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SAI Chorale
by Margaret Blackburn, Alpha Mu

Daughters of a great and singing nation,
Let your voices rise in dedication,
Music tells unspoken noble creeds;
Music beautifies the simplest deeds;
Sing we now to Sigma Alpha Iota.

Sing the greatness of the soul and spirit,
Sing the joy of peace and friendship's merit,
Music is a kind and truthful speech;
In a language out of mere word's reach,
Sing we now to Sigma Alpha Iota.

Sigma Alpha Iota, International Music Fraternity, was organized in 1903 "to form chapters of music students and musicians who shall by their influence and their musical interest uphold the highest ideals of a music education; to raise the standard of productive musical work among the women students of colleges, conservatories and universities." As of August 1998, its membership included 184 active college chapters and 113 alumnae chapters throughout the United States.

Related Links:

SAI National Headquarters
SAI Sigma Omega Chapter (Susquehanna University)
SAI Washington DC Alumnae Chapter

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