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“The Green Book”

























Community Services


Danville and

Pittsylvania County



2002 – 2004



Directory of Community Services




Danville and Pittsylvania County




How to use this Directory ---------------------------------------------------------------  2

Objectives of Danville Area Council of Community Services  --------------------   2

DACCS Facts  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------   3

Membership Information  ---------------------------------------------------------------   3

24 Hour Crisis Intervention & Protective Services (Local Assistance)  ----------   4

24 hours Crisis Intervention and Protective Services (Toll Free)  -----------------   5

Cross Reference Index by Key Words  ------------------------------------------------   6-26

Agency Listings  -------------------------------------------------------------------------   27-67

Alphabetical Index  ----------------------------------------------------------------------   68-70

Directory Additions, Corrections and Changes ---------------------------------------  71

Contributors  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  72




Prepared by

Danville Area Council of Community Services

P.O. Box 1235

Danville, Virginia 24543-1235



The Directory of Community Services in Danville and Pittsylvania County (“The Green Book”) is provided as a public service to Danville and Pittsylvania County residents.  Inclusion in this publication does not constitute approval or endorsement of any of the agencies or organizations listed herein by the Danville Area Council of Community Services.



2002 - 2004













How To Use This Directory...


If you know the proper name of the agency you are seeking, you can find it quickly in the Alphabetical Index in the back of the book.

If you do not know the name of a specific agency, look in the Cross Reference Index in the front of the book by using a key word that indicates the type of service you are seeking.

In addition, the Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce has a complete and current list of all civic clubs, fraternal organizations and associations.

When contacting an agency, always consider making an appointment. When possible and practical, have the person who needs help make the call.





This symbol indicates DACCS Membership:    




Objectives of the Danville Area Council of Community Services


The Danville Area Council of Community Services was founded in 1966 to promote the general welfare in Danville and Pittsylvania County. The Council is a non-profit, non-political, and nonsectarian service organization whose objectives are:

1.   Identifying public and private resources currently available for improving health, human services, character building, and citizenship services.

2.   Identifying unmet needs related to improving health, human services, character building,

   and citizenship services and activities.

3.   Supplying to the community information about and understanding

      of available resources and unmet needs.

4.   Encouraging the utilization of existing resources and cooperative

         planning to meet identified unmet needs.


A special project of the Danville Area Council of Community Services is the printing of this Directory of Community Services, first published in 1969, and revised approximately every three years. It is now generally referred to as The Green Book.




Danville Area Council of Community Services

The Facts About DACCS


v     was formed from a group that began meeting in the early

                              1960's? The present name was formally adopted in 1966.


v     sponsored a "Needs Assessment & Planning Workshop" with

                              one of the results being a town meeting on recreation to identify

                              needs for planning towards community improvement? A second similar

                              workshop was conducted in 1983.


v     initiated the publishing and conducts the periodic update of The

                              Directory of Community Services in Danville and Pittsylvania

                              County ("The Green Book") that contains area human service

                              agencies and contact people?


v     originated and maintained the listing of Community Service Numbers

            in the front of the Danville area telephone directory?


v     initiated in 1975 the planning for the first Festival-In-the-Park with

            the Danville Parks and Recreation Department?


v     holds open monthly meetings on the fourth Friday of each month

      to inform members and the public about human services available in

      the community?


v     is the only multi-agency human services council in Danville?


v     has a broad membership currently representing many public and

                              private agencies and concerned individuals?


v     publishes a monthly newsletter for members?

Membership Information

Organizations, agencies and individuals interested in the objectives of the

                        Danville Area Council of Community Services are invited to become

    members. Annual Dues are $20.00 for agencies and organizations and $7.00

                        for individuals. Please send your inquiry about membership to:

Membership Chairman

Danville Area Council of Community Services, P. 0. Box 1235, Danville, VA 24543-1235


The Council has a luncheon meeting at Ryan’s, with a speaker on the fourth Friday of each month except November and December (November meeting the is third Friday – There is no December meeting). Visitors are welcome.


24 Hour Crisis Intervention

and Protective Services


Local Assistance


Alcohol and Drug Abuse

                                    Danville Regional Medical Center             799-2222

                                    Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services

            Day                              799-0456

            Night                            793-4922


Child and Adult Abuse

                                    Danville Day-Child                               799-6548

                                    Danville Night-Child                             911

                                    Danville-Adult                          799-6552

                                    Pittsylvania County                   Day         432-2041 or 797-9550

      Pittsylvania County Night & Weekends  432-2041 or 797-9550


Domestic Violence

                                                DOVES                                   791-1400


Mental Health

                                    CONTACT Crisis Line Danville Pitt. Co.  792-4357

                                    Mental Health Association - Day                  792-3700

                                    Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services

                                                Day or Night                                   793-4922


Rape Crisis

                                                DOVES                                   791-1400


Red Cross

                                    American Red Cross                            792-5221


                                      Salvation Army                 792-3963








24 Hour Crisis Intervention

and Other Protective Services


Toll-Free Information


AIDS ----------------------------------------------------------- 1-800-342-AIDS


Cancer Information Service  --------------------- 1-800-422-6237

     Information of cancer symptomatology, medical, social and

     financial resources for health professionals as well as victims and their families


Infant Nutrition Hotline  ------------------------- 1-800-523-6633

     Expert advice to those who have questions about infant nutrition


National Criminal Justice Reference Service   1-800-851-3420

     For information about juvenile justice and delinquency prevention topics


National Runaway Hotline  --------------------- 1-800-231-6946

     Will relay messages to families of runaways and help to find shelter


National Runaway Switchboard  -------------- 1-800-621-4000

     Will relay messages to families of runaways

Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired 1-800-622-2155

            (Formerly The Department for the Visually Handicapped)


Virginia Board for the Rights of

Virginians with Disabilities    ----------------------  1-800-846-4464

     (Information about rights and services for people with disabilities)                               

Virginia Department of Social Services  ------------ 1-800-552-3431

     Statewide customer services hotline.


Virginia Family Violence Hotline  ----------------- 1-800-838-8238

     There's no excuse for domestic violence.





Dial 1-800-555-1212 for Information on toll-free numbers.






Cross Reference Key Word Index



     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ............................................... 39

     Danville Public Schools  ............................................................................  40

     Family Life Services of Southern VA (Crisis Pregnancy Center)  ............  43

     Pittsylvania County Schools  ...................................................................... 54


ABUSE (Domestic, Child)

     Danville Division of Social Services  ........................................................  38

     DOVES  ...................................................................................................... 42

     Healthy Families of Danville  ..................................................................... 48

     Piedmont Virginians for Child Abuse Prevention  ....................................  53

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services ................................... 54

     Victim/Witness Assistance Program  .........................................................  61



     Children’s Home Society of Virginia  .......................................................  33

     Danville Division of Social Services  ........................................................ 38

     Family Life Services of Southern VA  ...................................................... 44

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services ................................. 54



     Child Development Clinic, Southside  ...................................................... 32



     YWCA  ..................................................................................................... 67



     Averett University  .................................................................................. 29

     Danville Community College  ................................................................. 37

     Danville Public Schools  .......................................................................... 40

     National College of Business and Technology  ...................................... 52

     Old Dominion University Distance Learning Center  ............................. 52

     Pittsylvania County Public Schools  ....................................................... 54



     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ............................................ 39

     Oak Grove Residential Care, Inc.  ........................................................... 52



     Danville Division of Social Services  ..................................................... 38

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services ............................... 54



  American Association of Retired Persons  ............................................... 28

   Dan River Small Business Development Center  .................................. 35

   Hatcher Center  ...................................................................................... 47

   March of Dimes  .................................................................................... 50

   Mental Health Association  ................................................................... 51

   National Association For Advancement of Colored People  ................. 51

   National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (See Support Groups) ............... 60

   Piedmont Independent Living Center  ................................................... 53

   Southern Area Agency on Aging  .......................................................... 58

   Victim/Witness Assistance Program  ..................................................... 61

   West Piedmont Disability Services Board  ............................................ 65



     American Association of Retired Persons  ........................................... 28

     Christians United Ministries  ............................................................... 33

     Danville Divisions of Social Services  ................................................. 38

     Danville Parks and Recreation  ............................................................ 39

     Green Thumb, Inc.   ............................................................................. 46

     Oak Grove Residential Care, Inc. ........................................................ 52

     Pittsylvania County Community Action  ............................................ 53

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services ............................ 54

     Riverside Health Care Center  ............................................................. 56

     Roman Eagle Memorial Home  ........................................................... 57

     Southern Area Agency on Aging  ........................................................ 58



     Health Department - Pittsylvania/Danville  ......................................... 47



     Al-ANON  ............................................................................................ 27

     Alcoholics Anonymous  ........................................................................ 27

     Alcohol Safety Action Program (Dan River ASAP)  ............................ 27

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ......................................... 39

     Danville Regional Medical Center  ....................................................... 41

     Hope Harbor  ........................................................................................ 48

     Regional Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention  ............................ 56



     Mental Health Association  .................................................................. 51

     Project Lifesavers  ................................................................................ 55

     YWCA  ................................................................................................ 67



     Danville Area Humane Society  ........................................................... 36



     See Cultural Arts Organizations/Supporters  ....................................... 34

     Danville Parks and Recreation  ............................................................ 39


     Danville Speech and Hearing Center  ................................................... 42

     Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired  ..................... 62

     Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services  .................................. 63



     Danville House  ...................................................................................... 38

     Oak Grove Residential Care, Inc.  .......................................................... 52

     Riverside Health Care Center  ................................................................ 56

     Roman Eagle Memorial Home  .............................................................. 57



     Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area, Inc.  ..................................... 29

     Boys and Girls Club of Danville  ............................................................ 30

     Danville Pittsylvania Community Services  ............................................ 39

     Presbyterian Homes and Family Services, Inc.  ...................................... 55

     W.W. Moore Detention Home  ............................................................... 64



     Boy Scouts of America  ............................................................................ 30

     Boys and Girls Club of Danville  .............................................................. 30

     Danville Parks and Recreation  ................................................................. 39

     YMCA  ..................................................................................................... 67



     Child Development Clinic, Southside........................................................ 32



     Family Life Services of Southern VA (Crisis Pregnancy Center)  .............43

     Goodwill Industries  ................................................................................... 46

     Health Department - Pittsylvania County/Danville  .................................. 47

     Healthy Families of Danville-Pittsylvania County  ................................... 48

     Salvation Army  ......................................................................................... 57



     March of Dimes  ......................................................................................... 50



     American Red Cross Danville Pittsylvania Co.  .......................................... 28

     Danville Regional Medical Center  .............................................................. 41



     Danville Division of Social Services  .......................................................... 38

     Pittsylvania County Department Social Services  ....................................... 54



