Another Attempt

I try to write an entry for this journal about three times a week, and I have ideas for it at least three times a day. Why don't I post then? Because I barely get started writing my posts before something distracts me from them. I must have a dozen half written, or barely started journal posts saved on my computer, and I've no intention of finishing any of them.

Thoughts which seem worth recording at the time you have them very rarely seem so once you've moved beyond them. All those posts will be deleted, I certainly hope there isn't some vital insight within them that would have opened the doors to world peace or usher in a new golden age. If there is, then allow me to appologise for deleting them without rereading them to make sure....oops.

Anyone who knows me knows that love, romance, and matters of the heart in general are more important to me than anything else. Anyone who knows me is also sick of hearing about them from me. Well tough luck folks!!! You're going to hear about it again!


Girl A:
Still a part of my life, and still a source of great frustration. I've been interested in this girl for a long time, and it doesn't look like that will stop any time soon. Personally I find it strange that nobody really asks about her, they ask about Girl B every now and then, and they ask about Girl D (who you'll hear about later). Nobody ever asks about Girl A though.
She is more confusing than ever recently, though it's hard to explain that without giving anything away. Let's just say her words and her actions are in direct opposition. The last few times I've seen her it has required a great deal of willpower not to kiss her, and that makes no sense at all considering I know she'd smack me if I did. Perhaps not though, it has been suggested by some of my friends that perhaps I'm not reading her as well as I think I am. Only time will tell.

Girl B:
Also still a part of my life, but my friends will be happy to know that she is no longer an issue as far as romance is concerned. I've had it with her, she is now nothing but a friend as far as I am concerned. So you may all feel free to celebrate, your brain-dead friend finally got a clue ;)

Girl C:
N/A, got over this one awhile ago. Sorry Laurie, you didn't make the cut I guess.

Girl D:
*Trumpet fanfare* Welcome the newest torment in my lovelorn life! Actually Girl D is not new, she and I went out a couple times in High School, but it didn't work out. I ran into her a couple months ago though and the second I saw her I felt the hand of God come down through the clouds to smack my upside the head and say "Don't screw it up again pinhead!". She is actually the source of the "Bells" entry I made awhile back.
She and I have always felt a connection, and in our High School religen class we took a test that said we are 88% compatible. Hopefully the test will prove more reliable then the things they tried to teach me in that class ;)
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