Free Entertainment!!!

If you noticed, I kept this list short, and limited it to some of the less known Xena sites. I'm hoping that if you're a Xena Fan you already know of the Big Girls out there.
The Ultimate Xena Fan Fiction Directory, I just can't plug this bad boy enough. Its awesome if I do say so myself. Tom's Xena Homepage This site has everything.
Katrina's Fan fiction is HOT whooee, if you're over 18 and a subtext lover, this is the place! The Encyclopedia Xenaica is a really useful aid in writing fanfic.
X-Files junk:
THIS particular link is to the Mulderwear Brigade and Marita Deathsquad homepage. A must see for any X-Phile. If you join the Mulderwear Brigade, you'll recieve your own personal Mulder Clone ! And for die hard Scully lovers, The MBMD is a jumping off point to the Scullywear Auxiliary Brigade. You too can have a personal Scully clone.
Gossamer is a fabbo archive of X-Files fan fic. If you are looking to post some of your own fic, and don't have a site, they'll host your work for free.The Darwin Awards Homepage is a page of real life X-Files! Its a collection of stories about deeds SO DUMB that it would take someone with their PhD in Psych to figure out what the hell these people were THINKING!
Miscellaneous junk:
Queendom's Test page, contains tons of fun, amusing and scary test, quizzes and surveysThe Criminal Files, la casa de mi amiga!
Girls on Film!, a group of literary, cinematic, and television critics, they're a little pink for my tastes, but they're spunky!The TV Guide Homepage is full of juicy tidbits on all your fave tv stars!
Apocalypse 2000: Millennium & Millenniumistic Pages, doesn't have anything to do with the show of that name, and its lots of fun! You'll just have to see this one for yourself guys.Tank Girl Interactive Game This is really cool, its an online interactive game centering around the movie "Tank Girl"

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