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The Tactical Chess Player: How to Play Chess

Oldest Chess game
This game may be the oldest under the new rules, when casteling, pawn's two leap forward, en passant, and the
Queen's mighty power were given to the game. but the oldest recorded chess game with the original rules as
the Kings and Queens knew it was played between two Arabian Princes and dates back to...
board your time travel machine, we're going to... the 10th Century!
The first known game of Chess (Chaturanga and then Shatranj, the Arabic form of the word) was the kind of Chess
played by the Arabian people in the middle ages. Instead of the Queen, they had the Firzan who could only move a
square diagonally a time. Instead of the Bishops, they had the Alfils who move diagonally skipping a square.
Pawns could only move a square a time and could only be promoted to a Firzan. King, Rooks and Knights moved as
usual. Castling was unknown and you could win by Checkmate and by Stalemate. The following match was played
between Abu-Bakr Muhammed Ben Yahya as-Suli and Abu'l- Faraj bin al-Muzaffar bin Sa'-id al-Lajlaj in the 10th
Firzan (Queen)
Alfil (Bishop)

These chess pieces are replicas of the originals which were discovered on the Isle of Lewis off the West Coast
of Scotland and which are now housed safely and securely in the British Museum of London and in Edinburgh.
Many pieces were discovered and this is our interpretation of the Isle of Lewis chess set. The Isle of Lewis
chessmen were featured in the movie, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

In 1831 the sea carried away a sandbank on the Isle of Lewis, uncovering a mysterious building that had been
buried under the sand. A peasant working nearby found what he concluded to be a collection of Elves and Gnomes.
The superstitious highlander flung down his spade and fled home in horror. Superstition in Lewis had survived
in a powerful form. Thus, when the peasant first looked at the group of singular little ivory figures,
it was natural that they should appear as the pigmy sprites of Celtic folklore. However, he was induced by his
wife to return to the spot and take the figures home. He sold them to a local collector who realized they were

There were 78 pieces in all belonging to eight or more sets — 67 are now in the British Museum and the rest
in the National Museum, Edinburgh. Experts are unanimous in regarding them as the most astonishing collection
of ancient chessmen in existence.

Links to Lewis Chessmen

British Museum - The Lewis Chessmen
British Museum - The Lewis Chessmen
Chess-poster - The Lewis Chessmen
BBC History Magazine - The Lewis Chessmen - Chess News - The enigma of the Lewis chessmen
Lewis chessmen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Isle Of Lewis Chess Pieces

Links to Chess Online against a Computer

Flash Chess III
Poastcard Chess

Other Chess Links

Chess Merit Badge
Chess Club and Scholastic of St. Louis
Chess Game Strategies


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