Mike Owens
I believe in the One Ever Living, Eternal God: infinite in power, holy in nature, attributes and purpose; and possessing absolute, indivisible deity. This One True God has revealed Himself in separate and distinct forms as Father in authority, as Son in redemption and as the Holy Spirit in power; three separate and distinct individuals, originating from the same absolute indivisible essence.It has been said that the most sincere form of flattery is imitation. Many good artist throughout history have attempted to paint copies of the great Masters such as Rembrandt, Van Goch, Michelangelo. Many offices, schools, and homes throughout the country have copies of these great artist's works adorning their walls, but each was purchased and displayed as a copy.
. To be counterfeit means what is done as a copy of the original is presented as the original; it is an imitation of what is genuine with the intent to defraud. What must always be remembered though, is that where there is a counterfeit, there must be an original. Members of the Treasury Department learn to detect counterfeit currency by examining and becoming very familiar with the real currency. So it is in the study of doctrines. To learn to detect counterfeit doctrines, you must first be very familiar with the real doctrines. When it comes to the Trinity doctrine, there are two main views:
When this imitation is applied in a negative fashion, the result is termed counterfeit
1) the Old Testament teaches there is but one God and the teaching of the Trinity is purely contrived from the New Testament by the misuse of Scripture.No matter what your personal belief is on this topic, you will fall under one of these statements. This is not just a Christian doctrine, as will be brought out in what follows, but can be traced through most of the religions in the world today. For instance: Simeon Ben Leviticus, a well known and distinguished Jewish scholar of the past wrote:
2) the Old Testament definitely teaches there is but one God and He has a triune nature. Not three gods working as one, but one God in three distinct personages.Come and see the mystery of the word Elohim; there are three degrees and each degree by itself alone, and yet not withstanding they are all one and joined together in one, and are not divided from each other1This language is similar in meaning to many of the more liberal doctrinal statements made on the word elohim. Many who hold to the Trinity doctrine can not fully grasp this teaching in any other form then to say "Yes, there is but one God, but this one God occasionally represents Himself in various forms or manifestations to better convey His message to the people He is talking to.". In other words, God is not smart enough to communicate with man on his level without resorting to misleading deception.
Every false doctrine, every misapplied truth, every major religious group in existence today originated in Babylon with Nimrod and his mother/wife Semiramis. Originally, there was God and man. God gave to man His revealed knowledge, which man then wrote down. What developed is known as the Torah. This was also the initial sorce for the Koran through Ishmael. But, somewhere along the line, things went bad. In every bushel of apples you have a bad one. In Genesis 10:8, 9 we read:Now Cush became the father of Nimrod; he became a mighty one upon the earth. He was a mighy hunter before the Lord; therefore it is said: Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the Lord.Ham was the third son of Noah and he was the father of Cush. Ham, in the original language means The Burnt One or The Burning One. Right after the Flood Ham shows his true colors by an act of disrespect towards his father. It is evident that the offence was greater then merely making fun of his father by the curse given to his son Canaan. The flaw in his character was far more of a spiritual flaw that would go against the righteousness of his father. Many believe that this flaw took the form of incest with his mother while Noah slept in a drunken stupor (see note on Semiramis).
If the original is flawed, so shall all copies from it be flawed. So it is with Cush. In its original Chaldee Cush is legitimately pronounced khawos2, and the first "father" of the gods we discover was called Chaos, the god of confusion. Cush declared himself a prophet of The Only One and assuming the name of Hermes (which means Son of The Burnt One"), became The Interpreter of The Gods3. He founded a city in the plains of Shinar that the people might not be scattered throughout the world (in direct defience to what God had said).Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. As men moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. They said to each other, "come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly". They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth".Perhaps in resentment for the harshness God showed towards his father when He cursed Ham's youngest son Canaan, perhaps in sympathy for his youngest brother, or perhaps in the same corrupt desire to be "like God" that Satan had, by the time Nimrod was born Cush had developed a plan by which the suffocating religion of his "righteous" uncle could be replaced by his own. He would carefully nurture his son of rebellion in this new religion, and thereby rule the world through him. In direct violation to the command of God, Cush persuaded the people to establish one place where they could all dwell together to worship their god and there to build a great tower to better observe the messages of their god written in the stars. Thus Cush founded the city which confused the languages of men, and scattered them abroad, Babyl. But it would be his son Nimrod that would make the city world renowned.
Nimrod4 was a black man of great stature and immense bodily powers. He was also a charismatic statesman, and the two qualities would combine to make him a most formidable foe. As all the tribes created by the confusion of the tongues gathered in their own little groups, Nimrod trained a powerful army in the hardships of war and went out to conquer these groups, ever expanding his kingdom. Eventually his glory as a mighty warrior would become his glory as deified man5. But a king must have a queen. Nimrod took as his queen Semiramis (sammu-ramat)6, a most beautiful and sensuous woman known for her infidelities and licentiousness.. As Nimrod under the name of Kronos would be The Father Of The Gods, so Semiramis under the name Rhea would be The Mother Of The Gods.
