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Family Reunion

By Lisa

Part One

"That was a good show," thought Blue Bell as she climbed down from the theater rafters. Carefully weaving her way between the shifting legs of the exiting people she slipped out of the theater without incident and headed towards the junkyard. "I hope dad doesn't find out that I sneaked into town without permission. Jellylorum's lectures are bad enough but if daddy catches wind of this I won't be able to sit for a week," she worried. The little Jellicle was so deep in thought that she failed to see the Doberman coming up behind her. The dog would have gotten her if a boy passing by hadn't stopped and cried "Hey look mommy, that dog is going to get that little orange cat." Blue Bell didn't bother to look behind her, she trusted her instincts and leaped forward as far as she could. As soon as she did so something large landed on the spot where she had stood. Terrified she took off running, nimbly dodging people and other obstacles in her way. Behind her Blue Bell heard angry shouts from people as the dog bumped into them in its hurry to catch her. Despite its clumsiness the dog was getting closer and BlueBell was getting tired. Desperate to get away she raced into an ally, hopping to find a dumpster or trash can to hide in. No such luck, the ally was completely empty of everything except an old, rusty fire escape hanging on the wall. Unfortunately the lower part of it was missing and BlueBell was much to frightened to concentrate on levitating herself up onto it. Trapped she pressed her back against, bared her small teeth threateningly and hissed at the slowly approaching dog. The dog was no impressed by her bluff and bared its teeth in response. Suddenly a large black and orange stripped cat with a thick mane A large black and orange cat with a thick mane dropped from above and landed between the dog and BlueBell. The stranger narrowed his golden eyes at the stunned dog and bared his teeth "How about taking me on mutt," he challenged. Outraged that such a puny creature would dare threaten it the dog lunged, its jaws gapping wide. The stranger was ready and leaped straight up into the air at the last minute. Before the dog realized what was happening the cat landed on its back, claws bared. With a loud yelp of pain and surprise the dog started jumping around, thrashing wildly as it tried to shake off its attacker. The cat though refused to be shaken off and dug its claws into the dog, nipping it hard on the back of its neck. The dog then rolled onto the ground and tried to crush the cat but the cat simply jumped off, smacked it smartly on the nose and quickly jumped back on as the dog rolled back onto its paws. Maddened by the pain the dog stumbled over to a wall and slammed itself against it, hopping to knock off the stubborn cat. Seeing what was coming the cat quickly jumped off and the dog ended up slamming its head and shoulder hard against the stone wall. There was a loud "Crack" and the dog dropped onto its belly, stunned. Seeing that it had had enough the cat walked over and stood nose to nose with the dog "OK mutt, have you had enough or shall we dance some more," he said pleasantly, waving a clawed paw in front of its eyes. Understanding the threat the dog climbed to its paws and ran wobbly out of the ally, its tail between its legs. Giving his claws a satisfied lick the strange cat turned to a gaping BlueBell "Are you all right kitten? What are you doing in this part of the city all by yourself?" he asked. BlueBell smiled shyly at him "I'm OK, I was on my way home from the theater when that dog started chasing me. Thanks for helping me, you where great. My name is BlueBell," she said. The stranger smiled "It's a pleasure to meet you BlueBell, I'm Malicite. Excuse me for asking but are you a Jellicle?" he said. BlueBell nodded "Yeah, are you?" she asked. Malicite nodded and BlueBell started jumping around happily "I knew it, now you can come home with me and meet my tribe. We live in the junkyard though some have humans that they stay with sometimes like my parents do. I stay mostly in the junkyard, there's more room to run and play," she said, all in one breath. Malicite rubbed the back of his head uncertainly "I don't know BlueBell, I'm on the trail of a cat that I think lives here. It's real important that I find him," he said. BlueBell wrinkled her nose at him "You don't have to stay with us forever, you can but you don't have to. Maybe I can help you find this cat you're looking for. What's his name?" she insisted. Malicite shook his