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Name :
Norman Ellsworth Thorne III

Alias :

Birth sign :

Favorite films :
The Princess bride
Holy grail

Favorite quote :
"Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one gets filled faster!"

Personal heroes :
Ronald W. Braithwaite -
He was my first music teacher, senselessly killed by a thief over a roll of quarters.

Memorable books :
Pillars of the Earth - (Ken Follett)
The Stand (Stephen King)
Most inspiring memory :
Watching my father play guitar.

Top five albums of all time :
Revolver (Beatles)
Deja Vu (Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young)
Without a Net (Grateful Dead)
White Album (Beatles)
Not Only for Kids (Jerry Garcia/David Grisman)

"You gotta have a dream . . ." :
Internal Peace

Personal aspirations (realistic or not) :
To be the best father I can possibly be.