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Pika Enters

Chapter 1; Munkustrap and Pouncival

A sleek black and silver cat walked into the junkyard. She looked left and right the all of the sudden a white and gray cat jumped onto her.

"Hi, who are you?" It asked, still sitting on her.

"I'm Pika." She mumbled. Great way to meet people, she thought. "And you are?"

"I am Pouncival, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Get off of me and I'll tell you." She sat up after he walked off of her.

"I was looking for Munkustrap, do you know where he is?" She asked, observing that they were about the same age.

"That old gezer?" He asked, cringing his nose. "I'll take you too it. Why do you want to see him?"

"I want to be a jellicle." Pika said, trying not to laugh at Pouncival's dislikeness toward Munkustrap.

"Oh." He smiled then. "Follow me!" And he ran off. Pika took off after him. all of the sudden Munkustrap appearred out of nowhere.

"Aah!" Pouncival and Pika screamed as they hit Munkustrap.

"So, what are you two doing, and who is this?" He asked, refferring to Pika. Pika and Pouncival were no in a pile on top of Munkustrap.

"Sorry, sir. I was wondering where Munkustrap was." Pika said.

"Oh, well I am Munkustrap., what do you want?" He asked, eyeing Pouncival suspiciously.

"I wanted to be a jellicle.." Pika started.

Pika Enters Chapter 2; Jellicle

Pika looks at Munkustrap.

"Fine. I will take you to Old Deuteronomy." He said, smiling, but still having the occasional glance at Pouncival. He walked towards vicarage wall, and Pouncival and Pika follow.

"Well, Munkustrap, what brings you here?" Old Deut says, as Munkustrap, Pouncival, and Pika aproach him.

"I want to become a jellicle." Pika says, getting closer to Poucival, trying to hide from the huge tom.

"Oh, well simple enough." He waves his hand. "I think that you are special enough. You are a jellicle." He smiles.

Pouncival(Who had been smiling) looked at Pika. "Well, I guess you're one of us." He says, confused. Then he runs off with Pika close behind.

Chapter 3; Ghost.

"Get back here!" Munkustrap yelled after the two kittens. Pika stops and slides into another cat.?

"Hey!" The tom yelled. "Pouncival, what are you doing? And, who are you?" It asked.

"I am Pika." She said, quietly.

"Oh, well I am Mistoffelees." He said. She looked at the black and white tom. She shook once.

"Why'd you do that?" Pouncival asked, next to Pika.

"" She said and dissapeared.

"That was weird." Munkustrap said, out of breath,and running up to Mistoffelees and POuncival.

"So, you felt her powers?" Pouncival asked, looking up at Mistoffelees, always having been amazed by his powers, always.

"She doesn't have any." Mistoffelees says.

In an alley a little ways away an all silver cat appears. She has a cape on and a mask that looks like it's out of 'Phantom of the Opera'.

"So, little Pika found a clan." It says. "I guess that I should introduce myself."

More to come soon!

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