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Translations of Me

Where to begin? That’s a problem I always have with these entries. In each one I try to include a little bit of myself in the hopes that my dear readers my come to understand me better. So far I’m not having much luck in that department.

I’m a very strange man it seems, fated to be misunderstood by everyone, including myself. I always used to think I was pretty clear, that anyone who dealt with me pretty much knew where they stood. This does not appear to be true after all. It seems that some of my friends just don’t understand how much I care about them, even though some have them have been told outright. My motivations always seem to be in question. Here goes then, some very simple things to consider when dealing with me:

1) If I say something, it’s because I believe it to be true.

2) If I tell you I can’t explain something, it’s either because I really can’t put words to it, or you’re just better off not knowing…it’s usually pretty clear which.

3) If I don’t look happy, I’m not.

4) If I’m not happy, that doesn’t necessarily mean it has anything to do with you.

5) If I’ve refused to tell you the answer to a question the first 400 times, 401 will not tip the scales.

6 ) If there is something you want to know about me, and I’ve never told you then the answer is probably here, in my journal.


What next? I’d love to rant about logic, but that feels oddly inappropriate at the moment. I’ll save it for some other time. I actually intended for this to be a long entry, I had a half dozen things I wanted to mention, but none of them feel important now that I'm sitting down to write them.