     Chamber of Commerce (Danville Pittsylvania County)  ............................ 32

     Dan River Business Development Center  .................................................. 35

     Dan River Small Business Development Center  ......................................... 35        

     Danville Community College  ...................................................................... 37

     Downtown Danville Association  ................................................................. 42



     American Red Cross ..................................................................................... 28    

     YMCA  ......................................................................................................... 67

     YWCA  ......................................................................................................... 67



     American Cancer Society  ............................................................................. 28

     Brown Lung Association  ............................................................................... 31

     Danville Cancer Association, Inc.  ................................................................. 37

     Reach to Recovery (Breast Cancer)  .............................................................. 56

     Wayles R. Harrison Memorial Fund, Inc.  ..................................................... 64



     Danville Community College  ........................................................................ 37

     Education for Independence  .......................................................................... 43

     Green Thumb, Inc.  ......................................................................................... 46

     Southern Area Agency for Aging  .................................................................. 58

     Telamon Corporation  .................................................................................... 61

     Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services  ........................................... 63

     Virginia Employment Commission  .............................................................. 64



     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  .................................................. 39

     Goodwill Industries  ...................................................................................... 46

     Sickle Cell Anemia Association  ................................................................... 58

     Southern Area Agency on Aging  ................................................................. 58

     Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services  .......................................... 63



     Chamber of Commerce, Danville Pittsylvania County  ............................... 32



     Child Development Clinic, Southside............................................................ 32

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ................................................. 39

     Healthy Families of Danville Pittsylvania County  ...................................... 48

     March of Dimes  ........................................................................................... 50



     Danville Division of Social Services  ............................................................ 38

     Piedmont Virginians for Child Abuse  ........................................................... 53

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services ...................................... 54


     Danville Division of Social Services ............................................................. 38

     Head Start, Community Improvement Council, Inc.  .................................... 47

     Pittsylvania County Community Action, Inc. ................................................ 53       

     YWCA  ........................................................................................................... 67



     Danville Division Social Services .................................................................. 38

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services ...................................... 54



      Presbyterian Homes and Family Services, Inc.  .......................................... 55



     Child Support Enforcement  ......................................................................... 32



     National Association For Advancement of Colored People  ....................... 51



     Central Piedmont Health Services, Inc.  ....................................................... 31

     Danville Regional Medical Center  .............................................................. 41

     Free Clinic of Danville  ................................................................................ 44


CLOTHING (See also Baby Clothing/Items)

     Caswell County Parish, Inc.  ....................................................................... 31

     Goodwill Industries  .................................................................................... 46

     Pittsylvania County Community Action  .................................................... 53

     Salvation Army  .......................................................................................... 57

     Seventh Day Adventist Community Services  ............................................ 57



     Averett University  .................................................................................... 29

     Danville Community College  ................................................................... 37

     National College of Business and Technology  ........................................ 52

     Old Dominion University Distance Learning Center  ............................... 52



     Chamber of Commerce, Danville Pittsylvania County  ........................... 32

     Dan River Business Development Center  ............................................... 35

     Dan River Small Business Development Center  ..................................... 35

     Downtown Danville Association  ............................................................. 42

     United Way of Danville and Pittsylvania County  ................................... 61

     West Piedmont Planning District Commission  ........................................ 65




     Boy Scouts of America  ............................................................................. 30

     Danville Area Council of Community Services  ....................................... 36

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  .............................................. 39

     Girl Scouts  ................................................................................................ 44

     God’s Pit Crew  ......................................................................................... 45

     Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court  ................................................... 49

     March of Dimes  ....................................................................................... 50



     Pittsylvania County Community Action  ................................................ 53

     Salvation Army  ....................................................................................... 57

     Southern Area Agency on Aging  ............................................................ 58



     Averett University  ................................................................................. 29

     Danville Community College  ................................................................. 37

     Danville Public Schools  ......................................................................... 40

     National College of Business and Technology  .....................................  52

     Old Dominion University Distance Learning Center  ............................ 52

     Pittsylvania County Public Schools  ....................................................... 54



     Probation and Parole - Virginia Department of Corrections  ................. 55



     Associates In Mental Health Services  ................................................... 29

     Child Development Clinic, Southside .................................................... 32

     Children’s Home Society of Virginia  ................................................... 33

     Danville Church-Based Tutorial Program  ............................................ 37

     Danville Community College  ............................................................... 37

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ......................................... 39

     Danville Regional Medical Center  ....................................................... 41

     Education for Independence  ................................................................. 43

     Family Life Services of Southern Virginia  .......................................... 43

     Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court  .................................................  49

     Mental Health Association  ................................................................... 51

     Pastoral Counseling Services of Central Virginia  ................................ 52

     Telamon Corp.  ...................................................................................... 61

     Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services  ................................... 63



     Alcoholic Safety Action Program (Dan River ASAP)  ........................ 27

     Danville Division of Social Services  ................................................... 38

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ......................................... 39

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services ............................. 54

     W.W. Moore Detention Home  ............................................................ 64



     CONTACT Crisis Line Danville Pittsylvania County  ......................... 34

     Danville Department of Emergency Services  ...................................... 39

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  .......................................... 39

     DOVES  ................................................................................................. 42

     Family Life Services of Southern VA, Inc. (Crisis Pregnancy Center)  43

     Pastoral Counseling Services of Central Virginia  ................................ 52



     Boy Scouts  .........................................................................................  30

     Danville Parks and Recreation  ............................................................ 39

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ........................................ 39

     Girl Scouts  .......................................................................................... 44

     YMCA  ................................................................................................ 67

     YWCA  ................................................................................................ 67



     Child Development Clinic, Southside................................................. 32

     Danville Association for Retarded Citizens  ...................................... 37      

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ...................................... 39

     Hatcher Center  .................................................................................. 47


     Danville Parks and Recreation  ........................................................... 39

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ........................................ 39

     Goodwill Industries  ............................................................................ 46

     Hatcher Center  .................................................................................... 47

     Piedmont Independent Living Center  ................................................. 53

     Pony Express  ...................................................................................... 54

     Sheltered Workshop of Altavista  .......................................................  58

     Social Security Administration  .......................................................... 59

     Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired  ................... 62

     Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services  ................................ 63

     West Piedmont Disability Services Board  ......................................... 65


DISASTER RELIEF (also see Emergency Food/Fuel/Shelter)

     American Red Cross  ...................................................................…. 28

     Danville Emergency Services  ......................................................… 38

     God’s Pit Crew  ...........................................................................…. 45

     Salvation Army  .......................................................................….... 57



     Danville Division of Social Services  ............................................. 38

     DOVES  .......................................................................................... 42

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services  ...................... 54

     Victim/Witness Assistance Program  .............................................. 61



     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ................................... 39

     Danville Regional Medical Center  ................................................. 41

     Hope Harbor  .................................................................................. 48

     Regional Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention  ...................... 56



     Averett University  ......................................................................... 29

     Danville Community College  ........................................................ 37

     Danville Public Schools  ................................................................ 40

     Danville Science Center  ................................................................ 41

     National College of Business and Technology  ............................. 52

     Old Dominion University Distance Learning Center  .................... 52

     Pittsylvania County Schools  .......................................................... 54

     White Oak School  .......................................................................... 65

     Womack Foundation  ...................................................................... 66



     Education for Independence  .........................................................  43



     American Red Cross  ..................................................................... 28

     Caswell County Parish, Inc.  .......................................................... 31

     Christians United Ministries  ........................................................  33

     God’s Storehouse  .........................................................................  45

     Pittsylvania County Community Action  ...................................... 53

     Salvation Army  ............................................................................. 57

     Seventh Day Adventist  .................................................................  57

     Southside Community Action  ......................................................  59



     Danville Regional Medical Center  ................................................. 41



     Danville Community College  ........................................................ 37

     Danville Division of Social Services  ............................................. 38

     Goodwill Industries  ....................................................................... 46

     Green Thumb, Inc.  ......................................................................... 46

     Hatcher Center  .............................................................….............. 46

     National Association For Advancement of Colored People  .......... 51

     Pittsylvania County Community Action  ....................................... 53

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services ....................... 54

     Sheltered Workshop of Altavista  ................................................... 58

     Southern Area Agency on Aging  ................................................... 58

     Southside Community Action  ....................................................... 59

     Telamon Corp.  ............................................................................... 61

     Virginia Cares  ................................................................................ 62

     Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services  ............................ 63

     Virginia Employment Commission  ............................................... 64



     Danville Public Schools  ................................................................ 40



     Health Department Pittsylvania County-Danville  ........................ 47



     Christians United Ministries  ........................................................ 33

     Probation & Parole (Virginia Department of Corrections)  ……… 55

     Virginia Cares  ................................................................................ 62


FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE (See also Medical Expense Assistance)

     Christians United Ministries  ............................................…........... 33

     Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Virginia  ........................ 34

     Danville Division of Social Services  ............................................. 38

     Pittsylvania County Community Action  ....................................... 53

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services  ...................... 54

     Sickle Cell Anemia Association  .................................................... 58

     Social Security Administration  ..................................................... 58

     Southside Community Action, Inc.  .............................................. 59

     Veteran Affairs, Virginia Department of  ..................................... 64

     Wayles Harrison Memorial Fund  ................................................. 64

     Womack Foundation  .................................................................... 66



     Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Virginia  .....................  34

     Mental Health Association  ........................................................... 51



     American Red Cross .................................…................................ 28



     Caswell County Parish, Inc.  .......................…............................. 31

     Christians United Ministries  ....................................................... 33

     Danville Division of Social Services  .......................................... 38

     God’s Storehouse  ........................................................................ 45

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services  ................... 54

     Pittsylvania County Community Action  .................................... 53

     Salvation Army  .......................................................................... 57

     Southside Community Action Agency ....................................... 59



     Children’s Home Society of Virginia  ........................................ 33

     Danville Division of Social Services  ......................................... 38

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services  .................. 54



     Danville Division of Social Services  ......................................... 38

     Pittsylvania County Community Action  ................................... 53

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services  .................. 54

     Southside Community Action Agency, Inc. …........................... 59



     Christians United Ministries  .................................................... 33

     Goodwill Industries  .................................................................. 46

     Salvation Army  ........................................................................ 57


GED (General Education Diploma)

     Danville Community College  .................................................. 37

     Danville Public Schools  .......................................................... 40

     Pittsylvania County Public Schools  ........................................ 54



     Central Piedmont Health Services  .......................................... 31

     Commonwealth Home Health Care Group ............................  33

     Danville Regional Medical Center  ......................................... 41

     Free Clinic Of Danville, Inc.  .................................................. 44

     Health Department Pittsylvania/Danville  ............................... 47



     American Cancer Society  ...................................................... 28

