From the Hands of Rome

By Absinthe

Disclaimers: Xena and Gabrielle Do not belong to me, they are the property of Rennaissance and Universal, no chicken harrassing is meant by my little tryst with them. Many of the events of this story may or may not have actually happened.
Sex: Yes. Duh, there is a description of sex between two consenting adult females in this story. If this bothers you, go away, this story is not for you.
Part One:

Gabrielle jabbed the pressure point in her wrist for the umpteenth time that morning. She glared resentfully at Xena, who was conversing avidly with the vessel's captain. Xena was at home on the sea, but a certain bard would always be a landlubber at heart. In spite of all her travels, she was undeniably a child of land-locked Potedeia in that respect. The rough seas that they were going through weren't helping any either. This was the second day into the voyage and Gabrielle was as miserable as usual.

Xena suddenly joined the bard at the rail. She sucked in a lusty breath of crisp, salty air.

"I hate you," Gabrielle grumbled. Xena grinned and squeezed the plaintive bard's bare shoulders affectionately.

"You're the one that wanted to go to Egypt. Besides, things'll get better. Once we pass Cyprus the water should calm down."

"When's that?" The hint of desperation in the bard's voice turned Xena's grin into a sympathetic smile.

"Day after tomorrow."


"Hey, you've been through worse! At least we're not doomed forever to remain aboard this ship..." Xena teased.

"Don't say that, you'll curse us."

"Maybe one of the sailors has some ash you could-" Gabrielle punched her on the arm irritably.

"Ok, that's enough," she snapped.

"Sorry." Xena pushed away from the bard and crossed the deck to join one of the hands in trolling for tuna. That evening, watching the stars grow brighter with the fading light, Xena stood by the high bow of the trireme. She heard Gabrielle approach but she didn't turn until she felt warm breath on the back of her neck.

"How're ya feelin'?"

"Better. I guess I'm getting used to it," before she noticed any movement, Gabrielle found herself enfolded in Xena's strong arms, pressed tightly against her hard breast plate. Gabrielle returned the embrace, letting the tension melt from her body for a moment as she forgot the bucking deck beneath her feet. She was disappointed when the warrior released her.

"What was that for?"

"You were there," Xena shrugged. She ached to do more, but she wouldn't press Gabrielle just yet. Seasickness left one feeling far from amorous. It was hard, too, to find privacy on the ship. They had a tiny cabin, but Gabrielle's stomach couldn't tolerate the closeness of the room. They'd been sleeping on deck, out of the way of the few sailors that manned the ropes and helm at night.

This night was crystal clear, the moon was a tiny crescent, and the starts were reflected in the water. They made tiny motes of flickering light on the waves; the only indicator that the world did not end at the railing of the ship. Something surfaced and disappeared again below the mysterious waters. Even the ripples of its passing were invisible in the darkness.

They traveled in the total isolation that could only be had aboard a seagoing vessel in the days before radio communication.

After an interminable journey, the north coast of Africa seemed to creep up on them. At first all they say was a thin flat line of gold between the horizon and the sky. As the day wore on, they banks loomed larger. As they approached the ---- branch of the Nile, the water grew cloudy with sediment and the bank became green with plant life.

The great lighthouse of Alexandria was the first recognizable landmark to appear in the distance. The plume of smoke it produced trailed lazily through the crisp blue sky. Gabrielle pointed excitedly when the top of the structure came into view. The sandstone looked bone white in the intense sun.

"Did you tell her we were coming?"


"Did you get a reply?"

"Nope." "I can't wait to get on shore."

"I thought you were used to it?"

"That doesn't mean I have to like it."

Xena shrugged. They stood in companionable silence and watched the ships passing them. Egypt thrived on commerce and international trade. Vessels from Greece carrying olive oil jostled with odd ships from farther east carrying rugs and silks from India. Gabrielle waved occasionally. They passed the royal palace with its expansive marble steps that led straight from the courtyard into the Nile. The royal ships; a luxurious gilded barge, several small sailboats and a huge ocean-going trireme, not unlike the one Xena and Gabrielle were traveling on, all bobbed at anchor. The crews of the ships lounged on deck, at full readiness to leave on the Queen's whim.

The ship finally docked farther up in the harbor. The gangplank was extended and the two travelers trooped down it, carrying their few belongings. The docks hummed with activity. People of all conceivable races swarmed together, unloading and loading cargo, selling their goods and studiously trying to get from point A to point B. Xena glanced about herself casually as though this was the sort of thing she saw every day of her life. Gabrielle could not restrain her gawking instinct and stared openly about.

The crowd parted in front of them and an ornate litter trundled through. A vastly obese man, a eunuch from the sound of his voice, stepped forward.

"I am Mardian, her Majesty's head of household. You are Xena, the Warrior Princess, and you are Gabrielle, Queen of the Amazons I presume?"

"Uh." Xena said, "It's just Xena. Nice to meetcha."

Mardian gestured elegantly and the litter bearers set the golden confection down for the two women to get inside.

"I'd rather walk, thanks. Gabrielle?" Xena turned to her lover.

"Me too," she said, though she was clearly intrigued by the idea.

"Her Majesty the Queen Cleopatra sends her greetings and apologies that she could not be here to greet you herself. The porters will see to your baggage..." he trailed off, looking for their packages.

"We travel light," Gabrielle piped up.

"Excellent," and with another of his graceful gestures, Mardian had the procession lined up for the return to the palace. They walked at an easy pace to accommodate the bulky eunuch, which also provided ample opportunity for both women to become acquainted with the basic layout of the quay.

