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It was the night after the Jellicle Ball and all was quiet in the Jellicle Junkyard. Coricopat and Tantomile, and Mistoffelees were the only ones there at the time. Munkustrap and the Jellicles whom didn't have homes had gone to Victoria Grove to celebrate the birthday of Teazer's human and the few house cats had gone home for the night. Mistoffelees lay on the trunk of the old Ford, his head resting on his paws thoughtfully. He had been utterly bored this morning for three different reasons. His unlce, Bustopher Jones hadn't shown up to take Mistoffelees to one of his many clubs, as he had promised, and Victoria had been preoccupied with the other female kittens and the Tugger. The third he hadn't wanted to tell anyone, not even admit himself but strangly enough his powers weren't working. He had tried for three or four hours before giving up, but the rescue of Old Duetoronomy had taken all of his magic, or most of it any way. This was only a thoery as to his lack of Magic abilities but he had the hunch that this was why.

Lost in his thoughts, though, Mistoffelees didn't notice the shadowy figure of a maddened, wounded Macavity. Atleast, Misto didn't notice him until somone landed on his back and began digging his claws into Misto's back. Reacting merely on surprise Misto tried to shake off the larger cat and finally succeeded in knocking him to the ground. Then using the momentary deversion, he leaped off the hood of the ford and hit the ground running, but he managed to glance behind him only to see 6pds of red, mangy fur barreling down on him. As he ran Misto wondered why he hadn't been able to sense the evil cat before it was too late, glancing back agian misto pushed the urgent question to the back of his mind and concentrated on the current problem. Leaping over the junyard fence Misto ran hard out of the alley leading to the junkyard, where, he realized, he had spent almost his entire life. Suddenly the alley broke into the open street. Choosing to go left, Misto ran faster, the scratches on his back now beginning to annoy him. About 5 min. later after having lost the Hidden Paw, or so it seemed he had lost Macavity, Mistoffelees slowed his pace to a walk and headed towards a open wharf. He didn't know why but this seemed like the place for him to go. 2 seconds later he regretted his choice. It only took that long for Macavities hench cats to completely sorround the small Jellicle.

snickering, one of the smaller cats, walked up to the helpless Tom and slapped him across the face, "I heard Jellicles were small, but this rugrat is pathetic, I don't see what it is Macavity see's in him!" Angered by this Mistoffelees struck out at the stray but the small fray only ended in another sharp slap across the face and the restraint from two other cats. "Alright, "the tom called to the other followers, "Let's get Mister Fleees here in the slammer before Macavity gets back." Mistofellees winced at the nickname but said nothing, of course what was there to say. He had no idea what was going on or why he had to be the center of so much unwanted attention. Turning the magical cat,the small leader spoke in a whisper, "And if we have any problems from you, guess who will be the newest addition to a strign cortet!" With that the Tom slammed a metal pipe into MIsto's scull, knocking him unconcious.

When Mistoffelees awoke his head was spinning and he nearly dropped back into unconciosness at the sight of Munkustrap standing over him. Trying to sit up Misto gazed at the rest of the Jellicle tribe and realized that he was still in Macavity's lair. Then what was the tribe doing with him!? Alarmed Misto tried to ask Munkustrap somthing but was silenced when Munkustrap suddenly whirled to the door of the room they were in. Macavity stood there silently watching the small cats and the battered Mystical cat. "So, you're awake?" Macavity walked slowly towards Misto, sweeping the frightened Queens and young Toms away with a gaze. All but Munkustrap retreated to the corners of the room. Silently, carefully, Misto sat up on the layer of towels then after a few minutes, stood to his full hight which was barely taller then Macavity's shoulders. Noticing this Macavity ssnickered to himself but said nothing. Instead he circled the two cats, like a dog about to attack some unsuspecting prey. Finally Mistoffelees spoke, breaking the silence and, apperently, Macavity's concentration.