     American Red Cross ............................................................... 28

     Health Department Pittsylvania/Danville  .............................. 47

     March of Dimes, Danville  ...................................................... 50

     Seventh Day Adventist  .......................................................... 57

     Sickle Cell Anemia Association  ............................................ 58



     Danville Regional Medical Center  ......................................... 41



     Commonwealth Home Health Care Group  ............................ 33

     Danville Regional Medical Center  .......................................... 41

     Health Department Danville-Pittsylvania County  .................. 47

     Southern Area Agency on Aging  ............................................ 58



     Christians United Ministries  .................................................... 33

     Danville Division of Social Services  ....................................... 38

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services  ................ 54

     Salvation Army ......................................................................... 59



     Commonwealth Home Health Care Group  ............................ 33

     Danville Regional Medical Center  .......................................... 41

     Hospice Support Services (See Support Groups)  ................... 60



     Christians United Ministries  .................................................. 33

     Danville Redevelopment and Housing Authority ................... 40

     Habitat for Humanity  ............................................................. 46

     Salvation Army  ...................................................................... 57

     Southside Community Action  ............................................... 59

     Telamon Corp.  ....................................................................... 61



     Danville Association for Retarded Citizens  ......................... 37

     Danville House  ..................................................................... 38

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ......................... 39

     Danville Redevelopment and Housing Authority  ................ 40

     M. T. Sorrell Faith Home  ..................................................... 51

     Oak Grove Residential Care, Inc.  ......................................... 52

     Piedmont Independent Living Center  .................................. 53

     Riverside Health Care  .......................................................... 56

     Roman Eagle Memorial Home  ............................................ 57

     Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services  .................. 63



     Danville House  ..................................................................... 38

     Danville Redevelopment and Housing Authority  ................ 40

     Holiday Village  ..................................................................... 48

     Oak Grove Residential Care, Inc.  ......................................... 52



     American Association of Retired Persons  ............................ 28

     CONTACT Crisis Line Danville Pittsylvania Co.  ............... 34

     Danville Area Council of Community Services  …………..  36

     Information & Referral Center of Central Virginia  ............. 49

     Southern Area Agency on Aging  ......................................... 58

     United Way of Danville Pittsylvania County  ...................... 61



     Danville Regional Medical Center  ...................................... 41

     Southern Virginia Mental Health Institute  .......................... 59



     Riverside Health Care Center  .............................................. 56

     Roman Eagle Memorial Home  ............................................ 57


     Danville Speech and Hearing  .............................................. 42

     Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services  ................. 63



     Danville Community College .............................................. 37

     Danville Division of Social Services   ................................. 38

     Goodwill Industries  ............................................................ 46

     Green Thumb, Inc.  .............................................................. 46

     Hatcher Center  ................................................................... 47

     Pittsylvania County Community Action  ............................ 53

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services ........... 54

     Sheltered Workshop of Altavista  ....................................... 57

     Southern Area Agency on Aging  ....................................... 58

     Southside Community Action  ............................................ 59

     Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired  ... 62

     Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services  ................ 63

     Virginia Employment Commission  ................................... 64



     Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court  ............................. 49



     Virginia Employment Commission  ................................... 64

     West Piedmont Planning District Commission  .................. 65



     Associates in Mental Health Services  ............................... 29

     Child Development Clinic, Southside................................. 32

     Danville Public Schools - Special Services  ....................... 40

     Pittsylvania County Schools - Special Services  ................ 54

     Presbyterian Homes and Family Services, Inc.  ................. 55

     Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services  ................ 63



     Legal Aid Society  ................................................................... 50

     National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 51



     Danville Public Library .......................................................... 39

     Pittsylvania County Public Library  ....................................... 54



     Danville Public Schools  ....................................................... 40

     Danville Reading Center  ...................................................... 40

     Pittsylvania County Schools  ................................................ 54



     Brown Lung Association  ..................................................... 31



     Consumer Credit Counseling Services  ............................... 34

     Danville Division of Social Services.................................... 38

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ........................ 39

     Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court  ............................. 49



     Commonwealth Home Health Care Group  ........................ 33

     Seventh Day Adventist Community Services   ................... 57



     Central Piedmont Health Services  ...................................... 31

     Commonwealth Home Health Care Group  ........................ 33

     Danville Cancer Association  .............................................. 37

     Danville Division of Social Services  ................................. 38

     Epilepsy Foundation of Virginia, Inc.  ................................ 43

     Free Clinic of Danville, Inc.  ............................................... 44

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services  .......... 54

     Salvation Army  ..............................................…................. 57

     Southside Community Action Agency, Inc.  ....................... 59

     Wayles R. Harrison Memorial Fund ..........…...................... 64



     Associates in Mental Health Services, P.C.  ....................... 29

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ....................... 39

     Danville Regional Medical Center  ..................................... 41

     Mental Health Association of Danville-Pittsylvania County 51

     National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (See Support Groups) 59

     Pastoral Counseling Services  .............................................  52

     Southern Virginia Mental Health Institute  ........................ 59



     Danville Association for Retarded Citizens  ....................... 37

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ........................ 39

     Goodwill Industries  ............................................................ 46

     Hatcher Center  .................................................................... 47

     M. T. Sorrell Faith Home  .................................................... 51

     Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services  ................. 63

     White Oak School  ............................................................... 65



     Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area, Inc. ................. 29

     Danville Church-Based Tutorial Program  ......................... 37

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ....................... 39



     Central Piedmont Health Services  ..................................... 31

     Danville Division of Social Services  ................................ 38

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services .......... 54

     Telamon Corp.  .................................................................. 61



     Commonwealth Home Health Care Group  ...................... 33

     Riverside Health Care Center  ........................................... 56

     Roman Eagle Memorial Home  ......................................... 57



     Oak Grove Residential Care, Inc.  ..................................... 52

     Riverside Health Care Center  ........................................... 56

     Roman Eagle Memorial Home, Inc.  ................................  57



            Danville Division of Social Services ............................... 38

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  .................... 39

     Little Life (See Family Life Services of Southern VA)  ... 43

     Health Department - Pittsylvania County/Danville .......... 47

     Healthy Families of Danville and Pittsylvania County  ... 48

     Piedmont Virginian’s For Child Abuse Prevention  ......... 53

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services ......... 54

     Regional Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention  ........ 56



     Christians United Ministries  ............................................ 33

     Pastoral Counseling Services  ............................................ 52



     Commonwealth Home Health Care Group  ...................... 33



     Boys and Girls Club of Danville  ...................................... 30

     Danville Parks and Recreation Department  .................... 39

     YMCA  ............................................................................. 67

     YWCA  .............................................................................. 67



     Commonwealth Home Health Care Group  ...................... 33

     Danville Regional Medical Center  .................................... 41



     Danville Regional Medical Center  ................................... 41



     United Way of Danville and Pittsylvania County  ............ 61

     West Piedmont Planning District Commission  ................. 65



     Children’s Home Society of Virginia  ............................... 33

     Danville Regional Medical Center  ................................... 41

     Family Life Services of Southern VA  .............................. 43

     Health Department - Pittsylvania County/Danville .......... 47

     March of Dimes  ............................................................... 50



     Danville Public Schools  .................................................. 40

     Head Start  ........................................................................ 47

     Pittsylvania County Community Action  ......................... 53

     Pittsylvania County Public Schools  ................................. 55



     Danville Division of Social Services  .............................. 38

     Free Clinic of Danville, Inc.  ........................................... 44

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services  ....... 54


     Salvation Army  ............................................................. 57

     Southside Community Action  ......................................  59

     Wayles R. Harrison Memorial Fund  ............................. 64



     Alcohol Safety Action Program (Dan River ASAP)  ..... 27

     Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area, Inc.  ............ 29

     Boys and Girls Club of Danville  ................................... 30

     Danville Division of Social Services  ............................ 38

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  .................. 39

     March of Dimes  ............................................................ 50

     Piedmont Virginians for Child Abuse Prevention  ........ 53

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services ..... 54

     Regional Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention  ..... 56

     W.W. Moore Detention Home  ..................................... 64



     Probation and Parole - Virginia Dept. of Corrections ... 55



     Danville Regional Medical Center  ................................. 41

     DOVES  .......................................................................... 42



     Boy Scouts  ..................................................................... 30

     Boys and Girls Club of Danville  .................................... 30

     Dan River Trail Association............................................. 36

     Danville Parks and Recreation  ....................................... 39

     Girl Scouts  ...................................................................... 45

     Pony Express  ................................................................. 54

     YMCA  ........................................................................... 67

     YWCA  ........................................................................... 67



     Danville Parks and Recreation  ...................................... 39



     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  .................... 39

     Hope Harbor  .................................................................... 48

     Riverside Health Care Center  .......................................... 56

     Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired    62

     Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services  .............. 63



     Pittsylvania County Community Action  ........................ 53

     Salvation Army  ............................................................... 57

     Southside Community Action Agency, Inc. ..................... 60



     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  .................... 39

     Southern Area Agency on Aging  .................................... 58

     YWCA  ............................................................................ 67



     American Association of Retired Persons  ....................... 28

     Danville Parks & Recreation  ........................................... 39



    Averett University  ............................................................... 29

    Danville Community College  ............................................... 37

    DPC Community Foundation  ................................................ 43

    National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 51

     Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services  .................... 63

     Womack Foundation  .............................................................. 66



     Averett University  ................................................................. 29

     Danville Community College  ................................................ 37

     Danville Public Schools  ........................................................ 40

     National College of Business and Technology  ..................... 52

     Old Dominion University Distance Learning Center  ........... 52

     Pittsylvania County Schools  ................................................. 54



     Danville House  ....................................................................... 38

     Danville Redevelopment and Housing Authority  .................. 40

     Holiday Village  ...................................................................... 48



     American Association of Retired Persons  ............................. 28

     Caswell County Parish, Inc. ................................................... 31

     Christians United Ministries  ................................................... 33

     Danville Parks and Recreation  ...........................…................. 39

     Danville Regional Medical Center  .....................…................ 41

     Green Thumb, Inc.  ....................................…......................... 46

     Pittsylvania County Community Action  .....…...................... 53

     Southern Area Agency on Aging  .....................….................. 58

     YWCA  ................................................................…............... 67



     Danville Regional Medical Center  ....................................... 41

     DOVES  ................................................................................ 42



     Caswell County Parish, Inc.  ................................................. 31

     Christian United Ministries  .................................................. 33      

     Danville Division of Social Services  ................................... 38        

     DOVES  ................................................................................. 42

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services.............. 54



     Goodwill Industries  .............................................................. 46

     Hatcher Center  ...................................................................... 47

     Sheltered Workshop of Altavista  .......................................... 57

     Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services  ................... 63


