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The Mystery

By: Cathie Lechner

The sun, it had to be the sun that was making the day so unbearably hot! Or perhaps, perhaps it was the egg-frying heat of the pavement that was burning the undersides of Nianos’s paws. She wasn’t sure atleast not anylonger. She hadn’t been sure about anything since her mother had left them but, what else is a kitten to do when she has a question? Nothing but wonder and be unsure for the rest of her life. Of course Nianos was only 9 months old as was her twin brother Pianos. Though it had seemed that the two had grown up conciderably in mind and spirit. They had almost been forced to! From the day their mother had not returned from a special trip they had known that they had to fufill their mothers dream.

To find someone. Their mother had said that she had once been related to another cat and then he had been lost or stolen by a human or Pollicle. One of the two. Since then their mother had been searching for him in her spare time. The twins didn’t know who it was or what connection the cat had with their mother but they knew that he meant alot to her.

When Nianos had first discovered of the Mistery Cat as they called him,their mother had been reblliouse even to mention his eye color but as the days of endless searching stretched to weeks then months she eventually had to confess to knowing the cat and wanting to find him.

Then the fateful day came. Humnuplios, their mother, had taken them to one of her popular hunting ground s to find some dinner while she looked for the Mystery Cat. The only sounds the Duo had heard where the scrape of feet, a hiss of terror and a Rolling Monster as they called it, drive away. The two had since been chased from they home by the evil strays and then in pure frustration, they hit the highway.

Pianos looked back at his sister afraid that perhaps her paws were hurting her again. Sitting down on the hot pavement he waited for her to catch up but as soon as she got passed him she collapsed in a tired, orange gray heap.

Alarmed Pianos rushed to her side slipping a paw around her waist and pulling her to her feet. She stood obediantly, then looked at Pianos with her sad gray-blue eyes. I know, I know. Were both tired. But we gotta keep going! This is our only hope! Come on. Pianos let her stand on her own then began to lead her towards the grassy bank that lined the road! Atleast this way, he thought, we won’t be walking on a frying pan!

Nianos followed her brother and started thinking about the quest they seemed to be on. She new that if they found that cat they new so little about, their mother would be able to rest in peace where ever she was. Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a huge Rolling Monster rushing full tilt towards them. With a scream of terror Nianos rushed to her brother but actually darted past him. With the trragic scene behind her she couldn’t see the Semi hurtle towards her borther nor could she see the small cat rolling down the bank towards the river below.

To be continued... All she saw was a vision of a small black cat, holding a fork in one hand and balancing a spoon of fishpaste in the other.