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Betrayed Cont...

During the middle of the warm afternoon, Mistoffelees decided to entertain some jellicles with his magic and tricks. Jemima, Ectetera, Rumpleteazer, BlueBell and her siblings, Triskle, Kierra, Pierce and Agustus all sat around as the black jellicle performed his skillfull magic. With a deck of cards, he made a rainbow as he transferred the cards from one hand to the other with ease. He then threw the cards in the air and with a powerful zap, the cards tranformed instantly into transparent bubbles. The kittens, who awed at the sight, began chasing and bursting the descending bubbles as they giggled gleefully. Misto stood back and watched. Suddenly Misto heard a single clapping from the corner of the junkyard. The jellicles were startled to see an unfamiliar cat approach them with a grin. Mistoffelees recognized him immediatly. It was the same Alley Cat who had fought him for Victoria weeks ago. The female kittens were deeply impressed by his rugged, handsome looks. "What are you doing here?" Misto asked angrily. With a cool, content manner the Alley Cat replied, "Came to watch your performance." Misto lifted an eyebrow in curiosity. The cat laughed, "Actually, I came to apologize. You won the rat chase fair and square and I had no right to be hostile." Misto slowly accepted the apology and asked, "You know, I never did get your name." The cat held out his paw and answered, "Name's Titus." and the two cats strongly shook paws. "I thought you hated jellicles." said Misto. "Yeah I did, until I met you. I have to admit, you really put up a fight for a small-" Titus stopped and Misto grinned as he understandingly said, "Thanks." then changing the subject Misto asked, "You want to meet the other jellicles." and with a smile, Titus replied, "Sure." So Misto brought Titus out before the tribe as he announced his name to his friends. When Victoria saw him she gasped, then gave him an evil eye as she walked away. Misto scratched his ear and said, "She's still mad I guess about the-" "And she has a right to be." Titus quickly replied. Just then RumTumTugger and Bombalurina entered the junkyard and when Titus saw her he said in a high pitch voice, "Hello!" as he eyed her up and down. Bombalurina smiled. Slowly, Titus approached her as he took her paw, leaned over and after giving her a light kiss on the paw asked, "And who is this lovely blossom before me?" but before she could answer Tugger shoved her behind him and said, "Her name's Bombalurina, who the heck are you?" Titus stood back respectfully and answered, "Titus. I'm sorry I didn't know you two were-" "We're not." Bomb said quickly as she glanced at Tugger. "We're just really close that's all." Tugger was shocked, "That's all?" Just then Ectetera bumped in and squeeled, "Actually, she is taken," then in a slow voice she said, "but I'm not." Titus smiled. Suddenly Electra came in and said, "It's getting dark, are you planning to stay with us?" Titus hesitated, "Well, I should get back to the alley-" but Exotica out of no where interupted as she shoved Electra and blurted, "Oh don't be silly. You're more than welcome to stay here." "Wait a minute!" Tugger hollared, "You guys seem to forget, this is an Alley Cat. How do we know we can trust him?" Titus was silent for a moment the sighed as he said, "He's right, I really don't belong here." "No hold on!" cried Munkustrap, "Let him meet Old Deuteronomy. Let's see what he thinks." Later that evening, Tugger walked alone from his house to the junkyard with a huge temper as he kicked a soda can across the street in fustration. Once in the junkyard, he decided to check on Old Deuteronomy and Titus and how they were getting along. There was slim chance of Old Deut liking this character. But much to Tugger's surprise, as he peered around the corner, he saw Old Deuteronomy and Titus laughing together. And it wasn't just them either. While Old Deut and Titus were laughing on the tire, Munkustrap, Alonzo, and many of the other jellicles ast on the floor laughing as well. Titus threw his arms in the arm as he laughed, "I mean you should have seen that pollicle's face as it went wimpering down the highway!" The jellicles rolled over in laughter and Old Deut placed his arm around Titus and said as he wiped away a laughing tear, "That's some funny stuff! It's getting dark so listen you are more than welcome to stay here for the night if you want." Titus smiled as he patted the old jellicle on the back and said, "Thanks Deut." and he jumped off the tire and walked up Tugger and said in a low voice, "You know there's no reason to spy. You could have joined us!" and he patted Tugger chest with the back of his paw and walk off. Tugger's angry eyes followed him into the shadows. The next day, Tugger awoke and was shocked to find Bombalurina missing from his side. He stood and looked throughout the junkyard and was distressed to find her with the other female jellicles who were at the feet of Titus as he told them his stories. "...and I was all alone in the cold desolate alley when I could feel something breathing on my neck..." Ectetera shivered as Titus continued, "...I turned and there before stood the ugliest pollicle ever. It was a doberman foaming at the mouth..." Rumpleteazer gasped. "...with possessed demon-like eyes..." Just then Tugger cried out, "Quit lying!" Startled, the jellicles looked up at the maned jellicle. "What do you want?" Titus asked cruedly. Tugger quickly approached the maned Alley Cat and yelled, "I want you to leave." Titus stood to his oponent and replied, "Well you seem to be the only one who wants that! What's the matter Tugger? Jealous that you're not these lady's center of attention anymore?" Totally struck down by that, Tugger remained silent as he angrily turned and stomped away. Later that day, Bombalurina walked up to Munkustrap and asked, "Have you seen Titus?" Munkustrap shook his head," No I havn't. I was looking for him too. Has anyone seen him?" The jellicles shook their heads simulataneously. Just then street cats began emerging from every corner with evil eyes and wicked snickering. The jellicles froze as they looked around. They were surrounded. At first they thought they were Macavity's agents but these cats were different. They wore chains and leather and held knives and sticks! They looked like gangster cats. Just then Titus appeared on the tire dressed in his chains, leather jacket, and held a small dagger.