head "No catling, the cat I'm after is very dangerous. Trust me, you wouldn't want to meet him," he said. BlueBell was about to protest when a large shadow fell over them. The two Jellicles turned to find the Doberman Malicite fought standing in the ally entranceway. On either side of it stood a bulldog and a shaggy black mutt. Malicite grinned "Well, it looks like our friend here is smarter then I thought. Three against two is hardly fair odds, I certainly can't beat them. That means only one thing, it's time to split," he said, pressing himself against a shaking BlueBell. Seeing their prey trapped and seemingly helpless the three dogs charged. Keeping his eyes on the fast approaching dogs Malicite leaned close to Bluebell's ear "Brace yourself and don't be scared," he whispered. BlueBell didn't even have time to wonder what he meant when she suddenly found herself shooting up into the air and onto a broken fire escape. When her head had stopped swimming BlueBell turned to Malicite in awe "Wow you're good. I can levitate too but not this good. I'm still learning how to focus. If I concentrate really hard I can lift up Bustofer Jones for about two minutes," she said. Malicite nodded and looked down at the barking dogs "Well it looks like I will be going with you to your junkyard little one. Since walking is out of the question we'll have to travel like the birds do," he said, giving her a wink. Bluebell's big green eyes grew even bigger with excitement "You mean we're going to fly?" she asked eagerly. Malicite chuckled and ruffled her ears playfully "Yes catling we are going to take to the sky, so to speak. Stay close to me and jump when I do. OK, on the count of three, 1, 2, 3 JUMP," he cried. Together the two Jellicles leaped off the fire escape and soared gracefully up to the roof of the building. As soon as her paws touched solid ground BlueBell ran to the roof edge and looked at the city below in wonder "Wow are we high. Hey I can see the junkyard from here," she said. Malicite walked over besides her, the breeze whipping through his mane "Looks pretty far away. Good thing there are lots of tall building between here and there, that way we can glide from rooftop to rooftop instead of nonstop flying," he said. BlueBell looked up at him "You're going to stick around aren't you? I need you to help me explain things," she pleaded. Malicite rolled his golden eyes and sighed "All right BlueBell you win, I'll meet your tribe but just for tonight. Come sunrise tomorrow I must go," he said. BlueBell beamed "Thanks Malicite," she said, rubbing her head against his shoulder. Malicite smiled "No problem, Well we better get going, remember to jump on the count of 3. Ready, 1, 2, 3 JUMP."

The stars where just beginning to appear in the sky when Malicite and BlueBell got to the junkyard. Malicite looked around skeptically "This place looks deserted," he observed, turning to the kitten. BlueBell shook her head "Don't worry, we'll bump into someone eventually. Come on I'll show you around," she said, curling her tail around his front leg and tugging. Malicite grinned at her in amusement and allowed himself to be pulled into the junkyard. They hadn't gone far when a sleek black shadowy figure materialized in front of them. "Well, well, look at what the wind blew in." the shadow said merrily. BlueBell narrowed her eyes at it "Mr. Mistoffelees? Is that you?" she asked uncertainly. The shadowy figure stepped closer to them, revealing a startling white face and chest "The one and only," he said with a grin. BlueBell turned to Malicite "Mr. Mistoffelees is the original conjuring cat? He knows a lot about magic. Mr. Mistoffelees this is Malicite, he found me and saved me from a huge dog and then brought me home by levitation. He's really good," she said all in one breath. Mistoffelees regarded Malicite curiously "Really, how very interesting. Telekinesis is a rare power in Jellicles. Dose it run in your family?" he asked. Malicite looked away uncomfortably "Only my father," he said reluctantly. Seeing that he didn't want to talk about it Mistoffelees dropped the subject and turned to BlueBell "Speaking of fathers yours has been searching high and low for you all over the city for you. It took me and Coricopat a good two hours to convince him that you where all right. He's very worried," he said, giving her a meaningful look. BlueBell ducked her head shamefully "I know, how is my mom taking it," she asked in a low voice. Mistoffelees face softened a little "She doesn't know. Your human family took her and your brothers to the vet. It turned out your sister