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Roses Wither Away Cont...


Munkustrap who sat next to Demeter, stood, "Oh man, is she going to get it!" "What are you doing up here?" Gus whispered. "The theater's on fire!" BlueBell squeeled. Just then, Munkustrap grabbed BlueBell and asked stirnly, "What do you think you're doing?" but before she could answer the stadium began to fill up with smoke. Castro, wondering what was happeing, opened the nearest door next to him and saw hellish flames engulfing the hallways. He sounded the alarm and everything went wild. Munkustrap called for Mistoffelees and Alonzo and told them to make sure everyone made it out of the building alive. The two nodded and Munkustrap, with BlueBell in his amrs, guided Pouncival and Jemima out of the theater. After dodging immense flames and falling wooden beams, Munkustrap made it safely outside. He looked around him and saw how everyone was out except for Alonzo, Misto and Gus. He looked back at the theater consumed in flames. He was relieved to see Alonzo appear with Gus on his back and Misto with Castro on his. He quickly walked toward Misto and suddenly realized who was still missing. "Where's Old Deuteronomy?" he asked fearfully. Misto looked up at Munku and said, "I thought he was with you." Fear struck Munku's heart as he startedto run back toward the building but Misto stopped him and said, "You can't go in there!" But Munku shoved him aside and yelled, "I've got to save Old Deuteronomy!" "Where's he going?" Demeter cried. BlueBell too noticed her father running into the flaming theater and began running after him but Alonzo stopped her and said, "Oh no not you too." Struggling against Alonzo's grip, BlueBell cried, "Somebody stop him! He's going back into the building!" Tugger assisted Alonzo in holding the eager kitten back but BlueBell cried out all the more, screaming through her tears, "Let go of me! That's my father in there!" Inside, it was like an enferno. Munkustrap searched frantically, watching out for falling objects and being careful not to be burned. He coughed as his lungs fought for air. Through the smoke, he could see Old Deuteronomy trapped under a large wooden beam. Immediatly, Munkustrap tried to lift it but was too heavy. Realizing it wouldn't budge, Munkustrap went over to Deuteronomy's side and said, "Don't worry Old Deuteronomy, I'll get you out." "You have to get out of here!" the jellicle leader ordered. Munku shook his head, "I can't leave you here!" "You must." he replied, "There's no way you can get us both out alive. I can't even walk." Munkustrap began to cry, "Then I'll stay with you." "Don't be rediculous! Now get out of here before this entire building collapses. You can't stay here, you have a destiny to fullfill. You must carry on as leader of the jellicle cats." Munku shook his head and replied through his sobs, "I can't do it without you." Old Deut smiled, "I'll always be with you. I'll be high up above watching down on you below. I'll never leave you my son. Now is the time to be the leader you were born to be and the father your family needs you to be. Now go!" and slowly after that, the old jellicle closed his eyes and rested peacefully by his companion's side. The jellicles were overjoyed to see Munkustrap emerge from the building but at the same time were full of grief when they saw how he was alone. Seeing her father, BlueBell ran into his open arms and buried her head in his shoulder. Then Alonzo approached him and asked in a low soft voice, "So are you ready to become our leader?" Munkustrap looked up and replied, "I'll do my best to make Old Deuteronomy proud of me." Then Mistoffelees, who stood by Alonzo, said with a smile, "I'm sure you already have."