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Challenging, Mystical Love


Mistofelees sat alone on the rusted car thinking about Victoria (as he always does). Suddenly, he found himself floating in the air! At first he was startled by this but then realized who it was. "BlueBell!" he yelled. Just then the little kitten came out from under the car with a smirk. "I see you've been practising your telekinetic powers like a I told you." Bluebell laughed. "Now put me down." Misto order. Just then Misto fell harshly on the junkyard car, hurting his tail-bone. "Ouch!" he yelled as he rubbed his rear end. "Oops," said BlueBell, "I haven't really mastered in putting the objects down though." She then joined Misto on the car and asked, "So whatcha do'in?" Misto shrugged, "Just thinking?" BlueBell smiled, "About Victoria, right?" Misto grinned, "How'd you know?" BlueBell shrugged, "Wild guess." "Where is she?" he asked. The kitten glanced at Misto in shock, "You mean you haven't heard?" Misto frowned, "Heard what?" BlueBell quickly stood and said, "Um...let's talk about something else." Misto then grew concern. "No, tell me, what happened to Victoria?" "I can't believe they didn't tell you!" she replied as she turned to leave but Misto quickly grabbed her tail and said, "Tell me!" BlueBell sighed then sitting back down next to Misto she said, "Victoria left the tribe." Misto's eyes widoned, "She left?" "Yeah, she's now hanging around with a new crowd. They call themselves the Alley Cats." Misto quickly stood, "Where are they?" "They live in the outskirts of the city in the alley's of course." Misto immediatly leaped off the car and scurried off. Once in the outskirts, Misto walked alone down a desolate alley, keeping an eye out for any cats or Victoria. Just then a giant cat leaped out of nowhere right infront of him. He resembled Tugger with his furry mane though his was gray. He wore a spike collar and chains. "Who are you?" the dirty cat asked but before Misto could answer the street cat held up his paw and said, "No wait, let me refrase that question;" Then getting closer to Misto's face he growled, "What are you?" Just then another street cat next to him screeched, "It's a jellicle!" The huge maned cat glared at the black jellicle and sneered, "Man, I heard jellicles were rather small but this is ridiculous! So who are you?" suddenly a familiar voice answered for him, "Mistoffelees!" It was Victoria. The alley cat looked back at Victoria and asked, "Wait a minute, you two know each other?" Victoria slowly walked next to the street cat and said, "Yeah, he was a fellow jellicle friend." Misto frowned. Was? "What are you doing on my territory?" the maned cat growled, "You're what we call tresspassing." Misto gulped but grew enough courage to say, "I've come for Victoria." The street cat took a threatening step foward and said, "And what makes you think I'll hand her over just like that?" Just then Victoria interferred, "Can I talk to you Misto?" Pulling Misto aside, Victoria whispered, "I'm thankful for your concern but I'm fine here." "You can't be serious!" Misto cried. Just then the alley cat interferred, "So you really want her back huh?" Misto turned to him and said angrily, "I'm not leaving without her." They street cat was angered by his tone of voice and asked with a grin, "So you willing to fight for her?" "No!" Victoria cried, "Misto please don't." "Yes, I am." Misto answered, "You really up to it?" The alley cat laughed, "Oh you won't be fighting me. You'll be fighting them." and the cat stepped aside revealing at least twenty alley cats. Victoria grabbed the maned cat's arm and cried, "You can't have him fight them! They'll kill him!" but the cat shoved her aside and yelled, "He should have died a long time ago for tresspassing on my streets!" Victoria was greatly offended with the way he was treating her and yelled, "You creep! I want to go home now! I've had it wit you!" but the huge cat grabbed her upper arm and said, "You don't have a choice anymore!" then turning to Misto he said, "Don't you have a fight to do?" and he pushed Misto toward his followers and all at once the alley cats jumped on him. Victoria screamed. Just then all the cats were blown back by a burst of lighting like an explosion leaving Misto unharmed in the middle. The maned cat's eyes widoned, "He's a magical cat?" then throwing Victoria aside he approached Misto and shoved him into the wall as he growled, "You're a wimp!" Misto's white teeth flurished as he said, "No one calls me a wimp and lives!" "Then try fighting like a cat. Enough with the magic. How about a challange?" "What's the challenge?" Then the alley cat snatched a rat from near a trashcan and said, "This will be easy enough, it's just a simple rat chase. Whoever catches the rat first wins the lady. Deal?" "Deal." and so the rat was released and after a short while maned cat yelled "Go!" and they both ran furiously after the rat, knocking over cans and shoving cats aside. The rat ran out of the alley and out near the city streets. Seeing Misto was beginning to run ahead of him, the maned cat kicked him out onto the busy highway. Misto rolled and dodged the speeding cars and made it safly back on the sidewalk. He then leaped on a parked car, then onto a second story window cil and continued to climb higher and higher till he was on the roof. Then leaping roof to roof he was able to get ahead of the alley cat and jump right ontop of the rat. They maned cat, unwilling to be defeated, clawed Misto across the face forcing him off the mouse. Then taking the rat into his own mouth, he ran off back to the alley with Misto quickly after him. Misto with his teeth, grabbed the cat's tail and slammed him into the wall and took the rat. The two continued to brawl over the rat when Misto finally held possesion of it and ran back to the alley. Victoria smiled when she saw him return with the rat. Misto stopped and was about to place the rat down when the maned cat jumped on his back. "Hey he caought the rat!" Victoria yelled. But he continued to claw and attack the black jellicle. Misto then with all his strength, shoved the alley cat into a pile of trash cans. Once free, Misto ran to Victoria who immediatly gave him a huge kiss and said, "I'm so sorry, I dont know what I was thinking when I came here." Misto then lifted the white cat into his arms and began carrying her off. "This isn't over Mistofelees!" the alley cat roared. Misto laughed, "Call me if you ever want to chase mice again! Loser!" and he carried his love out of the alley and back to the junkyard.