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The days grew long and hotter. The unmerciful sun took its toll on every living creature that inhabited the dry and thirsty area. The nieghborhood grass had become straw and caked dirt, the ponds were now mud puddles and birds had no reason to sing on this scorching day leaving the cricket moles and locus to chime in the desert like heat as buzzards fed on dehydrated carrion. It was the hottest and driest summer of them all. Even the Jellicles dared not to come out as those who lived in households stayed in under the convenience of the air conditioning system while the strays slept deep inside cool dim pipes or tunnels. Pouncival, a young Jellicle tom cat, slouched lazily on a limb of an old oak tree, sheltered under the shadow of its leaves and out stretched branches. His arms and legs sprawled out over the branch dangling like a dead corpse in the swealtering heat of the day. His good friend, Tumblebrutus, layed just a few branches above him flat on his empty stomach in the same sprawled out manner, too lazy and hot to twitch a muscle.

The town was quiet like the dead till suddenly...CRASH!!! A thunderous shatter came out from a white two story home nearby where the two toms slept - both didnt even flinch from the sudden rucus as they continued to dream. The front door swung open as a boot came flying out, landing sideways on the walk pavement just outside. Immediatly after, Rum Tum Tugger stepped out of the house with a huge fustrated look on his face. Screaming was heard inside, "Don't you even try and hunny me!" and the angry queen, Bombalurina came stomping out of the house behind him with a glass mug in her hand as she continued with steam coming out of her ears, "What do you think I am Tugger? Blind?! Didnt you think I'd eventually find out about your sudden date last night with that tramp?!" she hissed, "Telling me you were going out to a bar with Munkustrap! How dare you!!" and she chucked the glass mug with all her might at the tom who quickly ducked as the glass shattered into a million peices on the concrete ground next to the boot.

Tugger threw his arm in the air, "Come on Bomba! I really was out with Munku last night! I just stopped by Nelly's before going home because she said she wasn't feeling well! I was just checking up on her, that's all! I swear by it! Now stop this nonsense, you're tearing the house apart!"

"Nonsense!" the red queen shrieked as she reached for a broom that stood tall against the door way and began taking threatening steps towards the tom, "I'll show you nonsense!" and she began whacking him on his back, shoulder, legs and hide with the straw end of the broom while Tugger yelled for her to quit and that the ends were stinging him. Finally Pouncival and Tumblebrutus awoke to the heated battle and watched as Bombalurina continued to beat the Jellicle tom senseless. And the queen tossed the broom aside and ran back towards the door, turned and screamed, "I dont want you ever on these steps here again!" and with that, the door slammed behind her, causing the Welcome sign to fall and break in two. Tugger sighed with fustration and slowly paced his way back up the door steps, knocked on the door with the knuckle of his pointer finger and said in a loud tone, "Bomba, this is my home!"

Tugger then suddenly heard the snickers of the two toms above him and glanced up. It was then that their snickers broke into laughter causing them to nearly fall out of the tree. Tugger's teeth clentched as he went for the old boot on the walk way and threw it up at Pouncival who quickly dodged it by swinging his body like a monkey under the branch he was laying on. He continued to laugh as he dangled there upside down like the cheshire cat.

"Aw what's the matter Tug, your queen giving you grief?" Tumble played, "She runnin out on ya?" and Pouncival added with a chuckle as he resumed his resting position on top of his branch, "Or you running out on your queen? Who's Nelly?"

Tugger sighed and leaped with the great agility of a cat up the tree a branch below Pouncival, settled against the thick trunk and replied, "Some female stray I met on my way home from Bustopher Jones' bar last night. I barely talked to her! Unfortunatly, she knew Rumpleteazer and that blabber mouth went and told Bomba of our aquaintance, never even bothered to mention that I really was with Munkustrap most of the night!" Tugger shook his head, "Queens can really get a story screwed up sometimes." and Tugger glanced up between the green leaves at the blistering sun that hung above him and said, "When the heck is this sun gonna call it a day?! It's been like the Sahara for the past two weeks!" Pouncival and Tumblebrutus always got a kick out of how fast the Rum Tum Tugger was at changing a subject but so they played along as Tumble answered closing his eyes trying to regain some sleep, "You should take advantage of it. Go on vacation somewhere near the ocean and drink margaritas all day." and Pouncival smiled as he added with excitment, "There you go Rum Tum! Sweep your queen right off of her feet by taking her to an island somewhere! I'm sure she'll take that as a reasonable apology!" and Tumble nodded as he too added, "Yeah, I hear Caliente Island near the Bahamas is looking pretty nice this year!"

Tugger was silent as he thought with wide eyes. The wheels in his head were turning. "You know I think you guys may have something! She would love me for it! It would sure make her forget about everything." and with that, Tugger stood and exclaimed, "What a great idea! I'm gonna take my baby to Caliente Island on vacation! We'll relax next to the shore of the ocean, drink pina coladas and wear mongolia flowers around our necks! It'll be like a dream come true!" and Pouncival and Tumblebrutus glanced at each other, both thinking the same idea...It would be a good vacation!