     Sickle Cell Anemia Association  .......................................... 58



     Lions Club (Host)  ................................................................ 50

     Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired ...... 62

     West Piedmont Disability Services Board  ........................... 65



     American Cancer Society  ................................................... 28

     Danville Cancer Association  ............................................... 37

     Seventh Day Adventist  ....................................................... 57



     Social Security Administration, Danville  ............................ 58



     Danville Division of Social Services  ................................... 38

     Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services  ............ 54



     Child Development Clinic, Southside.................................. 32

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ....................... 39

     Pony Express  ..................................................................... 54

     Presbyterian Homes and Family Services, Inc.  .................. 55

     White Oak School  .............................................................. 65



     Danville Speech and Hearing Center  ................................. 42


     Boys and Girls Club of Danville  ........................................ 30

     Danville Parks and Recreation ............................................ 39

     YMCA  ............................................................................... 67

     YWCA  ............................................................................... 67



     Associates in Mental Health Services  .............................. 29

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ..................... 39

     Danville Regional Medical Center  ................................... 41



     AL-ANON  ....................................................................... 27

     Alcohol Safety Action Program (Dan River ASAP)  ....... 27

     Alcoholics Anonymous  ................................................... 27

     Associates in Mental Health Services  ............................. 29

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ..................... 39

     Danville Regional Medical Center  .................................. 41

     Hope Harbor  ................................................................... 48

     Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court  ............................ 49



     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ..................... 39

     Regional Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention  ........ 56



     Averett University  .......................................................... 29

     Danville Parks and Recreation   ...................................... 39

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  .................... 39

     Pittsylvania County Community Action  ........................ 53

     Southside Community Action Agency, Inc. .................... 59

     YMCA  ........................................................................... 67

     YWCA  ........................................................................... 67


SUPPORT GROUPS  (See additional listings on page 60)

     AL-ANON  ................................................................ 27

     Alcoholics Anonymous  ............................................. 27

     American Cancer Society  .......................................... 28

     Danville Cancer Association  ...................................... 37

     Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  ............... 39

     Danville Regional Medical Center  ............................. 41

     DOVES  ....................................................................... 42

     Epilepsy Foundation of Virginia, Inc.  ........................ 43

     Mental Health Association  ......................................... 51

     Piedmont Independent Living Center  ........................ 53

     Reach To Recovery  .................................................... 56

     YWCA – Alzheimer  ................................................... 67



     Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services  ........ 63



     YMCA  ....................................................................... 67

     YWCA  ....................................................................... 67



     Education for Independence  .......................................... 43

     Health Department - Danville and Pittsylvania County   47

     Healthy Families of Danville/Pittsylvania County  ........ 48



     CONTACT Crisis Line Danville Pittsylvania Co.  ...... 34

     Pittsylvania County Community Action  ..................... 53



     Commonwealth Home Health Care Group  ................. 34

     Danville Regional Medical Center  .............................. 41

     Hospice Support Services  ............................................ 60



     Pony Express  ............................................................... 54



     Caswell County Parish, Inc.  ........................................ 31

     Goodwill Industries, Inc.  ............................................. 46

     Salvation Army  ........................................................... 57



     Caswell County Parish, Inc.  ........................................ 31

     Pittsylvania County Community Action  ..................... 53

     Southern Area Agency on Aging  ................................. 58



     Danville Church-Based Tutorial Program  ................... 37

     Danville Reading Center  ............................................. 40

     Sylvan Learning Center  .............................................. 60



     Caswell County Parish, Inc.  ......................................... 31

     Pittsylvania County Community Action  ...................... 53

     Salvation Army  ............................................................ 57

     Southside Community Action  ..................................... 59



     Virginia Department of Veterans’ Affairs  .................... 63



     Victim/Witness Assistance Program  ............................ 61



     Lions Club Sight Conservation  ........................................ 50

     Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired    62



     Danville Community College  ....................................... 37

     Danville Public Schools  ............................................... 40

     National College of Business & Technology  ............... 52

     Pittsylvania County Schools  ......................................... 54

     Telamon Corporation  ................................................... 61

     Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired 62

     Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services  ........... 63

     Womack Foundation  ..................................................... 66



     American Red Cross  ..................................................... 28

     YMCA  .......................................................................... 67

     YWCA  .......................................................................... 67



     Pittsylvania County Community Action  ..................... 53

     Southside Community Action  .....................................  59



     Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area, Inc. ........... 29

     Boy Scouts  ................................................................... 30

     Boys and Girls Club of Danville  .................................. 30

     Girl Scouts  .................................................................... 44

     God’s Pit Crew  ............................................................. 45

     Virginia Cooperative Extension – Chatham  ................. 62

             Danville  ................................................................ 62

     YMCA  ......................................................................... 67

     YWCA  .......................................................................... 67





ALCOHOL SAFETY ACTION PROGRAM                                    (434) 791-5331

(Dan River ASAP)                                                    FAX# (434) 791-5437

147 Deer Run Road

Danville, VA 24540

Tammy Williams, Executive Director

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: To improve highway safety by decreasing the Incidence of driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, leading to the reduction of alcohol and drug related fatalities and crashes.

Eligibility: 16 years and over

Service Fees: Varies with program. Charges waived for indigent.

Services Provided: Probation and intervention services to the court referred offenders for driving under the influence of alcohol/drug Programs – DUI intervention program; Habitual Offender restoration reviews; Driver improvement; First offender drug program; Drug testing/urine screening


AL-ANON - Danville                                                                  (434) 799-4111

      Support Group Meetings

Director: Anonymous

Service Hours: Sunday, 7 p.m., Danville Regional Medical Center, West Main St.

Tuesday, 8 p.m. West Main Baptist Church, 450 W. Main St

Purpose: To provide support to those affected by someone else’s drinking

Eligibility: Someone who has been affected by someone else’s drinking

Service Fee: None - voluntary contributions by members

Services Provided: Open meetings; Closed meetings; Facts about alcoholism; Contact with others who have similar problems; Improve attitude and behaviors, based on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions


ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS                                                       (434) 799-4111

Director: Anonymous                                                                            For Meeting Information

Service Hours: 24 Hours, Answering Service

Purpose: To help the alcoholic achieve sobriety; A fellowship of men and women

Eligibility: Desire to stop drinking

Service Fee: None. Self-supporting through own contributions

Services Provided:  Sharing; Strength; Hope; Solve common problems; Help others to recover from alcoholism


ALLIANCE FOR THE MENTALLY ILL  (See National Alliance for the Mentally Ill in Support Groups)



AARP Danville Chapter #1754

175 Franklin Court

Danville, VA 24540-1715

Earle Steele, President

Service Hours: Meets monthly, 2nd Wednesday, 2:00 p.m., Ballou Park Center

Purpose: To provide information to retirees regarding their needs and interests, to provide means for social interaction, to serve as a united force for promoting improvement of both financial and physical well-being of seniors.

Eligibility: Any person in the Danville and Pittsylvania County Area, 50 years of age and older, who is a member of AARP

Service Fees: Annual dues (local) $2.00. No fees for widowed persons or tax-aide services, $10.00 fee for 55 Alive/Mature Driving.

Services Provided: Tax Aide; Widowed persons services available as needed; 55 Alive/Mature Driving classes offered bi-monthly.


AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY                                                       (276) 638-8944

1079 Spruce Street                Patient Services at Resource Center 1- (888) 227-6333

P.O. Box 3907                                                 E-mail:     

Martinsville, VA 24115                                    Web Page:

Thomas Helmstutler, Cancer Control                 FAX #   (276) 638-3778

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday

Purpose: To provide cancer research, patient services, public and professional education.

Eligibility: Residents of Danville or Pittsylvania County

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Breast Cancer Program; Look Good, Feel Better Program; Road To Recovery (transportation ) Program; I Can Cope Support Group; Man To Man (prostate cancer) Support Group; Patient service at Resource Center


AMERICAN RED CROSS                                                                (434) 792-5221


842 Main Street                                             FAX (434) 792-7803

Danville, VA 24541                                       E-mail:

Sally L. Vick, Executive Director

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.; Monday-Friday

Purpose: A humanitarian organization led by volunteers and guided by its Congressional Charter and the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross Movement, will provide relief to victims of disaster and help people prevent, prepare, and respond to emergencies and disasters.

Eligibility: All residents of Danville and Pittsylvania County are eligible for disaster relief and Armed Forces Emergency Services.

Service Fees: Fees for Health and Safety classes; all others free.

Services Provided: Local disaster relief; Armed Forces Emergency Services; Blood pressure screening; Disaster education; CPR and First Aid classes; 24-hour emergency coverage


ASSOCIATES IN MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES, P.C.,                        (434) 791-2059              (AIMS)                                                    FAX # (434) 791-2835

108 Holbrook Street, Suite 203,

Danville, VA 24541

Samuel J. Fletcher, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist, President

Service Hours:            8:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday

8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday                 24-Hour monitored answering service

Purpose: Professional mental health practice

Eligibility:       Major insurance reimbursable

Service Fees: $120.00 initial session: $85.00 per 45 minute psychotherapy session other fees assessed per service

Services Provided: Individual (adults adolescents and children), marital & family psychotherapy; Group therapy; Assessment and remediation of learning disabilities; Addiction

counseling; Stress reduction training; Evaluations for physicians, courts and attorneys.

Day and evening hours available from a group of 13 psychologists, Licensed clinical social workers, Licensed professional counselors and psychiatric clinical nurse specialist


AVERETT UNIVERSITY                                                               (434) 791-5600

420 West Main Street                                         E-mail:

Danville, VA 24541                                          FAX # (434) 799-0658

Dr. Frank R. Campbell, President

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Student Service: 24 hours  

Purpose: Coeducational, private, independent university

Eligibility: Adults 18 years of age or older who can benefit from experiences

gained in an institution of higher education

Service Fees: Tuition and fees charged to students. Fees charged for

continuing education programs on a per program basis

Services Provided: Undergraduate degrees that blend the liberal arts and sciences with career preparation; Masters degrees in education and business administration, Graduate and Professional Studies Program



1225 W. Main St., United Way Bldg.             FAX   (434) 791-3187

P.O. Box 2286, Danville, VA 24541                E-mail:

Carroll Wiles, Executive Director                      Web page:

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. weekdays

Purpose: It is the mission of BBBS to make a positive difference in the lives of our

children and youth and assist them in achieving their highest potential primarily

through professionally supported one to one relationships with caring volunteers.

Eligibility: Children: must be aged 6-15, live in Danville/Pittsylvania County,

who the parent, school or a referring agency recognized a need for a one to one

relationship with a caring adult.  Volunteer:  Must be of good character and willing

 to commit to a one to one relationship with a child.

