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"Father, let me come with you. I want to see what you do all day." Macavity was standing in front of he’s father who was about to leave. He was planning an attack on the Jellicles at the next Jellicle Ball. "Alright as long as you promise not to get in the way." Exceon growled. "I promise," Macavity lied.


Demeter quickly crossed the street to the alley she called home. She turned the corner and saw the box she had found to sleep in. She had no luck on trying to catch her dinner. "Oh well I guess I won’t starve", she said to no one. She layed down in her box and tried to fall asleep. * I miss my brother and sister so much. * she thought to herself. She finally found a comfortable position. Then she began to dream.

"Demeter," a familiar voice called. "I’m coming," Demeter called back. She was hunting a big rat that was hiding behind a trashcan. * Calioto will be proud,* she thought to herself, * this will feed us for a week! * "Demeter," another voice called. "Just hold on", she called back. But when she turned her attention back on the rat, it was gone. * Darn! * she thought. She started to head back over towards the voices. "You made me loose our dinner!" she called as she rounded the corner. "Demeter," the first voice called as the figure stepped into the light. "Calioto?" Demeter could see him clearly now. He kept walking towards her. "Demeter," the second voice she had heard called. Demeter looked over Calioto’s shoulder to see Salretra walking towards her as well. Demeter saw that she had no expression on her face. "Demeter," Calioto called once again. "I’m here, Calioto, I’m right here," she said softly. She saw that his face, too, contained no expression. "What’s going on?" she asked Calioto. Calioto stepped up to her. "Demeter," he said as he gave her a warm hug. Demeter felt so safe when she was with him. Then he whispered in her ear, "I’ll always love you." Then suddenly she felt his body change. He grew taller and broader. Demeter tried to pull back but he had her in a tight grip. She screamed as he dug his claws into her shoulders. Lighting flashed and it began to rain heavily. Demeter finally freed herself from his grasp and looked into his face, expecting tosee Calioto, but then she screamed another time, but not out of pain, but of anger, surprise, and fear. Before stood not Calioto but Exceon. He had a nasty look on his face his eyes were flaming red. She looked behind him to see Salretra. She tried to call to her but before Demeter could, Salretra too started to change. Demeter starred in horror as her beloved sister melted away to revel Macavity. Demeter turned and started to run away but Exceon grabbed her arm. She turned and saw him raise his hand and slash her across the face. Demeter fell against the wall now they had her cornered. She watched as Macavity stepped up. His eyes to were flaming red too. He gave a great roar as he pulled back his hand for the fatal blow. Lighting flashed once again just as Demeter screamed. But, it wasn’t her who had screamed.

Demeter suddenly woke up from the nightmare. Tears were streaming down her face. Then she realized it was raining. Demeter heard another scream. She jumped up and rushed down the alleyway. She turned the corner and gasped. It was Exceon who had screamed. A big fierce looking Pollicle had him cornered. Thunder crashed. Then something caught her eye. Macavity was there standing on the side and he had a smile on his face. Something inside her knew, but she couldn’t think of that now. She started to call for help but then stopped. Images were flashed before her eyes: she saw Salretra’s dead face, the face she had loved, she also saw Calioto fighting Exceon, she saw Calioto, her dear brother, die in her arms, she saw herself vowing to kill Exceon for what he had done to her family but mostly, she remembered her dream. Exceon screamed again, waking her from her trance. The Pollicle barked and rushed toward him. Demeter’s head was filled with questions. * Should I save him? The cat who killed my family? Or should I let the Pollicle kill him and let it do my dirtywork? * But it turned out she didn’t have to decide. Everything happened at once. The Pollicle leaped. Exceon screamed. Macavity mouthed yes! She quickly turned her head to spare herself from the sight of her own revenge.

To be continued