"What do you want with us?" his voice was barely a whisper, but the divident air about it caused Macavity to stop his pacing and look the cat strait in the face. "I want you and your tribe to surrendor to me and bring me your leader. If not I will kill you!" then he turned his back to Misto and Munku, heading for the door. Suddenly he whirled around and caught the frightened Victoria by the arm. Pulling her close he placed one hand around her waist, the other around her neck and spoke with vengance. "IF you don't surrender now she will be the first to go!" To enhance his point he began to dig a claw into her skin. Tears welled up in Victoria's eyes as a trickle of red ran down her neck staining her pure white fur. Unable to stand seeing his secret love hurt by anyone, Misto gathered his strenght, aimed a finger and hoped that his powers had returned. Amazingly a bolt of electricity shot from his paw and Macavity released Victoria. Weak, from the trick, yet happy to have Victoria out of danger, Misto remained standing as best he could.

Victoria ran to him throwing her arms around him, then turmed to see what had become of Macavity. But all she saw was the slam of the door, as Macavity stalked out. As soon as the footsteps had recedded down the hall the small group of Jellicles, (which Misto had begun to realize wasn't the complete tribe,)crowded in around Mistoffelees and Munkustrap, asking if each were ok, and congratulating Misto on the trick when in utter frustration, Mistoffelees called out, "Leave me alone!!" All was quiet in the small room and for once, since he had awoken, Misto noticed the scratches and bruises many of the cats had, as if they had been in battle. Munkustrap, glanced at the other cats, then shooed them away, Munkustrap was about to leave himself when Misto ffelees spoke. "Please, Munkustrap. I . . . I am sorry, could you please tell me what is going on here?" Mistoffelees nearly sank into the floor as if he were ashamed of asking this question. Munkustrap smiled kindly at the Tom and crept over to him, as if the other's were sleeping. But a quick glance around confirmed that some of them were trying to get some rest. "Mistoffelees, frankly none of us know anymore then you. As Macavity may have done with you, he and his henchcats took us by surprise over at Victoria Grove and brought us here. We haven't seen any other Jellicles other than you and the Tugger!" Alarmed Misto gazed around the room searching for the feline elvis but couldn't locate him. Then from above came a soft, familiar voice. "It's ok, I'm up here." Gazing up Misto saw the Tugger none the worse for wear laying atop a chest of drawers. He too had battle marks but they looked less suvear then the others' in the group. Alowing himself to smile, the tugger leaped down and landed next to Misto. "So how you doing, furball?" The tugger's question, on a normal bases would have been a nucense but now, Misto didn't quite mind the nickname nor the obvis question. "So what are we supposed to do?" Misto asked glancing up at Munkustrap. Shrugging Munkustrap answered,"Wait. I guess."

At the junkyard, Coricopat, Jenny Any Dots, Tantomile, and Jellyorum. Paced impatiently. Mistopeaka, a young Queen whom had joined the tribe a few days before the Jellicle Ball, sat still on the tire musing at the estless cats below her and occasionally meowed about wanting breakfast. Already Jellyorum and Mumma Jenny, her care taker, had already told her to be quiet and think of ways to get the tribe back, but she had simply more important things to do. Tantomile, a magical cat, suddenly looked up sensing a black aura.(Definiton of aura, the soul our reflectiong of a cats soul projecting wether one is good(White) or bad(Black).)Emediately she hissed and cried otu Macavity. The lone cats fled thorugh the pipe and beyond to the chamber, usually used for births or newborn care. As soon as the aura had passed Tantomile causiosly sniffed the air, then she and her brother stepped out of their hiding spot and shot wary glances around the junkyard. Finally they decided all was clear and Jenny and Jelly crawled out as well. Peak had decided to stay in the room for this was a new part of the junkyard she had not yet explored. Suddenly a breathless Tom, about the age of the Tugger and about as handsome looking, streaked into the Junkyard skidding to a halt in front of Jelly Tantomile. "MAcavity . . . got . . . tribe . . . in . . . lair . . . dock . ..!!!" The cat breathlessly tried to relay his urgent message but failed and after a few more helpless breaths he collapsed unconcious at the Gumbie Cat's feet!

(To be continued . . .)