Very few people truely know me.

Bryan (one of those few that do know me) and I, were recently discussing the type of person I am. I've always thought of myself as a Knight in Shining armor, I ride to the rescue of my family and friends without a care for self preservation. Bryan disagrees.

He says I'm more the Guardian type, that I protect people, rather than rescue them. He told me I was the type that would stand by somebody, and allow them to shine while I remained in the background watching over them. He compared me to a guard dog, saying that I was very loyal, and that whenever somebody crossed somebody I care about he can almost hear me growl. He says that I'm the strong silent companion, rather than the exciting hero. He may be right.

Renuka (another one of those friends) and I, were recently discussing why I like Girl A. I think she's intelligent, interesting, fun, beautiful, and just generally amazing. I've no idea if Renuka would agree to those, but she thinks I have another reason too.

She asked me during the discussion, if I was sure I didn't like Girl A just because I wanted to protect her. This threw me for a loop, where could she have gotten that idea? She explained that I always seemed to want to take care of people, and that most of the people I've fallen for are people who have needed somebody to protect them. I told her that I didn't think Girl A needed anyone to protect her, and that I just like her because of her spirit, and charm. Her question did make me think though.

I'll be the first to admit that I have fallen for more than my fair share of wounded birds, it just never occured to me that some might think I found such wounds attractive. So for the record, I shall explain why I fall for people who I think need protection.
There you have it, the reason I sometimes fall for people who need my help. If you want more interesting reading try asking me why I think they fall for me every now and then, or what else makes me fall for somebody. Some of that might raise a few eyebrows.

Until next time,

May there always be somebody to guard your back, and somebody to growl on your behalf.

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