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Val's Book Nook

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History of Prussia In little more than two centuries Prussia rose from medieval obscurity and the devastation of the Thirty Years War to become the dominant power of continental Europe. Her rulers rose from Electors to Kings, and from Kings to Emperors. It is a dramatic story, and it has a powerful cast: Frederick William the Great Elector, Frederick William I, Frederick the Great, Bismarck and William II are only the most familiar of the formidable personalities who shaped Prussia's greatness. This general history traces the origins and rise of the Prussian state from the 13th century to the causes and consequences of its incorporation into the German Empire. An immense amount of work has been done since the 1950s on all aspects of the subject--social, political, economic and military--but this material has never before been brought together and interpreted within the limits of a single volume. 326pp. Hardcover Author: H.W. Koch

In Search of Your German Roots: A Complete Guide to Tracing Your Ancestors in the Germanic Areas of
This book is designed to aid beginners in finding ancestors in areas that now are or once were part of Germany. It excludes other Germanic areas like historic Austria and Switzerland. Readers will find addresses of archives and libraries, descriptions of key sources, and advice about how to find relatives in Germany today. Originally published in 1987, this edition's new items include a map of united Germany, additional addresses of records' custodians, descriptions of the new Laender (states) of eastern Germany, and postal codes for selected cities in these areas. A few new titles have been added to the bibliography. The best book on the subject is in German: Taschenbuch fuer Fami liengeschichtsforschung , edited by Wolfgang Ribbe and Eckart Henning (Neustadt and der Aisch: Verlag Degener & Co., 1990. 10th ed.). For those who do not read German, Baxter's book is the best substitute. The author excludes non-English materials from his bibliography and does not use notes in the text. He clearly relied heavily upon German resources, but which ones and how current were they? Researchers with roots in eastern Germany and libraries serving them will want this new edition.-- Raymond S. Wright III, Brigham Young Univ., Provo, Ut.

Student's Guide to German American Genealogy
New Homes in a New Land; German Immigration to Texas, 1847-1861

Palatine Families of New York: A Study of the German Immigrants Who Arrived in Colonial New York in 1710

Discover your family history.

German Immigrants: Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to New York, 1863-1867, with Places of Orig

German Revolutionaries of Eighteen Forty-Eight, among Whom Many Immigrants to America

Genealogies of Pennsylvania Families; From the Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine

German Immigrants; Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to New York [Dates], with Places of Origin

Trinity Lutheran Church Records, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

German Revolutionaries of Eighteen Forty-Eight, among Whom Many Immigrants to America

From Bremen to America in 1850: Some Rare Emigrant Ship Lists

Pennsylvania German Church Records of Births, Baptisms, Marriages, Burials, ETC.; From the Pennsylva

Trinity Lutheran Church of Reading, (Baptisms 1751-1790)

Trinity Lutheran Church of Reading, Berks County, PA: Burials, 1754-1812

German Research Companion




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