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Provide adult role models, mentoring and activities for children

in the Community and the In-School Based Program.  Training and supervision are

provided to the child and to the volunteer.


BIKES FOR KIDS, INC                                                                   (434) 836-6200

520 Tamworth Drive                         E-mail:

Danville, VA 24540

Rev. Bill Trimyer, Founder/President

Service Hours: Varies

Purpose: A non-profit organization that seeks to provide deserving children and

teens with a new bicycle through the help of other supportive agencies,

organizations and individuals

Eligibility: Deserving children & teens, living in Danville or Pittsylvania County

Service Fee: None

Services Provided:  Bicycles to deserving youth


BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA                                           (434) 797-4061

Blue Ridge Mountains Council 

154 Kentuck Road Apt A8

Danville, VA 24540

Bryan Hale (local), District Executive

Main office: 2131 Valley View Blvd., N. W.      (540)-265-0656 Roanoke

Roanoke, VA 24012

Service Hours:  8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Purpose: It is the mission of the Boy Scouts of America to serve others

 by helping to instill values in young people and in other ways prepare them to

 make ethical choices over their lifetime in achieving their full potential

Eligibility: Tiger Cubs--1st grade boys and their parents; Cub Scouts - boys in

grades 2-5; Boy Scouts-boys age 11-18; Explorers-youth age 14-21 Special populations welcome

Service Fee: $7.00 per year to register youth and adult leaders

Services Provided: Citizenship training; Character development; Personal fitness; Outdoor adventure; Life skill advancement; Career awareness; Camping

BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF DANVILLE                                          (434) 792-6617

123 Foster Street                                    Clubhouse: (434) 792-6643

Danville, VA 24541                                           FAX # (434) 792-6479

Todd Lee, Director

Service Hours: Clubhouse - 2:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Monday - Friday

Purpose: To inspire and enable all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens.

Eligibility: Males and females ages 5 - 18 years

Service Fee: $3.00 per year membership fee

Services Provided: Character and leadership development; Education and career development; Health and life skills; Arts and culture; Sports, fitness and recreation


BROWN LUNG ASSOCIATION (Virginia)                                  (434) 685-3515

P.O. Box 3576                                               

Danville, VA 24543

Alice K. Atkins, Vice President

Service Hours: Meeting - 3rd Thursday each month at 6:30 p.m.

Allied Building, 609 Keen Street, Suite 102, Danville

Purpose: To educate disabled textile workers about compensation and about cleaning up the mill.

Eligibility: All are eligible

Service Fee: Membership dues:  $5.00 per year

Services Provided: Consultation concerning worker's compensation


CASWELL COUNTY PARISH, INC                                                 (336) 694-6428

P.O. Box 967                                                   FAX # (336) 694-9276

1038 Main Street                                             E-mail:

Yanceyville, NC 27379

Anne Watlington , Executive Director

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Purpose: To help those in need in Caswell County

Eligibility: Meals On Wheels for Age 60 +, other programs by need only

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Caswell Family Violence Prevention Program and Shelter; Meals on Wheels (hot meals for homebound senior citizens); Thrifty Tog Shop; Emergency Food Pantry; Crisis assistance (fuel, utilities, etc.); Best Friends Mentoring Program; Youth Restitution and Community Service

CENTRAL PIEDMONT HEALTH SERVICES, INC                               (434) 792-7381

490-B Piney Forest Rd.                                    FAX # (434) 792 7385

Danville, VA 24540                                          E-mail:

Sandy River Medical Center                                                            (434) 685-7095

4520 Medical Center Road, Axton, VA 24054 FAX # (434) 685-2990

Southside Family Medical Center                1-888-799-7362          (434) 799-1200

2811 Riverside Drive, Danville, VA                              FAX # (434) 799-1300

David Owen, Executive Director                      

Service Hours: Varies.  Contact the Medical Center for hours

Purpose: Provide health services to the entire family by assuring access to routine primary care, health promotion, and preventive health screenings

Eligibility: Open to the general public, regardless of ability to pay. Appointments preferred

Service Fees: Direct payment, all forms of insurance, Medicaid, Medicaid Medallion and Medicare. Fee discounts to eligible low-income persons on a sliding fee scale

Services Provided: Minor illness and injury treatment; Management of chronic conditions; Women’s health care; Services to migrant workers; Immunizations; Well-child care; School and sports physicals; Laboratory services; Limited medical translation services; Limited walk-in appointments; Approved Veteran medical clinic

635 Main Street                                                                                               (434) 793-5422

P.O. Box 1538                                                   FAX #  (434) 793-5424

Danville, VA 24543                                   E-mail:

Service Hours:  9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: A voluntary organization of business and professional leaders collectively

working to provide leadership which will promote economic growth in

business, industry, tourism, and agriculture

Eligibility: Contact office for membership requirements

Service Fee: Dues required for membership

Services Provided: Leadership Southside; Event sponsorship; Workshops;

Promote economic growth


CHILD DEVELOPMENT CLINIC, SOUTHSIDE                                    (434) 797-1040

Public Health Center                                                     FAX # (434) 791-5342

326 Taylor Drive, (Suite G-41)

Danville VA 24541

Bernice L. Harclerode, BSN RN CPNP, Director

Service Hours: 8:15 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: Provide diagnostic services for children with developmental delays or discrepancies, which may include such conditions as hyperactivity, behavioral disorders, health problems, learning problems, mental retardation or multiple handicaps

Eligibility:  Children age birth to 21 years. Virginia residents

Service Fees: Sliding scale based on income. Medicaid, check, insurance accepted

Services Provided:  Diagnostic services; Counseling; Consultation; Health related services; Learning disabled services


CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT                                                        1-800-752-7307



155 Deer Run Drive                                                FAX # (434) 791-5301

Danville, VA 24540                                                   

Paul R. Reavis, District Manager                                   

Service Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: To establish paternity and child support orders and to enforce existing

child support orders; To promote self-reliance

Eligibility: Custodial parents, caretakers and guardians with dependent child/children

who reside with the parent, guardian or custodial parents

Service Fee: None

Services Provided:  Investigate cases as to potential for child support; Locate and obligate absent parents; Monitor support payments; Take enforcement actions as necessary

CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY OF VIRGINIA              Toll Free 1-800-625-2445

1620 Fifth Street, SW.                                        After Hours: 1-800-625-2445                  

Roanoke, VA 24016

Peter Pufki, Executive Director,  Linda Perkins, Lynchburg Office

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. After hours appointments made as needed

Purpose: Committed to finding homes for children and to providing professional counseling

on issues and problems related to untimely pregnancy and the adoption process

Eligibility: Contact office for eligibility requirements

Service Fees: No fees to biological parents. Standard adoption fee to adoptive parents

Services Provided: Pregnancy counseling; Birth parent services; Adoption services;

Foster care services


CHRISTIANS UNITED MINISTRIES                                             (434) 799-3671

716 Claiborne St

Danville, VA 24540

Larry G. Hill, Executive Director

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday-Friday

Purpose: Provide aid to the elderly, low-Income persons, prisoners and their families

Eligibility: Emergency services provided on individual basis according to need

Service Fee: None

Services Provided:  Food; Christian counseling; General assistance and referral; Emergency overnight shelter; Senior services; Furniture; Prisoner aid


CHURCH WOMEN UNITED OF DANVILLE                            (434) 836-3133

Virginia Watkins

Service Hours: N/A                                                                           

Purpose: An ecumenical worldwide organization of women of all

Christian faiths, sharing worship services and common goals

Eligibility: All interested persons. Handicapped accessible

Service Fee: None - Volunteer offerings taken at celebrations

Member churches and individual members pay nominal voluntary dues


COMMONWEALTH HOME HEALTH CARE GROUP                    (434) 797-2332

479 Piney Forest Road                                     FAX # (434) 793-7429

Danville, VA 24540

Janet Hamilton, Executive Director

Service Hours: Varies with services provided; 24 hour availability for nursing care, home medical equipment and pharmacies

Purpose: Provision of home health care services

Eligibility: Unrestricted

Service Fees: Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, P.R.N., private pay

Services Provided: Skilled nursing care (RN.s and L.P.N.s); Respiratory therapy; Oxygen services; Rehabilitative therapies; Home medical equipment; Ostomy and mastectomy supplies; Pediatric services; Nursing uniforms and accessories; Full service pharmacies; Private duty register; Hospice Program



139-A Deer Run Road                                           FAX #  (434) 799-3271

Danville, VA 24540                              Web Page:

Debra Purvis, Branch Manager

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday - Appointments

Purpose: To provide money management counseling, promotion of consumer credit education, and arrangement of debt repayment plans

Eligibility: Unrestricted.  Appointment determines need for service

Service Fee: No fee

Services Provided:  Debt and budgeting counseling; Mediation between creditors and consumers


CONTACT CRISIS LINE                                                  792-HELP (792-4357)

DANVILLE/ PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY         Office: 793-4940                             

P.O. Box 41                                                     e-mail:

Danville, VA 24543-0041                                FAX #:  (434) 792-4359         

Lilly B. Ferrell, Executive Director

Service Hours: Line open 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Business Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Monday-Friday

Purpose: Providing confidential anonymous crisis intervention, listening,

daily personal contact by telephone to persons living alone to check on their well being,

Information and Referral satellite office and training for volunteers

Eligibility: No eligibility requirements

Service Fee: None

Services Provided:  Crisis intervention; Listening; Resource referral system; Reassurance calls; Training


Children's Theater of Danville                                              (434) 797-2124


Dan River Alliance for Arts & Culture                                (434) 797-4577

P. O. Box 2276, Danville, VA 24541   FAX # (434) 797-4578 E-mail:         
Danville Art League                                                              (434) 793-5644

P.O. Box 2008, Danville, VA 24543

Danville Association for Arts & Humanities                        (434) 792-6965

435 Main St, Danville, VA 24541

Danville Concert Association                                       

P. O. Box 2584, Danville, VA 24541

Danville Historical Society                                                    (434) 799-9647

135 Holbrook Ave., Danville, VA 24541

Danville Museum of Fine Arts & History                            (434) 793-5644

975 Main St., Danville, VA 24541

Service Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tuesday-Friday

2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday  Service Fees: No admission charge

Friends of the Danville Public Library                                  (434) 799-5195

P.O. Box 2007, Danville, VA 24541-0007

Little Theater of Danville                  (434) 792-3626         (434) 836-5625

OPERA Ebony Concert Guild                                               (434) 792-2664

P. O. Box 3501, Danville, VA 24543

Museum of Natural History                                                  (434) 797-8498
Pittsylvania Historical Society 

P. O. Box 1148, Chatham, VA 24531-1148


DAN RIVER BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER                 (434) 793-9100

300 Ringgold Industrial Parkway           FAX # (434) 793-9200

Danville, VA 24540                              E-mail:

Michael J. Tentnowski, President          Web Page:

Business Hours:  8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose:  DRBDC is a business incubator that supports new and growing businesses under one roof.  Helps small business entrepreneurs get started and grow by helping them build skills to become successful.

