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** Baby Prayers**

Prayer at the Time of a Miscarriage

Jesus, bring Your healing touch to (parent's name) who have suffered the loss of their unborn child through a miscarriage. We believe that life begins at conception and that this baby is now with You. Still, the pain of loss is great. We loved this child from the moment we knew of the baby's existence.

We know this unborn child will never experience the joys of life on this earth. Yet our hope in eternal life remains firm. Help us to remember this child in prayer often, whom we will one day meet in heaven with You. The baby's parents may give birth to other children, yet this unborn child will always be special to them. Please dry their tears and strengthen their faith in You, who are the source of all goodness and love. Amen.

When a baby has died

Heavenly Father, your ways are hidden from our eyes, comfort, we pray you, the parents who grieve at the loss of their baby. Grant them grace to face the future with courage and gallantry. May they understand in faith that your love, as a Father, will not cause them a needless tear and that they will meet again in a fuller life those whose earthly body they prepared on earth. Amen.

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