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Roses Wither Away

Roses Wither Away Cont...

BlueBell ran as fast as her little four legs could carry her when she finally hid behind a trash can near the outskirts of the junkyard. Peering out from the trash can, BlueBell gave a puzzled look. Where was Pouncival? Her green eyes darted about trying to find the missing jellicle when he jumped out from behind her with a screech. BlueBell frightfully leaped, crashing into the tin can before her. Poucival placed his paws over his mouth with an "oops" expresion on his face. BlueBell sat there by the tilted can with it's round top on her head like a hat. She gave Pouncival an angery look. Pouncival scratched his head and smiled as he said, "I'm sorry." BlueBell threw the metal lid off her and yelled, "You were supposse to count down from ten Pouncival!" "Oh yeah." replied Pouncival. "I thought I told you that!" said BlueBell and with her telekinetic powers, she picked up the trashcan and placed quickly over Pouncival. "Now try again!" she ordered, "and don't come out till you count down from ten. Then you come and look for me." BlueBell was about to run off and hide again when her father, Munkustrap, blocked her path. Started, BlueBell halted to a stop, "Dad!" "Where's Pouncival?" Munkustrap asked. BlueBell smiled, "He's in the trash can." Munkustrap lifted the tin can and allowed the young jellicle to emerge. After placing the can down, Munkustrap turned to BlueBell and in a stirn voice said, "BlueBell, you know what I've told you about using you powers. Why did you put Pouncival in the trash can?" "I was teaching him how to play hide-and-go-seek." Munkustrap rolled his eyes and decided to change the pointless subject by saying, "I came to get you two because tonight the jellicles have all been invited to see Gus in theater tonight." "I thought he retired." Pouncival asked. Munkustrap shook his head, "he was called to do one last play and He's got a big part. We are all going to support him." So all the jellicles followed Old Deuteronomy as they all made their way to the old theater. It wasn't the most pleasent looking building on the block, though it was very big. The kittens' eyes widened in awe at the sight of the old, giant theater. It looked as though a curse had been put upon it. The jellicles entered through a the front entrance that lacked a door and had cob webs hanging like a curtain from the upper frame. Inside it was pitch black. The junkyard cats' eye pupils had to enlarge from the lack of light. Suddenly, they heard a voice from farther inside call out like a ghost, "Ah, you're here! Come on in!" It sounded friendly enough, so the jellicles followed. They entered into another room that was equipped with light. The room was immensely huge. It was a large stadium! The room flooded with rows with a flight of stairs on each side of the room leading up to the immense balcony above. The stage was decorated with props of house items like an old grandfather clock and living room set. Unfamiliar cats were seen on stage placing things in order and setting up the equipment for the show. The jellicles never saw anything like it and were quite fascinated. Then the cat with the ghost like vioce from before came forth to greet them. He was a thin, dilute calico cat with a mixture of black, white and orange. "Hey, my name's Castro and you must be Gus' friends. As you can see, you're pretty early and so you get first picks on where you want to sit. If you want to see Gus, he's in the back. If you need me, I'm usually roaming around making sure everything's in check." and with a wink, Castro walked off. "Seems quite friendly." Mistoffelees said with a grin. "And charming." Bombalurina added as her eyes followed him down the aisle. "What did he say his name was?" she asked, "Castro?" "It doesn't matter." RumTumTugger replied. "Shall we go see our fellow feline friend, Gus?" Old Deuteronomy asked with a smile. "Yes, let's do." replied Munkustrap and they followed Old Deut back stage. Once they saw a small room with a dim light on inside, Old Duet stopped to peek in. Inside sat Gus staring at himself in the mirror. "Hiya Gus!" Mungojerry yelled. Gus quickly turned to see the jellicles. "Oh hey guys! I'm so glad you could make it." "We wouldn't miss it for the world!" replied Skimbleshanks. "I'm so nervous. This is my last performance and I have a huge part!" Rumpleteazer sneered, "Aw heck Gus, you're a pro! You'll do fine!" Gus smiled, "Thanks Rumple." "Listen," said Old Deuteronomy, "the crowd is begining to arrive. We're going to go and grab our selves some seats." then with a pat on the back, Old Deut said, "Go knock them dead. Just blow them out of their seats!" Gus laughed and the jellicles all turned to leave. While some sat near the front, others like Pouncival, Jemima and BlueBell, decided to go up on the balcony for a great view of the play and the entire theater. As the stadium began to fill with numurous other cats, the lights dimmed and the curtain was raised. Hours into the play, BlueBell, Jemima and Pouncival began to get board. They weren't quite understanding the play so they decided to wonder off and play. They went downstairs and decided to finish their game of hide-and-go-seek. While Pouncival counted, BlueBell and Jemima went to hide. As BlueBell hid in a crate, she noticed two young human boys talking and laughing. BlueBell looked quizzically at one of them who had something sticking out of his mouth. It was white with a red tip that seemed to be burning. She found it even more strange when the human was then able to blow smoke from his lips. Suddenly, the boy threw the white stick by a nearby crate filled with wheat. The boys walked off and the wheat slowly caught on fire. What started out to be a small spark turned out into a roaring flame that engulfed the crate. BlueBell quickly leaped out of the box and ran for Jemima but accidently ran into Pouncival. "Hey, you're supposse to be hiding!" said Pouncival. Out of breath, BlueBell said, Quick we got to get out of here. There's a fire!" Immediatly, they found Jemima and to warn the other jellicles. However, they soon found themselves lost in the great building. BlueBell decided to take the nearest doorr to her left only when she did she found herself on stage! Pouncival and Jemima accidently ran into two acting cats. Gus looked down at BlueBell in shock. Demeter stood from her seat, "Is that BlueBell?"