When this poem first appeared in a literary magazine, the editor added Halloween illustrations, so evil looking that I was triggered anew. I won't do that to you. I do not glorify evil. I despise it.
The story is fiction, but the feelings are real. By creating the character of the evil grandfather I was able to blow off about the nature of evil. Then I end with a small note of resolution and self-comfort, that the one who gave us free choice also has feelings about the way we use it.
Enjoy! And be sure to journal, write a poem or paint a picture today!
"I will lift up mine eyes..."
Daisy raised her head, eyes sunward.
Susan was bashful.
"Unto the hills..."
Susan and Daisey stretched toward the light.
They and the other little girls made a chain --
Played ring-around-the-rosey.
Ashes. Ashes. Some fell down.
"From whence cometh my help?..."
Daisy heard the voice through the open church window.
"Susan," she whispered,
"Preacher says the hills will help me."
"Preacher don't know your grandpa," Susan said.
"My help cometh from the Lord..."
Daisy was smiling at Morgan's Mountain, looking up.
"You're supposed to be praying," Susan bossed.
"Shut your eyes, girl. God won't like you looking up.
It ain't respectful." "Preacher says bow your head."
She lowered her dark eyes. "Simon says."
Each little girl in the circle blinked.
"Preacher isn't talking to us," they said.
"We're outside kids. We've got no church clothes."
Daisy was still looking up the mountain smiling as the ashes
all fell down.
I will walk the night with certain feet.
Soundless through the woods will I walk.
I will pillage and rape.
I will rape your women
and the mountains will hide me.
I will steal soundlessly away
trying to escape Lilith, my witch-mother.
I will walk on feet without sound
while her bloody image trails my mind
to cleave to her image I will walk
and the mountains will hide me.
As the panther stalks his prey
without snapping of limb
desiring to eat. led on
by the smell of her blood
wishing her dead yet not wanting to toy
with Lilith, my mother, I will stalk your children
and the mountains will hide me.
Wanting only the thrill of the chase
nurtured by her currdled blood I will slash the ewe lamb
and the mountains will hide me.
For I am a man --
both hunter and hunted.
The woman's fair son I will serve
Lilith my mother!
I will walk without sound.
I will walk on the ground --
I will stalk my prey.
I will slay your ewe lamb
and ravage your child
to satisfy my gullet.
I will pillage your lands
with her blood on my hands
and the mountains will hide me.
God was brooding over the mountains and valleys.
There was a matter of rainbows.
Vows were broken by force
while promises were crushed by freedom.
Under God's light
under God's reign
was the deeper darkness
and it could not put out the light.
God saw little Daisy.
Saw her angry with the mountain.
God saw Susan look away.
God saw all creation hurting.
He appointed a fog over Morgan's Mountain
and in that mist
God wept.
Amen and amen!
Poem by Scarlet