2 minutes and a half documentary on “UFOs over Washington D.C.”, referred to the old UFO reports of July 1952. Fair is to say that it goes immediately behind a series appropriately called “In Search of Myths and Heroes”. But there it goes…


So far, UFOs have not appeared in the news and have not been discussed in the Congress.


But, is someone trying to create a new wave of reports, call the attention to the authorities or create a new cover-up for new air technological developments? Or is it just a matter of entertainment?


We are following these events with a closer look.

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