What Does The Bible Say?

Mike Owens


A Biblical Perspective on Astrology

Throughout history, man has taken what was established by God and perverted it into the complete opposite. God has said only through Him can we find redemption; man has said we must earn our own redemption to see God. God has said there is no other gods besides Him; man has said there are many gods, and we ourselves may attain to godhood if we work hard. Astrology is no different.

To use modern terms, Astronomy is the secular side of the science, while astrology is the religious side. All arithmetic and astronomic sciences came from Babylon to Egypt, then from Egypt to Greece. It is only natural that, while importing the secular sciences, they would also import the religious sciences, since these sciences were controlled by the priests.

Below is the "genealogy" of the gods, which descended from Babylon.

Breakdown of the gods.

Cush, the son of Ham and the father of Nimrod, married his sister Semiramis. With her, he established the city of Babyl and, through the coaxing of Semiramis, prompted the people to worship God by building a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth. Nimrod was born during this time.

At this time the whole world had one language and a common speech. Close to the completion of the tower, God confounded the language of the people so that they could not understand one another.
Cush is derived from the letters kaph, vaw, shin, and would appear like khawosh. Shin is often interchangeable with sin and the vaw can be dropped without changing the meaning or pronunciation of the word, which gives us khaos, the god of confusion and the god of interpretation.
Cush is the leader who caused the confusion of languages, and the prophet or interpreter of the gods. The name Cush is synonymous with the name Chaos, which means confusion.
In Babylon he was known as Bel, the Confounder, the messenger and interpreter of the gods. When this religion moved to Greece, he would be called Hermes, which means son of the burnt one, (Ham). Her is the Egyptian word for Ham, and Mes is the Egyptian word for son of. Hermes is synonymous with Hephaestus, The Scatterer, (from peretz: to disperse, scatter). In Rome his name would change to Mercury.

Nimrod (His name is commonly derived from mered: to rebel, but this presents a problem as it signifies he who is rebelled against. It is more likely derived from nimr: a leopard, and rad: to subdue.) grew in stature and strength to become a mighty hunter and warrior. With his mother, Semiramis, he overthrew his father, Cush, and became the first king of Babylon, under the name Ninus, The Son, from nin: son. He married his mother, and once deified, he would become Cronus, from qeren: horn, The Horned One, his mother would become Rhea, The Gazer. Horns were a symbol of physical power and thus a ruler.

Another name for him was Tammus, The Lamented One, with his wife/mother Ashtarte or Ishtar, The Woman That Built Towers. In Egypt he would become Osiris, from he-siri: The Seed, with his wife Isis from h'isha: The Woman. Both his role as a husband and as a son were emphasized in all the mystery religions.

In Persia, under the assumed identity of Noah, Nimrod would be called Dagon with his wife Derketo.

In Greece he would again be known as Cronus with his wife Rhea. They would also be known as Zeus, the reincarnated Nimrod as son of Cronus and Rhea, and his wife Hera. Their son's name would be Ares, god of war. Semiramis would also be known as Maia, who would be the mother of Apollo and Hermes; and Cybele, the mother of Deoius. Nimrod, as the husband of Cybele would be known as Janus.

In Rome Cush in the role of husband to Semiramis would be known as Saturn, The Hidden One, and she would be known as Ops, The Flutter, (Ge 1:2). Nimrod, as Jupiter, would dethrone his father and marry his mother then known as Juno, The Dove. Their son would be called Mars (from Bab: mar or mavor: the rebel). Semiramis would also be known as Maia (Jupiter's wife), who would be the mother of Mercury.

After his death, Nimrod became god of the underworld and was called Vulcan, his wife was known as Venus, and their son was Cupid. Ninus, The Seed, who would become Mars, The Rebel, would also be known as Bacchus, which means weeping from bakhah: to weep, and Dionysus, The Sin Bearer (from d'ion-nuso-s).

For further study on this topic, consult the book The Two Babylons by Rev. Alexander Hislop. Also used in this report were the books: The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, by R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer, Jr. and Bruce K. Waltke. Microsoft Encarta'95, for Windows. The Bible Library, Ver. 3.1 vs, special edition at www.valu-soft.com.
