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by Moonbeamdancer

Ok this is a crossover I did. It's a crossover between L.J. Smith's Night World series and CATS. Just picture the cats from CATS with the same names but with human bodies.(or ARE they human?) EX-When I say Misto picture Jacob Brent or another dancer that plays Misto. Any thing in ~*~ is telepathic talk. Any last names I use belong to L.J. Smith. Mail me at if you're confused.


Victoria Haman was sitting in her living room. "Where is he??" she wondered. For once she wished she had been born a vampire instead of a witch, that way she could telepathicly yell tp Plato to get over to her house. Jemima stepped up behind her. ~*~Don't worry, he'll be here.~*~ she said. Jemima had been born around 1652, but she had been turned into a vampire. "Jem," said Victoria, "what was it like being human? I mean before you got turned into a vampire." "It's ok. I like being a vampire better. My only regret is that I can't have children." Victoria laughed gently. "Only one born as vampires can. But I bet that you would of made a good mother." Munkustrap Redfern knocked on the door. Victoria nodded for him to come in. He ran his hand though his hair. The ring on his hand, that of a black rose, the symbol of humans that had been turned into vampires, flashed in the fire light. Victoria sensed that something was wrong. "What is it?" she asked. "It's Plato." "What about him?" Victoria asked worry lacing her voice. "He's...He's... Goddess, Vicky, I'm so sorry..." Munkustrap tried to say. "Munkustrap, WHAT IS IT??" Victoria shouted, orange fire flaring from her hands. "He's dead. Staked right though the heart." Victoria sat down with a thump on the sofa, the fire dying in her hands as it did her eyes. Jemima sat next to her. "Vicky, I'm sorry." she said holding her. "He was everything to me. My love, My life, MY MATE." Victoria said crying. "Do we know who killed him?" asked Jemima. Munkustrap nodded. "It was Macavity." The fire flared back up in Victoria's eyes as it did her hands. Jemima jumped back a little. "Go get MoonbeamDancer and Misto." she growled.


To Be Continued