Not all of Noah's sons would turn out like Ham, his older brother Shem followed in the righteous footsteps of Noah and his righteous blood line would eventually lead to Christ. Hearing of his great-nephew's rebellion, it is said he killed Nimrod, cutting up his body and sending it throughout his kingdom as a warning to all who would follow after his example, thus driving the religion underground and creating the Mystery Religions7. After Nimrod was finally killed, his wife Semiramis became pregnant. Being an unmarried queen, she could not be caught in such a position, so she did what only a goddess-queen could do; she proclaimed that Nimrod, known as Kronos, The Father Of The Gods had willingly given up his own life in atonement for the sins of the people, and the child within her now was none other then Nimrod himself, under the name Ninus8, or The Seed, come back to life. This is a clear indication that the intent behind Nimrod's imitaion was neither sincere nor flattering. His soul intent was to be God himself. The religion established by Nimrod and his mother/wife Semiramis was centered around The Only One.
In Deuteronomy 6:4 we read:Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:In Isaiah 66:17 we read:
Those who consecrate and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following the one in the midst of those who eat the flesh of pigs, and rats and other abominable things, they shall meet their end together, declares the Lord.
The word for one is 'ehad (h is a hard "H" sound like clearing the back of your throat), and is closely related to the word yahad, to be united. It stresses unity or oneness while still recognizing diversity within that oneness. This concept can be seen clearly in the many uses of the word 'ehad. For example, Exodus 25:6,11 and 36:13 speaks of the curtains of the tabernacle which are joined together to form one unit. Another example of this unified diversity is seen in Genesis 2:24, a very familiar verse which speaks of God bringing the woman to Adam and the two becoming one flesh, which includes much more then mere sexual unity. In the King James Bible (KJV) in the verse we read earlier from Isaiah we have the phrase behind one tree. However, the original has nothing in it signifying tree (hence the brackets in the KJV), yet it seems evident that it should be there to give the verse proper meaning. But when we consider that the word for behind 'ahar means to stay or linger behind, or to delay or to wait, and that the one 'ehad should be taken as a name, we end up with They that sanctify and purify themselves in the gardens waiting on The One in the midst, this will go a long way in showing the belief of only One God as taught throughout the Old Testament. In the unity of that one Only God there were three persons. Though each was separate and distinct in themselves, yet were they together One, their symbol was that of an equilateral triangle; three separate and distinct sides equal in all respects, yet together forming one complete entity. Another of the emblems of this ancient doctrine from Assyria was an old man within a circle resting upon a set of wings and tail of a bird9. The old man represented God the Father, The Ancient One. The circle is the hieroglyphic symbol of The Son or The Seed. The wings and tail of the bird is derived from Genesis 1:2 where it is said: And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
The word for moved is rahad, and means to hover over like a mother hen, to flutter. This can be seen in the only other use of this word in the Bible, De 32:11:As an eagle that stirs up its nest, that hovers over its young, He spread His wings and caught them, He carried them on His pinions.The verse very clearly states that it is the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of God which is hovering over the waters, therefore it is evident that the wings and tail are symbolic of the Holy Spirit. It was through this great apostate religion created in Babylon that the character of the Holy Spirit was corrupted into the form of the Queen of Heaven10, The Mother of The Gods.
This triune nature of their god can be seen throughout the ancient world. For instance" in Babylon we have Kronos, Rhea, and Ninus; in Egypt we have ; is Rome we have Saturn, Fortuna and Jupiter; in India we have Isi, and Iswara where it is evident that the son and the husband are one and the same). All of these emanating from The Only One.Where did this triune nature of their god come from? The answer must be from the originators of the human race, Adam and Eve. God created man in His image. In Genesis we read:
And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. So God created man in His image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.In the original Hebrew, the phrase in His image corresponds with the phrase in Our image of the first verse. Therefore a fair reading would be So God created man in their image, implying a triune nature of God, which would be further strengthened by the triune nature of man; body, soul and spirit.
God communed with the man He created before the fall, and afterwards, identifying Himself in terms which conveyed His triune nature. Terms like In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth, Jehovah Elohim the self existent One, Let Us make man in Our image, man has become as one of Us. After the fall of man, this triune nature of God was passed down to each new generation, finally being corrupted by Nimrod and applied to himself. In support of this belief we will now study the various verses throughout the Old Testament which clearly show or strongly imply this triune nature of God.Foot Notes
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