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Jellicle Cats Are Black and White

By: Moonbeamdancer

Kitty Kibbles- This is the 1st CATS story I ever wrote. I called myself Mina in this one. I wrote this as a short story for English, so it may not match up with my other stories. And it's MINE!! So don't use it unless you ask first. Mail me at

Mina woke up and streached. "Maybe I should go out and look around." she thought as she jumped down off the sofa. Flicking her tail she went into the kitchen. After she ate, she went outside. Her owner was washing the car. "Meow." she said as she rubbed agaist her owner's leg. "Hi Lighting." she said as she rubbed Mina's head. Mina ran off into the bushes. She poked around the 'hood seeing what was what. "Look at the kitty!" she heard. "All black, with a lighting bolt & WHOA! A blue eye and a gold eye!" Mina got her pets and took off. Suddenly she smelled another cat. "Who ever you are, come out NOW!" she hissed. "Whoa calm down." said a gray stripped tabby. "Who are you?' she asked. "My name is Munkustrap. I just wanted to welcome you the neiborhood." Mina came up and started sniffing him. "You live in the house of an old friend. Her name was Jennylyn." hecontinued holding still so he wouldn't scare Mina. Mina stopped in mid-sniff. "Jennylyn?! My mother's name was Jennylyn!" she exclaimed. "What did your mother look like?" Munkustrap asked highly suspecting that they were talking about the same cat. "She was black and white & she had SOME magic powers. My dad was Midnight, he was black all over with a white diamond on his chest & VERY strong powers, if that helps" Munkustrap nodded his head. "Yep, that's them. And you're thier daughter..." he said trailing off 'caude he didn't know her name. "Oh, it's Mina." she replied. "Mina, did your mother tell you about the Jellicles?" he questioned. Mina shook her head.. "Come with me." he said They walked to the Junk Yard.

"Where are we?" asked Mina. "The Junk Yard." Munkustrap saw a black and white cat running up to them. "Hi Mistoffelees. Misto, this is Mina. She's Jennylyn's and Midnight's daughter. Why don't you show her around." he said picking up on the vibes between the two of them. "Sorry Munk, what did you say?" Misto asked using Munkustrap's nick name. Misto was staring at Mina so hard that he blanked out on eveything EXCEPT her name. "He said that he wanted you to show me around Misto." said Mina."Well come on then." Misto said. "Ok. This is the Junk Yard." Misto said waving his paw around. "Nice." Mina said admiring the monds of garbage, trash and other asorted things. Misto laughed. But he blushed at the same time 'cause he liked Mina. "And she knew it. "Hey Misto!" someone yelled. "Who's the new girl?" "Hey Tugger." called Misto. A cat with a ruff like a lion's, leapord spots at the wrist, ankles, and on his chest, and black everywhere else, ran up to Misto. "Tugger, this is Mina. Mina this is Rum Tum Tugger. But everyone calls him Tugger." said Misto as he concluded intros. "Hey," said Tugger, thinking he could win over Mina. "let me show you around." She gave Tugger a look. "Thanks but I'm with Misto." she replied having no idea how true the words would end up later. "Suite yourself." Tugger said and walked off. "What's up with him?" she asked Misto "You blew him off. Only TWO other cats have done that." Misto showed her the rest of the Junk Yard & introdued her to the other cats. At the end of the day, Mina decided to go. "Well Misto it was fun." She gave him a lick on the cheek. " See ya later! Tell Old Deuteronomy I'll think about being a Jellicle." as she ran home. "Ok, bye!" called Misto still in a daze that she kissed him.

As the days went on Misto and Mina got closer. They soon realized that they had fallen totaly & compleatly in love with eachother. They were soon married. Mina was walking to the Junk Yard, she had to find Misto, she had great news. She was going to have kittens. She had already told Munkustrap & Old Dueteronomy. She saw Misto talking to Munkustrap's mate Demeter. "Hey guys." They said hi back. "Misto, I got something to tell you." she whispered in his ear. When Mina told him, his eye's just about dropped out of his head. Demeter looked at him questionly? "What's wrong?" she asked. "Nothing wrong." he said "Mina's gonna have kittens." he finished slightly stuned. Demeter yelled yahoo & ran off to tell the others. Everyone congradulated them & wished them luck.

Mina was walking home, even though Misto had asked her to stay behind. "Well, Well, Well." said a voice. "Look at the mother to be." A ginger cat dropped out from above Mina. "Macavity." she growled. He chuckled deep in his thoat. "I want those kittens Mina." he growled "You aren't getting them with out a fight!" Mina hissed back unsheathing her claws. "Oh really?" asked Macavity, waving his paw, in front of her, freezing her. Mina tried to move, but couldn't. Her last thoughts before Macavity's hench-rats knocked her out were of Misto.

The next day Misto asked if anyone had seen Mina. No one had. Misto freaked. He ran over to Old Deuteronomy & Munkustrap. "I thnk something wrong with Mina. I haven't seen her all day. Plus I keep getting the feeling that something wrong." Suddenly a voice boomed out. "You'll never see Mina again she & the kittens are mine." boomed Macavity. Misto growled. "I should of know." he hissed. "Get a search party ready." Munkustrap said to Alonzo, who was closest and heard. Soon a search party was ready. They soon reached Macavity's layer. "Ok, Alonzo, Pounciveable, Tugger, Mungojerrie, and Frisky take this side. Me, Demeter, Munkustrap, Rumpleteazer, and Etcetera will go in the front." said Misto. They charged into Macavity's layer. "Where is she?!?" Misto hissed grabbing Macavity by his neck. "You're too late Mistoffelees!! She's already dead and the kittens are mine!!" Macavity smirked. "You LIER!" Misto shouted and threw Macavity across the room & proceeded to rain some lighting bolts on his head. "Misto!! Help!!" he heard Mina scream. By this time the fighting was over. Misto teleported to where Mina was. "Mina what is it?" he cried. She didn't need to answer, he already knew the kittens were here. Four of them. One black with a star on her chest, one all white, a girl, one all black, a boy, & one black and white, another boy. ALL MAGICAL. But this wouldn't show up for a while. Misto teleported himself, the kittens, & Mina back to the Junk Yard.

"We need to name them." "I know how about Victoria for the white one, Star for the one with a star, Nightshade for thr black one & Patchy for the black and white one." Mina suggested. Misto agreed. "Hey! Can we see the kittens already?" yelled Rumpleteazer and Mungojerrie. Misto let them in two at a time. "Meet Victoria, Star, Nightshade, and Patchy." he said. Everyone congratulated them on the kittens, And they lived happily everafter.

The End.