The palace itself was breathtaking. Its elaborate carvings and sweeping architecture were perfectly suited to its setting. The interior, if possible, was even more gorgeous than the exterior. They were led through hallways made entirely of black marble, past pillars of white alabaster carved with ancient style Egyptian writing and elaborate paintings of Osiris and Isis. Mardian halted outside of a huge set of doors.

"These are your chambers, Xena, I trust they will be satisfactory," he smiled thinly, "Gabrielle, you have rooms just down the hall, if you'll follow me..."

"There's no need for separate rooms, we don't want to be a bother." Gabrielle protested. "The rooms are prepared, but if you prefer to stay together, this should suffice," Mardian pushed the door open. Xena and Gabrielle preceded him through into a spacious sitting room that smelled of sandalwood and lotus flowers. Huge windows opened onto a marble balcony that jutted over the river. The floor was thickly carpeted and strewn with pillows. It was clear this was a room designed for comfort. Farther from the windows, the carpets ended to reveal a green marble floor and a black table constructed of a strange, glassy material. A gold pitcher of chilled wine stood at the ready.

"Thank you Mardian. This is beautiful," Gabrielle said as Xena set their bags aside and set about exploring the rest of the rooms. Mardian bowed slightly and left them with the words;

"If you need anything, there will be a guard posted outside your door, and the Queen wishes to welcome you privately in the morning."

The moment the doors closed, Gabrielle spun around and flopped happily into a pile of cushions.

"Ah," she sighed, "A girl could get used to this, Xena."

"Wait'll you see the bedroom," came the muffled reply.

"Wonder where we'd have to go to get a bath here?"

"Why don't you ask the guy outside the door?" the warrior suggested as she reemerged from her brief explorations. Gabrielle wriggled deeper into the pillows and gave her lover a pleading look.

"Oh come on, you're already up."

With a soft grunt that could have indicated anything from anger to indulgence, Xena pulled one of the doors open. It swung with surprising ease on its well oiled hinges despite its obviously great mass. The "guard" looked more like a personal attendant in fancy armor, and Xena suspected that he'd been selected for his position for exactly that reason. He informed her that there was a bathing room just two doors down, or they could go across their terrace and reach it that way.

Gabrielle was happy to get out of her little nest and wander out onto the terrace. It overlooked the mouth of the Nile, and the activity of the harbor stretched out before them. Beyond it was a thin strip of green, and then desert. Gabrielle's hand found its way into Xena's . They managed to tear themselves away from the exotic view and finally made their way to a long deserved bath.

They found a white marble tub filled with perfumed water that shimmered with rose oil. A single attendant offered her assistance and then disappeared discreetly at the women's refusal. Xena stripped off her armor while Gabrielle laid it carefully aside to be cared for later. The bard's clothing followed almost immediately. Xena watched her bard step cautiously into the water. The muscles in her legs rippled as she moved, first her exquisite calves, then delicious thighs and strong buttocks disappeared under the water. Gabrielle knew she was being watched. She flexed her shoulders a little for Xena's benefit before submerging the rest of her body. Xena grinned sheepishly and waded into the tub. The water was perfect; just warm enough not to make one feel cold, but cool enough to feel refreshing in the heat of the summer.

They tenderly bathed one another with the rich soaps and perfumed oils arranged on a convenient shelf near the edge of the tub.

"Patchouli think it's rose, for your hair?" Gabrielle asked, sniffing two delicate glass vials.

"Whatever you want," Xena shrugged noncommittally.

Gabrielle liberally applied the rose oil.

"Ok, now turn around," the warrior ordered, and the two women switched places. Instead of reaching for the bard's slick hair, she wrapped her arms around Gabrielle's slippery waist and pulled the woman closer. Xena rested her chin lightly on a muscular shoulder and said,

"That servant girl is gone now."

"Is that what took you so long?" Gabrielle tugged Xena's hands up farther until they cupped her white breasts. The gesture was all the invitation Xena needed to turn the bard around in her arms. Gabrielle obligingly wrapped her powerful legs around the warrior's waist. They came together frenziedly after the long abstinence of their sea-voyage.

Xena pulled her lips away from Gabrielle's and kissed the hollow of her neck. She worked her way down, giving joyous worship to the bard's full, sensitive breasts. Gabrielle released her hold on Xena's shoulders and entangled her fingers in the warrior's dark hair, trusting those strong arms to hold her up. Xena lifted her out of the water as though she weighed nothing and set her on the side of the tub.

She let her tongue wander into Gabrielle's navel and smiled at the resulting giggle and gooseflesh.

Gabrielle propped her hands on the cool marble behind her and leaned back, moaning contentedly as Xena kneaded the bard's ass and nipped the delicate skin of her inner thighs.

"Xena, stop teasing me," she growled. The bard suddenly found herself jerked forward with her legs draped over Xena's shoulders. A startled squeak escaped her lips, but she soon forgot the slight scraping her elbows had suffered. She gave herself over to Xena's expert attentions.
Feeling pleasantly drained, yet sated, the couple lazed on the cushioned floor of their chambers.

"I wonder if we could get jobs working for the Queen?" Gabrielle thought out loud, only half in jest, "Maybe she could use a masseuse?"

Xena made no reply other than pulling her bard closer so that she could kiss the top of her blonde head. She then gently slid out from under the smaller woman and went back out onto the terrace. The warrior was anxious about their meeting with Cleopatra. Something was wrong, she could smell the tension in the air.
On to Part 2

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