has a slight ear infection. The humans are keeping her in the house and your mother is with her. Now go find your father before he has a fit or something," he said. BlueBell sighed "OK, OK I'll go face the music. Come on Malicite, maybe if he meets you he'll go easier on me," she said. Mistoffelees nudged her gently with a paw "Go on BlueBell, I want to talk to Malicite alone. We'll be right behind you," he said. The kitten nodded and quickly padded away while Mistoffelees and Malicite followed at a slower pace. "So do you have some place to go or are you going to stay around here?" asked Mistoffelees, breaking the silence. Malicite glanced over at him "I don't really know. I am searching for a cat that I think lives in this city. I have no home or tribe," he replied. Mistoffelees draped his tail across Malicite's back "Well you do now. After what you did for BlueBell I'm sure Munkustrap will insist that you stay with us," he said confidently. Malicite stopped dead in his tracks and whirled on Mistoffelees "Did you say Munkustrap? He lives here?" he demanded. Mistoffelees nodded "Yes, he guides the tribe when our leader is not here. He is also Bluebell's father. Do you know him?" he said, looking at him curiously. Malicite flattened his ears "You could say that. Me and him go back a long ways," he said tensely. Mistoffelees was about to question him further when the sound of arguing reached them. Cocking his ears in the direction of the voices Mistoffelees grinned "It sounds like BlueBell is getting an ear full. We better hurry before the fur really starts flying," he said, walking quickly away. With a heavy sigh Malicite quickly padded after him. The two cats made there way through many piles of garbage and soon reached a large clearing in the middle of the junkyard. Sitting in the middle of the clearing was BlueBell and a large gray and white cat with black stripes. Mistoffelees stopped at the edge of the clearing and motioned for Malicite to do the same "The gray cat is Munkustrap but I guess you already know that. It looks like all the apologies have been said and the lectures are starting. He'll go on all night if we don't stop him. Come on," he said, moving forward. Malicite took a deep breath and slowly released it "Well, here goes nothing," he mumbled, walking towards BlueBell and Munkustrap. Seeing Mistoffelees and Malicite coming BlueBell heaved a sigh of relief "About time, sorry dad but it looks like your speech on responsibility is going to have to wait till later. We have a visitor," she said, gesturing behind him with a small paw. Munkustrap's ears perked up "Really? Who?" he asked, curiously. BlueBell was about to answer when Malicite held up a paw to silence her. Slipping up behind Munkustrap he cleared his throat loudly "Why don't you look behind you Munk and see for yourself," he said. Munkustrap gasped and slowly turned around "Malicite?" he whispered, his eyes wide with disbelief. Malicite gave him an unsure smile "Hello Munk, it's been a long time," he said. Munkustrap flattened his ears and his pupils narrowed to thin slits "Yes it has been brother," he said tightly and slashed Malicite across the face, his claws leaving four sets of bloody lines in their wake. Malicite hissed and leaped back "What was that for?" he demanded, whipping the blood away with a paw. Munkustrap's hackles rose "Pay back, I've waited 5 years to do that and I'm not through yet," he growled, getting ready to spring at him. Before he could Mistoffelees quickly moved in front of him "Munkustrap stop. Why are you attacking him, he is the one who brought BlueBell home," he said? Munkustrap spat "He probably lured her away in the first place." Malicite bared his teeth angrily at him "Are you saying that I am a kidnapper?" he asked, his voice low and threatening. Munkustrap slipped passed Mistoffelees and faced Malicite "Why not, considering who your father is it makes perfect sense for me to think you would do such a thing," he said, his words cutting. Malicite's eyes glinted with pent up anger "I am not my father," he rumbled. Mistoffelees cleared his throat loudly "OK, time out you two. Would one of you please tell us what is going on before the fur starts flying," he said, exasperated. "That's just what I was going to say," said a deep, elderly voice behind them. The four cats turned around to see Old Deuteronomy coming over to them. BlueBell went over to the Jellicle leader and rubbed herself against him in greeting while Mistoffelees and Munkustrap both bowed their heads in respect. Deuteronomy turned to Malicite "Who are you stranger