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~*Kitty Kibbles*~This is my story!! Anyone who uses it with out my knowing it will be clawed to death(j/k)!! Belladonna is mine. I might bring her back in another story. If you have any thing to tell me about my stories E-Meow me at

Patchy was sunning herself on an old crate in the junkyard, her eyes half closed. She sleepily watched Tumble and her mate Quaxo play and smiled. Unknown to Patchy a fog with the head and shoulders of a cat snuck up behind her.

The fog reared up behind her and circled from above, preparing to dive in. The fog-cat laughed to itself. It "waved" hi to Tumble and Quaxo, they mouthed hello back. The fog-cat circled higher and dove on Patchy.

Patchy jumped about 20 feet in the air! Fur fluffed out! Claws ready to rip apart the cat who scared her. Fangs bared...for no reason. The "fog-cat" collapsed on the ground laughing, her body reforming itself into her cat body. Patchy jumped down to the ground beside her. "Mina!! That was mean!" Patchy yelled swatting at her. Mina wiped the tears from her eyes. "I know. I'm s-s-sorry!" she said exploding into laughter with Tumble and Quaxo. Patchy gave them all dirty looks. "Sorry Patch. But that was really funny!" said Quaxo choking back laughter. Little did they know, someone was watching them.

"Heh. They're all JELLICLE!!" a dark gray cat thought as she watched the four cats play from the darkness. "All though, that one tom is cute." she thought as she watched Quaxo from the shadows.

The cats were chasing each other, when Mina came to a sudden stop, which made Patchy crash into her from behind. Patchy gave Mina a look. "What was that for Mina?" "I don't know. I felt something." Mina said staring off into the darkness. "So," the gray kitty thought. "the black and white one is a magic cat." She started making notes about Mina. What she looked like, etc. "That should be enough." she thought. "But I feel like I know her." The gray cat slunk away. Meanwhile out in the clearing Mina relaxed. "What was that about?" the other cats asked. "I don't know." said Mina. "But whatever it was it's gone now." They walked back to the main section of the yard. Mina was still troubled by what she felt earlier. Soot saw this and came over. "Hey. What's wrong?" asked the black kitten. "Hi Soot. I felt something earlier, and I can't shake it." Jellylorum overheard this and sat down next to Mina. The girls said hi. "Tell us." Jelly said. "Ok. I was playing with Patchy, Tumble, and Quaxo when I felt something..." The dark gray cat made her way down to the layer. "Halt." said a hench-rat. "What's the pass word?" "When the Jellicles are dead and gone, Macavity will still party on." she said. "Enter." he said letting her pass. She moved further down into the layer. "Macavity?" she called. "Come in." he called. "What did you find out?' he asked as he walked over to her. "New cat. They have a new magic cat." she reported. Macavity nuzzled the gray queen. "Good. That works out perfectly. Tell me what she looks like and her name if you caught it." The queen purred. 'Her name is Mina." she said, her lavender eyes glowing. "Oh. What else?' he asked. 'She's black with a white lighting bolt slanting across her face. Her right eye is dark blue, her left eye is gold. She has magic powers too. From what I've seen, she can make it rain, thunder, lighting, or fog." "Good. Thank you." said Macavity. "No problem." the gray cat said. Macavity kissed her goodbye. "Now go Belladonna. Keep an eye on those Jellicles." The gray cat nodded."Yes Macavity." Belladonna walked out her tail held high. "Everything goes according to plan."growled Macavity.

Soot and Jelly were sitting next to Mina. "You felt something?" asked Jelly. "What was it?" hissed Soot pouncing on Mina's head. "I don't know, but it felt familiar & evil at the same time." Mina replied shaking off Soot. Soot fell on Mina's back with a slight thump. "Ouch." "Sorry Soot." Soot got off Mina's back. Jelly told them goodbye and went to talk to Jenny. Vicky and Jemima came by and asked Soot to play. Mina fell asleep by herself. "Midnight Lighting! Belladonna! Come here!" called their mother. Midnight Lighting and Belladonna were hiding in the crate. Belladonna sneezed. "There you are." said their mother, grabbing them and gently pulling them out of the crate. Their mother sighed. "What am I going to do with you two?" Midnight Lighting, which was Mina's mother's nick name for her, shrugged. "I know what you can do. You can give them to me." Macavity walked out of the shadows. "Oh come now., they're mine to begin with." Midnight's and Bell's mom fluffed up ready for a fight. "Over my dead body." Macavity shrugged. "As you wish." He unsheathed his claws. Macavity and the girls mother proceeded to get into a fight. Fur flew, blood flowed. "Girls run!" screamed their mother. "After them!" roared Macavity. Midnight & Bell took off. The rats chased after them. "Midnight wait!" cried Belladonna.

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