Eligibility:  DRBDC serves Pittsylvania Co. and Danville.  Anyone may come to visit and speak with the staff.

Service Fees:  Affordable rent to small business start-ups, etc.

Services Provided:  Business incubators provide new and existing small businesses affordable rents, shared services, shared equipment and access to a wide range of professional, technical and financial programs.



300 Ringgold Industrial Parkway                                   FAX # (434) 793-9200

Danville, VA 24540

Dan Funkhouser, Director

Business Hours:  8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose:  To provide existing and prospective small businesses with counseling, training and specialized services concerning the formation, financing, management and operation of small businesses

Eligibility:  Small businesses located in the City of Danville and Pittsylvania County, with up to 100 employees

Service Fee:  No charge for one-on-one counseling

Services Provided:  Business development; Business counseling on business planning, capital formation, financial analysis and marketing; Training on various business topics; Advocacy; Economic development


DAN RIVER TRAIL ASSOCIATION                               (434) 799-0750

P.O. Box 1375                                         E-mail:

Danville, VA 24543

Norma Howard, Chairman

Business Hours: Monthly meetings. Call for details

Purpose: Promote the development and use of trails as a form of recreation

Eligibility: Meetings and outing open to the public and free of charge

Service Fee: None. Small membership fee to support work of organization

Services Provided: Trail development, promotion, maintenance and monthly outings


DANVILLE AREA COUNCIL OF COMMUNITY SERVICES (DACCS)                                                         

P.O. Box 1235                                     Web page:

Danville, VA 24543-1235

Purpose: To assist the community to become more aware of the scope of existing health, human services, character building and citizenship services and activities; to discover unmet needs in these same areas and to encourage cooperative planning to take care of them; to promote the general improvement of services for the citizens of the community

Meeting Schedule: 12 Noon, fourth Friday of each month

(Exceptions: third Friday in November – No December meeting) Ryan’s restaurant, Danville Dutch-treat luncheon, Visitors welcome

Eligibility: Organizations or individuals who are interested in the purposes of the council

Service Fees: Annual organizational membership $20.00; individual membership $7.00

Services Provided: Community speaker; Meetings; Newsletter; Networking, Community workshops; Green Book; Cooperative planning


DANVILLE AREA HUMANE SOCIETY                                   (434) 799-0843

Animal Shelter City Farm, Rt. 58, East                 E-mail:

P.O. Box 3352

Danville, VA 24543

Paulette Dean, Executive Director

Service Hours: 10:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday

11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Saturday, closed Sundays

Purpose: To promote the welfare and humane treatment of all animals;

To prevent cruelty and promote kindness and respect for all forms of life

Eligibility: Membership is open to all. Dues

Service Fees: Varies

Services Provided:  Rescue and temporary maintenance of lost or abused animals;

Humane education; Shelter adoptions; Spay-neuter rebate; Cruelty investigations



7180 US Highway 29                                                        FAX #   (434) 836-5419

Blairs, VA 24527

John D. Scott, Director                                                            

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: To promote the general welfare of the mentally retarded and to foster

programs in their behalf for the development of each to his/her fullest potential

Eligibility: Mental Retardation, parental/guardian permission

Service Fees: yes.  Third party donors

Services Provided: Employment service; Transportation; Education

DANVILLE CANCER ASSOCIATION, INC                                    (434) 792-3700

1225 West Main Street                                               FAX #  (434) 791-3187

Danville, VA 24541

Mary A. Crider, Director                                                         

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.; Monday- Friday

Purpose: To serve needy cancer patients

Eligibility: Residents of areas served by the Danville-Pittsylvania

United Way and surrounding locations

Service Fee: No fee.  Application necessary for financial assistance

Services Provided:  Supplies, prescriptions, equipment, travel costs for treatment (must qualify);

Literature; Educational programs; Coping with Cancer support group



P. O. Box 188                                                  FAX # (434) 799-6174

Danville, VA 24543

Kenneth Lewis, Executive Director

Service Hours:  The sites operate one to four days per week and are open for approximately

two hours per session

Purpose:  A volunteer partnership between Danville Public Schools, local churches, area colleges, area businesses and parents to improve the learning experiences for the children in the Danville Area

Eligibility:  Students K-12

Service Fee:  None

Services Provided:  Each of the churches and community centers involved provides housing for the program; a coordinator; recruitment of tutors; counseling and mentoring for students


DANVILLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE                                            (434) 797-2222

1008 South Main Street                                           FAX # (434) 797-8541

Danville, VA 24541                                                                 

Dr. Carlyle Ramsey, President

Service Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday

Purpose: A two-year comprehensive institution of higher education committed to excellence in all aspects of the education enterprise

Eligibility: 18 years or older with high school diploma or the equivalent (GED) who

can benefit from a program of study

Service Fees: Fixed fees

Services Provided: Student development; General education; College and university

parallel curricula; Occupational technical programs; Developmental education;

Continuing education programs; Co-curricular and intellectual activities; Workforce services; Apprenticeship Training; Center for Business, Industry and Government



P.O. Box 3300                                                 FAX #  (434) 797-8939

Danville, VA 24543                                      Web Page -

Douglas R. Young, CEM/Director

Service Hours:  24 hours

Purpose: Emergency management and 911 Center

Eligibility: N/A

Service Fee: N/A

Services Provided: Disaster preparedness; 911Emergency Center management; Coordination of Emergency Medical Service (EMS) system and rescue efforts


DANVILLE DIVISION OF SOCIAL SERVICES                           (434) 799-6543

P.O. Box 3300                                After hours   (434) 799-5111 or 911

Danville, Virginia 24543                      FAX #  (434) 797-8818                  

Frederic D. Fraley, Director           E-mail:

Service Hours: 8:15 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday

Purpose: Provision of public social services to eligible individuals

Eligibility: Residents of the City of Danville; requirements vary depending

upon program, especially with financial programs

Service Fees: for court ordered home studies, adoptive home studies, adoptee searches.

Services Provided: Temporary assistance to needy families; General relief; Medicaid; Food stamps; Fuel program; Emergency assistance to families; Child protective services; Adult services/adult protective services; Foster care/adoption services; Day care services; Employment services; Employment and training program; Structured family therapy; Mediation services


DANVILLE HOUSE                                                               (434) 792-0666

600 Main St                                                             FAX # (434) 792-3816

P.O. Box 3703

Danville, VA 24541

Tecora A. Holland. Property Manager

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday.  24-Hour availability

Purpose: Offer affordable housing for elderly and persons with disabilities

Eligibility: Low income elderly and persons with disabilities who meet

Section VIII guidelines

Service Fees: Rent is based on Section VIII guidelines. Call office for details.

Services Provided: Government subsidized housing


DANVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION                                        (434) 799-5200

125 Floyd Street                                             FAX # (434) 799-6562

P.O. Box 3300

Danville, VA 24543

John B. Gilstrap, Director

Business Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday   Service hours vary by centers.

Purpose: Provide leisure service programs and facilities to all populations and ages in the community

Eligibility: Parental/guardian permission if under 18 years, Preferably a resident of Danville, but not limited to

Service Fees: Varies according to services, class fee and rental fee—Scholarships for youth

services available

Services Provided: Community Recreation Bureau; Sports and Athletic Bureau; Outdoor Recreation Bureau; Special Populations Bureau; Senior Citizens Bureau


DANVILLE-PITTSYLVANIA COMMUNITY SERVICES                     (434) 799-0456

245 Hairston Street                                                       FAX #  (434) 793-4201

Danville, VA 24540                                                      Web page:

Lenard D. Lackey, Jr., Executive Director

Business Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Service hours vary with programs

Purpose: To provide mental health, mental retardation, substance abuse and prevention services to the citizens of Danville and Pittsylvania County

Eligibility: Individuals living in the city of Danville and Pittsylvania County

Service Fees: All major insurances accepted including Medicaid.  Sliding scale based on income/dependents also available.

Services Provided: Mental Health - Emergency, outpatient, intensive in-home, case management, psychosocial, supportive living, psychiatric; Mental Retardation - Case management, infant development, intensive services, supervised apartments, adult developmental, alternative day support, summer respite, supported living, family support; Substance Abuse - Outpatient, outreach, case management, supervised residential, med/social detox, primary care, community-based detox; Prevention - Violence prevention, parenting, youth mentoring, mediation, community development, substance abuse and teen pregnancy prevention, court diversion, life skills and youth tobacco use prevention


DANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY                                                         (434) 799-5195

511 Patton Street                                 Reference Desk   (434) 797-8811

Danville, VA 24541                              FAX #   (434) 799-5221

Jay Stephens, Director                          E-mail:

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Monday & Thursday

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Saturday

Purpose: Information and recreational reading and audiocassette materials; story

programs and film programs for children; answers to inquiries; book talks and book reviews

Eligibility: All area residents

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Friends of the Danville Public Library; Health Reference Center; Law Library; Westover Branch; Internet access; Interlibrary loan program


DANVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS                                                     (434) 799-6400

427 Patton Street                                 FAX #   (434) 799-5267

P.O. Box 9600                                     E-mail: 

Danville, VA 24543                              Web page: 

Dr. N. Andrew Overstreet, Superintendent of Schools

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: To educate all students to the maximum of their individual potential

Eligibility: Resident of Danville

Service Fees: Contact School Board Office for details

Services Provided: Public education Pre-K – 12 grades; English-as-a-Second Language Instruction; GED test preparation; Adult evening high school; Vocational training for adults; Family education; Workplace education; Project Literacy; Adult Education


DANVILLE READING CENTER                                                        (434) 797-3705

508 Piney Forest Road                                         

Danville, VA 24540

Jennifer Snead, Director

Service Hours: 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Classes September–June, 3:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Purpose:  Remedial reading for children

Eligibility: Children, grades 1 - 7

Service Fee: Sliding scale according to family income

Services Provided: Morning classes during the month of July; After-school classes

 during the school year



651 Cardinal Place                                        After hours   (434) 793-1227

P.O. Box 2669                                              FAX #   (434) 792-2118 

Danville, VA 24541

Daryl Dalton, Executive Director                                                                                              

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday (Sept-May)

8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday- Friday (June-August)

Purpose: To provide affordable housing for low and moderate income families,

handicapped persons, and the elderly.

Eligibility: Elderly and/or handicapped and/or disabled persons and families

with limited incomes (single persons not eligible unless elderly,

handicapped, or disabled.)

