Value, Gambling, and Instinct.

I've had opportunity lately to consider these three words, the simple concepts, three pains in my ass.

Value: How do you determine the value of something you've never had? Is it worth more than what you have? How much more? Is it worth it to abandon what you have for something you know nothing of?

Gambling: How do you know when the rewards for a gamble are greater than the risks? I've got a friendship, and it's a good one. Should I gamble in an attempt to make it a relationship? I'd lose the friendship win or lose, and the relationship wouldn't last long even if I did get it. I can't help but wonder though, if the gamble might still be worth it.

Instinct: What rules your actions? Head, heart, or maybe instinct? I let my head lead recently, it faught hard and defeated both my heart and my instinct. My instinct told me to kiss her, the friend I might have to gamble. My heart told me to hug her. My mind told me to dig down deep within myself, and fill the whole in on top of me. Which decision would have been most wise? I hate trying to dig out of a hole from inside.

Tell me dear reader, should I follow my instincts and gamble for a prize with an unknown value?

If you actually have an answer, mail me!
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