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Or Else The SBP
Schoolboy Pin Page siib

History of page 4s
Hello Mr. Lewis,
I'm honoured this time. Page 4s is all mine. I can give you some history,
ages, the kids, when the pics were taken. The first one was taken in 1998.
I was away on a short camping trip with the boys, they are brothers.
The one on top is younger at 13. The one on the
bottom was 15.
The second and third pictures are the same brothers. Taken in 1996. 
Second picture is elder boy on top at 13, the younger one being sat on was
11 at the time. We again were camping, this time near the beach.
third picture the reverse of the second.
The fourth picture is again the same brothers, this time taken in 1999. 
Younger boy on top at 14, the older boy being sat on is now 16.
The fifth picture is of my brother and a friend. It was taken when
they were 10 years old in 1979. We were away on a mountaineering weekend.
The last picture taken in 1998 shows an adult sat on the younger brother, 
he was 13. The adult was er.......................The picture was taken 
by the boys mother in their back garden.

Robert Horner

Hello again Chris.
Boom torture ! I know this as "bouncing". 
I have seen this done many times by my friends kids, 
those in the photo's. I have this action video'd 
quite a few times. When you slow it down, you see the 
person on top bounce heavily to start with, but then 
you see follow on bounces as the bouncer settles on 
his victims stomach, though obviously smaller these 
little bounces also look good. I will also admit to 
bouncing myself on the stomachs of the boys. I will 
never know how they coped. They also bounced on me. 
But as smaller kids, it never bothered me. Once they 
reached about 15, they were heavy ! I found it hard 
to cope. As I said earlier I will never know how they 
as 10 to 14 year olds coped with me bouncing on their 

Just one other quick note, I see you live in Virginia. 
I have no idea if your interested, but I am on holiday
in Virginia from the 11th to 22nd July 2002.
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