and why are you fighting with my second-in-command?" he asked. Malicite snorted "The name's Malicite and it really doesn't matter why we where fighting because I'm leaving. Don't bother showing me the way out," he said and stalked away in disgust. Munkustrap's lip curled as he watched him go "Good riddance," he mumbled. Deuteronomy moved to his side "Who is he Munkustrap? What has he done to make you so angry?" he asked with concern. Munkustrap sighed "It's a long story. Before I start telling it we should remove the kittens. What I'm about to say is not something they should hear," he said solemnly. Deuteronomy nodded and waved a paw at Jellylorum and Jennyanydots who quickly and quietly rounded up the kittens and ushered them away. When they were gone the rest of the tribe quickly appeared and gathered around their two leaders. When he was sure everyone was there Deuteronomy turned to Munkustrap "Whenever you're ready," he said. Munkustrap took a deep breath "His name is Malicite and he's my half brother," he began. Deuteronomy raised a paw "Excuse me for interrupting but how can that be. Your father was killed after you where born and your mother never took another mate," he said, confused. Munkustrap looked down at his paws uncomfortably "Before she met my father my mother was raped. My father didn't care and adopted Malicite when he was born. I didn't come along till about two years after," he said in a low voice. Deuteronomy placed a comforting paw on his back "I'm sorry. Dose Malicite know?" he said softly. Munkustrap bared his claws and slashed the ground angrily "Yes, he knows who his father is and what he did to our mother and so do I." he growled. A burly black and white cat stood up "Who is it Munkustrap? I will track him down myself and make him pay" he growled. Munkustrap shook his head "You are no match for him Alonzo, none of us are. You see the cat is Macavity." he said solemnly. Everyone gasped in horrified disbelief and Deuteronomy quickly raised a paw to stop any questions "Are you saying Macavity is Malicite's father?" he asked, his voice serious. Munkustrap nodded "I am. Before you ask, no I don't know if he is like Macavity or if they have teamed up. It's been 5 years since we last saw each other and at the time he hated his dad just as much as we do. He dose have the same powers as Macavity and he'll stop at nothing to get what he wants, no matter who he hurts along the way. Believe me I know. Look, I'm tired and today's been really bad. I've told you all I know and now I just want to be alone," he said, and without another word he turned and walked into a large, dark pipe. Alonzo was about to go after him but Deuteronomy stopped him "No, he needs some time to himself for a while. He'll be all right" he said. Alonzo nodded "What should we do about Malicite?" he asked his leader. Deuteronomy sighed "Nothing. We'll know soon enough if he is friendly or not. In the meantime I don't want anyone to seek him out. Let him come to us if he wants. Now go, the night is still young and the moon is shinning bright. Dance and have fun, I'm going to check up on the kittens," he said, giving them a warm smile before walking away, Alonzo at his side. The other cats quickly split up and went their separate ways. As soon everyone had gone Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer slipped out from under a smashed up car and looked around. Seeing that they where alone Rumpelteazer giggled and did a little gig around Mungojerrie "Did you hear that? The boss has a son who's roaming around in our part of town. It's almost too good to be true," she said happily. Mungojerrie grinned "Indeed it is. I've got an idea but I don't want to say what it is until I know it'll work. You'll just have to trust me that if it does work we'll turn out to be heroes, almost as big a hero as The Great Rumpus Cat," he said. Rumpelteazer stopped dancing and moved closer to him "What do you want me to do?" she asked eagerly. Mungojerrie glanced over at the pipe Munkustrap had entered "Go find Malicite and try to find out how he feels about his dad. Find out as much as you can but don't let on that you know who his pop is. I'm going to work on Munkustrap and see how much I can pry out of him. We'll meet back home no later then lunch time to go over everything," he said in a hushed voice. Rumpelteazer nodded and choking back a giggle she dashed off. Mungojerrie took a deep breath a tried to make himself look serious and sympathetic as he headed for the pipe "Well, let the fun begin," he mumbled and stepped into the pipe.

Part Two soon to come