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Housing in Cardinal Village, Liberty View, Cedar Terrace,

Ingram Heights, and Pleasant View


DANVILLE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER                              (434) 799-2100

142 South Main Street

Danville, VA 24541

Warren Callaway, President                                                                 

Service Hours: 24 hours /7 days per week

Purpose: Provide emergency room, I.C.U., C.C.U., general medicine and

surgery, obstetrics, pediatrics, gynecology, psychiatry, substance

abuse treatment, orthopedics, physical rehabilitation, home health,

education of professional nurses and paramedical personnel

Eligibility: All patients accepted

Service Fees: CHAMPUS, Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance -- Terms available. Cash, Check or Credit Card

Service Provided: Radiation Oncology; Occupational Health; Cardio-Pulmonary Care; Cardiac Services; Pain Management; Outpatient Laboratory Services; Home Health Care; Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Center; Hospice Support Services; Case Management Services; Inpatient Physical Re-Hab; Health Referral Services; Head and Spinal Cord Injury Prevention Program; 24-hour free assessments for mental health and substance abuse issues; Employee Assistance Services; Patient Education Classes; One-day Surgery; Physical Rehabilitation; Senior Citizen Health Care


DANVILLE SCIENCE CENTER                                                             (434) 791-5160

677 Craighead Street                                               FAX #(434) 791-5168

Danville, VA 24541                                               E-mail: 

Ginny Laubinger, Director                                 Web page: www/ 

Service Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00p.m.; Tuesday-Saturday                    

1:00 - 5:00 Sunday (May – October) Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas

Purpose: To deepen our understanding of man and his environment and educate citizens in the concepts and principles of science and how they form the foundation upon which rests our technical society and its economy

Eligibility: Everyone

Service Fees: Adults - $4.00, Senior Citizens - $3.00, Children under 3 - Free.  Group rates available.

Services Provided: Educational programs and displays


DANVILLE SPEECH AND HEARING CENTER                       (434) 793-8255 voice   

742 Wilson St                                                                    (434) 793-8256 TDD

Danville, VA 24541                   FAX #   (434) 793-6017  After hours  (434) 793-8255               Elizabeth T. Marshall, M.A. - Executive Director

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday, Wednesday & Friday

10:45 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Tuesday & Thursday

Purpose: Improve the quality of life for people with communication disorders and to prevent the occurrence of these conditions

Eligibility: A communication concern

Service Fees: Charges for all services.  Reduced fees for those who cannot afford usual fees and has no insurance; Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, terms available, cash, check

Services Provided: Professional speech/language pathology services; Evaluation and treatment for speech, voice, language, hearing and swallowing; Interpreting for deaf; Foreign accent reduction

DOVES, INC.                                                                                 (434) 799-3683

Domestic Violence Emergency Services                                 (434) 791-1400 - 24 hr. Hotline

Rape Crisis Services                                            FAX #   (434) 799-3684

P.O. Box 2381

Danville, VA 24541

Mr. Tony Leger, Executive Director

Service Hours: 24 hours, 7 days per week

Purpose: To provide direct/indirect assistance to male/female

victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and to their significant others

Eligibility: Victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, rape, incest, child sexual assault

Service Fee: No charge

Services Provided: Crisis intervention shelter program; Support and guidance; Referral; Safe shelter; Assistance in clarifying legal rights; Support groups; Supportive counseling; Medical and legal advocacy; 24 hour hotline; Public education; Emergency services include transportation, food, clothing and agency referral


DOWNTOWN DANVILLE ASSOCIATION                                 (434) 791-4470

105 South Main Street # 203                            FAX #  (434) 791-4482

Danville, VA 24541                                          E-mail:

Dorothy Nesbitt,                      
Service Hours:  9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
Purpose:  To revitalize Downtown Danville
Eligibility:  N/A
Service Fee:  None
Services Provided:  Historic preservation; Economic Development
DPC COMMUNITY FOUNDATION                                             (434) 793-0884

P. O. Box 1039                                                FAX # (434) 793-6489

Danville, VA 24543                                          E-mail:

Debra L. Dodson, Executive Director               Web Site:

Purpose: A public charity established in September of 1996 by a steering committee of civic leaders to meet a wide variety of social, educational, cultural and other charitable needs in the Danville, Pittsylvania County and Caswell County area and in other locations within the greater Danville area.

Eligibility and Services Provided:  Please see the DPC Community Foundation web site for more specifics.



(Project Hope, New Focus, OPTIONS)                                                          (434) 797-8451

1008 South Main Street

Danville, VA 24541

Ginger Henderson, Coordinator

Service Hours:  Monday through Friday

Purpose:  To provide support and financial assistance to pursue further education and employment training for single parents, displaced homemakers, teen parents and women interested in non-traditional career fields

Eligibility:  Single parents over 21 years with sole or joint custody, displaced homemakers, teen mothers, 18-21 years, or women interested in non-traditional career fields

Service Fee:  None

Services Provided:  Career, academic and personal counseling; Workshops; Support groups; Vocational and educational training; Employment preparation; Financial assistance for tuition, books, childcare and transportation; Referral source


EPILEPSY FOUNDATION of VIRGINIA, INC (THE)               (434) 924-8678 OR 8669    

P. O. Box 800659                                        After Hours (434) 924-8678                    

UVA Medical Center                           National number: 1-800-332-1000

Charlottesville, VA 22908

Suzanne Bischoff, Director

Service Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: To promote awareness about epilepsy and provide assistance to those with the disorder

Eligibility: No requirements

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Adult and parent support groups; Epilepsy education programs;

Information and referral services; One-time emergency medication program



(Little Life)                                                      FAX #  (434) 836-6143

2960 North Main Street                                   E-mail:

Danville, VA 24540                                       

Kim Manning, Executive Director

Service Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Friday

Purpose: Enhance the stability of the family in our society based on fundamental religious

principles or beliefs

Eligibility: Desire for help/services; For goods - enrollment in Lifeline Program

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Crisis pregnancy center; Free pregnancy testing, support, education, help throughout pregnancy; Counseling; Prenatal and parenting workshops; Abstinence education; Post abortion counseling


FIFTH DISTRICT CONGRESSIONAL OFFICE                          (434) 792-1280

Congressman Virgil Goode, Jr.                         1-800-535-4008

437 Main Street                                                           FAX # (434) 797-5942

Danville, VA 24541-1109                                E-mail:

Service Hours:  9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose:  To assist constituents of the 5th Congressional District with problems related to

the Federal Government

Eligibility:  Residency in the 5th Congressional District of Virginia

Service Fee:  None

Services Provided:  Inquiries regarding Social Security disability claims; Veterans claims; Immigration and Naturalization; Military; IRS; Other Federal agencies and referrals as needed


FREE CLINIC OF DANVILLE, INC                                                     (434) 799-1223

150 W. Main Street                                                     

P.O. Box 665

Danville, VA 24543

Janie Leigh Carter, Executive Director

Service Hours: 4:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Tuesday. Call for appointment

Purpose: Provide health care for medically indigent of the city of Danville and vicinity

Eligibility: Over 12 years of age; Income 130% of federal poverty level; Resident of Danville and vicinity

Service Fee: A $2.50 charge for each drug prescription provided

Services Provided: Basic health care

GIRL SCOUTS                                                                                   (434) 836-5766

Virginia Skyline Council, Inc.                                       1-800-268-0724

P.O. Box 5032                                                    FAX #  (434) 793-2548

Danville, VA 24540

Joaquina Clark, Field Director

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: To help girls develop the highest ideals of character, conduct, patriotism, and service that they may become responsible, resourceful women

Eligibility: Girls ages 5 - 17 years, adults over 18 years willing to accept the Girl Scout Promise and Law

Service Fee: $7.00 GSUSA Membership dues; scholarships available

Services Provided: Adult recruitment; Training; Troop meetings; Education; Community services; Girl’s programs



GOD’S PIT CREW                                                                           (434) 822-0426

296 Steill Springs Drive

Danville, VA 24541

Randy Johnson, Executive Director

Purpose:  To help people in crises through disaster relief and specialized youth programs

Service Fee:  None

Services Provided:  1) Disaster relief work wherever and whenever there is a major disaster such as a flood, tornado or hurricane.  2) Pit Stop Program designed for youth groups.  The program is provided to any youth group and consists of a live NASCAR-type pit stop with racecar and pit crew to teach teamwork, build self-esteem and the realization that everyone has a place to contribute.


GOD'S STOREHOUSE                                                             (434) 793-3663 (FOOD)                                             FAX #  (434) 793-3663

778 Westover Drive                                                         FAX # (434) 793-8335

P.O. Box 2600                                                            

Danville, VA 24541

Becky Wales, Director

Service Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Thursday; Closed Friday

Purpose: To feed the hungry in Danville and Pittsylvania County

Eligibility: Must meet financial guidelines according to size of family

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Emergency food


GOOD NEWS JAIL AND PRISON MINISTRY                              (434) 799-9301

228 Timberlake Drive

Danville, VA 24540

David Abernathy, Senior Chaplain

Purpose: Spiritual, physical and mental rehabilitation through jail ministry

Eligibility: Incarcerated in Danville-Pittsylvania County; employee of correctional facility; family member

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Daily pastoral care to incarcerated; Pastoral care to correctional officers, staff and families; Ministerial services to inmate family members



512 Westover Drive                             Bookstore  (434) 791-3636

Danville, VA 24541                              FAX # (434) 792-2544

Mark Stegall, Director              E-mail:

Service Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday

Retail Store/Bookstore Hours:  9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m., Monday-Saturday

                                                  1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Sundays

Purpose: Provide training and employment services to those with disabilities and the socially, culturally or economically disadvantaged adults in Danville and surrounding areas.  This helps clients to maximize their employment potential and to enhance their integration into the community

Eligibility: 16 years or older, disabled or economically disadvantaged, third party sponsor

Service Fees: Charges for all services

Services Provided: Work adjustment training; Sheltered employment; Skills training in forklift driver certification; Basic office/computer; Inventory control; Retail sales and operations; Counseling; Case management; Job readiness instruction; Job placement; Computer instruction


GREEN THUMB, INC                                                                     1-800-419-5627

P. O. Box 470                                                  (540) 489-5231

Boones Mill, VA 24065-0479              FAX # (540) 489-5271

Judy Jones, State Project Director                    E-mail:

Service Hours:  8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose:  To provide older and disadvantaged individuals with opportunities to learn, work and serve others

Eligibility:  For SCSEP, must be 55 or older, have the right to work in the United States, reside in the service delivery area and meet federal mandated low-income guidelines.  For other services, must be an older worker actively seeking employment or income generating opportunities.

Service Fees:  SCSEP—none; WIA Core services—none; Temp-perm Experience Works—none for job seeker; E-commerce—registration fee; IT Training--$0.00 to a fee based on the type of training, etc.                    

Services Provided: Senior Community Service Employment Program with opportunities for classroom training; On-the-job training; Work experience; Job referrals.  Also IT Training; E-commerce site for artisans; Temp-perm Experience Works employment agency for skilled, mature workers and WIA Core services


HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, Danville-Pittsylvania County            (434) 793-3630

P.O. Box 718                                                                                                  

Danville, VA 24543

Bobbi Jo Brown, Executive Director

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Monday-Thursday

Purpose: Provide simple, decent housing to God’s people in need

Eligibility: Need for housing.  Ability to pay is based on income guidelines and willingness to complete  “sweat equity”.

Service Fee: Homeowner purchases the home upon completion with a no-interest mortgage

Services Provided: Housing; Volunteer opportunities in construction, administration and fundraising; Volunteer opportunities for groups


HATCHER CENTER                                                                             (434) 836-3272

7180 U.S. Highway 29 North                     FAX #  (434) 836-5419          

Blairs, VA 24527

John D. Scott, Director                                                            

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: To provide a sheltered workshop program for adults with mental retardation and the developmentally disabled.

Eligibility: Any individual with mental retardation or who is developmentally disabled

Service Fee: Yes

Services Provided: Work training; Work adjustment; Education; Counseling


HEAD START CHILD CARE                                                                 (434) 836-0994 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COUNCIL, INC   FAX # (434) 836-0997

608 Upper Street                                

P.O. Box 1080

Danville. VA 24540

Joan Robbins, Executive/ Head Start Director

Service Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: Provide day care

Eligibility: Male and female, ages 3 to 5

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Child-care with developmental program; Full health program;

Good nutrition; Social services; Special services


HEALTH DEPARTMENT                                                           Danville (434) 799-5190

PITTSYLVANIA/ DANVILLE                  Pittsylvania County (434) 432-7232

326 Taylor Drive                                                                   Gretna (434) 656-1266

Danville, VA 24541

Service Hours: 8:15 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: To provide optimum health care for all citizens within the district

in prevention of disease and promotion of health in clinics and home services

Eligibility: Resident of Danville and Pittsylvania County

Service Fees:  Sliding scale payment; Private pay; Insurance; CHAMPUS; Medicare;

Medicaid and Vendor payments

Services Provided: Comprehensive medical and nursing care to mothers and

children, i.e., obstetrics, pediatrics, family planning; Dental care; Personal care; Care of sexually transmitted diseases and communicable diseases; Vital statistics and environmental health

services;  Anonymous HIV testing and counseling; HIV/AIDS case management services; Resource Mothers program; Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection program;

Babies Can’t Wait Early Intervention


142 South Main St.                                                  FAX #  (434) 799-2286

Danville, VA 24541

Lisa Jones, Program Manager

Service Hours: 8:30 - 5:00 Monday-Friday

Purpose: To reduce the incidence of child abuse and neglect in Danville and Pittsylvania County

Eligibility: First-time parents who are residents of Danville or Pittsylvania County and delivered their child at Danville Regional Medical Center. Assessment for high-risk factors

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Regular support to parents and assistance with parenting skills and child development; Referral to community services; On-going support for child’s first 5 years


HEALTHIER PIEDMONT PEOPLE                                                    (434) 799-4544

P.O. BOX 2035                                                      FAX #  (434) 799-2060

Danville, VA 24541

Cheryl Rittenhouse, Executive Director

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Monday-Friday   Voice Mail available

Purpose: Improve the physical, spiritual and emotional health of our community through a collaborative effort of coordinating and enhancing existing resources

Eligibility: No requirements

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Community education and awareness; Community planning; Collaboration vehicle


HOLIDAY VILLAGE                                                                          (434) 792-5300

222 Courtland Street

Danville, VA 24540

Patricia Lilly, Manager

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Purpose: Provide housing for low income elderly and handicapped

Eligibility: Age 62 or older or handicapped. Must meet income guidelines

Service Fee: Charge for rental services on sliding scale

Services Provided: Affordable housing; Subsidized housing; Section 8


HOPE HARBOR                                                                                       (434) 793-9806

1021 Main Street                                             FAX #  (434) 793-7752                     

Danville, Virginia 24541                                    E-mail:

Rev. Jeffrey Wright, Executive Director

Service Hours: 24 Hours Daily; Business Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Purpose: Long term residential treatment and work program for male alcoholics and substance abusers.

Eligibility: Males over 25 who admit they have an alcohol or drug problem, are able to work, and willing to commit to a minimum of 90 days

Service Fees: Sliding scale/private pay; charges waived for indigent

Services Provided: Faith based residential recovery program; Offering employment, counseling and life-skills training



1010 Miller Park Square                                  (434) 845-8016

Lynchburg, VA 24501                          FAX # (434) 847-8753

Joan Phelps, Director, Community Impact    E-mail:

Service Hours:  8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose:  To provide information and referrals on community agencies in

Planning Districts 11 and 12

Eligibility:  Unrestricted

Service Fees:  No charge for information or referrals; Charges for certain I&R products

Services Provided:  Centralized & comprehensive information on approximately 4000 human services for Planning Districts 11 & 12; Provide free information on a confidential basis on health, welfare, social services, education, recreational and individual services



600 West Main Street                                      FAX # (434) 791-4277

Danville, VA 24541

Tim and Nancy Franklin, Co-Directors

Service Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday

Purpose: To bring the highest levels of technology to the Dan River region

Service Fee: To be determined

Services Provided: Classes, workshops and other; Plans are on the drawing board as this is a major new facility expected to be completed in 2003




JUVENILE AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT         Danville (434) 799-5001                  22nd District Court Service Unit                                                Chatham (434) 432-7863

P.O. Box 3300, Danville, VA 24543

P.O. Box 270, Chatham, VA 24531

Harry W. Ayer, Unit Director

Service Hours: Office: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Monday- Friday

Non-office hours through Danville Police/Pittsylvania Co. Sheriff's Dispatch

Purpose: To work with juveniles (under 18) who are before the court officially or unofficially and to work with domestic relations cases and adults who have contributed to the delinquency of a minor. Work with juveniles on probation to the court or with juveniles returned from a state correctional facility

Eligibility: Individuals or families referred to or having matters before the

Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court for the 22nd District

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Diversion and referral; Investigation; Probation and parole; Supervision; Family counseling; Mediation; Community services work; Drug testing/screening; Substance abuse counseling; Anger management


LEGAL AID SOCIETY, INC, VIRGINIA                                      (434) 799-3550

Masonic Temple Building, Suite 517             1-800-799-3550          

Danville, VA 24541                                          FAX #  (434) 799-5739

David Pugh, Managing Attorney

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: Provide legal representation to income eligible people in civil matters

(housing, family and public benefits)

Eligibility: Family income must be within 125% poverty guidelines

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Lawyer services


LIONS CLUB (HOST)                                                                       (434) 836-5467

P.O. Box 4064                                                                        

Danville, VA 24540

Arthur Strader, Chairman/Contact

Purpose: Sight conservation

Eligibility: Need

Service Fee: No fees if recipient cannot afford to pay; each case processed individually

Services Provided: Eye conservation programs; Eye examinations and glasses;

Accepts donors for cornea transplants and old glasses frames


MARCH OF DIMES BIRTH DEFECTS FOUNDATION                        (434) 797-5977

2323 Riverside Drive, Suite Q                                           FAX #  (434) 793-1957

Danville, VA 24540

Loutricia M. Jacobs, Executive Director

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: To improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature births

and infant mortality

Eligibility: Affected by birth defects

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Campaign for Healthier Babies; Research; Community service; Education; Advocacy; Special assistance to qualified children born with birth defects


MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION                                                        (434) 792-3700

OF DANVILLE - PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY        FAX #  (434) 791-3187

1225 West Main Street                                                E-mail:

P.O. Box 1106                                                                                    

Danville, VA 24543

Van Avery, Executive Director

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: Education for mental health; social action organization

Eligibility:  Unrestricted

Service Fees: Counseling service, small fee

Services Provided: Family and personal counseling; Financial counseling; Programs in mental health; Information and referral for mental health services; Educational materials; Advocacy; Volunteer opportunities; Support groups for Alzheimer Caregivers; Consumer support groups; Speakers’ bureau


M.T. SORRELL FAITH HOME                                                           (434) 836-3272

7180 U.S. Hwy. 29 North                                           FAX #  (434) 836-5419

Blairs, VA 24527

Pat Lampkin, Residential Manager                               

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Facility: 24 hrs/day   7 days/wk

Purpose: To provide a long term primary residence with assistance from a

direct care staff who will assist in daily living activities

Eligibility: Adults with mental retardation or developmentally disabled

Must meet residential requirements.

Service Fees: Yes

Services Provided: Residential care 24 hrs/day to include Independent living skills;

Training and assistance; Recreational activities; Social events


NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR ADVANCEMENT                              (434) 799-3007              


P.O. Box 305

Danville, VA 24543

Essie Hairston, President

Service Hours: Monday-Friday

Purpose: Provide legal service to those who feel their civil rights have been

violated; To focus on civil rights issues

Eligibility: Resident of Danville or Pittsylvania County

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Guidance and assistance to those seeking employment;

Legal services; Scholarships; Emergency financial assistance



734 Main Street                                               FAX # (434) 793-3634

Danville, VA 24541

Amy Bracey, Campus Director

Service Hours:  8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: One and two year education programs for the duties and responsibilities of

business life and to help place graduates in positions where there is opportunity for advancement; Accredited by the Accreditation Council for Independent Colleges and Schools

Eligibility:  High school diploma or GED holder

Service Fees:  Fixed fees

Services Provided:  General education classes; Associate of Science degree programs; Career counseling; One-year diplomas; Financial aid counseling; Student tutoring; Lifetime refresher courses


OAK GROVE RESIDENTIAL CARE, INC                                (434) 432-0513

P.O. Box 340                                                          FAX #  (434) 432-4026

Chatham, VA 24531                                                               

Charles Riley; Administrator

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday

Facility – 24 hr/day - 7 days /week

Purpose: Provide care in a home like environment for the aged and/or disabled

Eligibility: Elderly or disabled persons; must meet residential or assisted living requirements

Service Fees: Varies

Services Provided: Residential and assisted living care


OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY                                                   (434) 791-5334
DISTANCE LEARNING CENTER              FAX # (434) 791-5200

1008 South Main Street                                      E-mail:

Julie Brown, Site Director

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Monday-Friday; Saturday hours dependent upon classes

Purpose: In partnership with the Virginia Community College system, ODU has established distance learning for the purpose of serving the educational needs of rural Virginians in the pursuit of higher education

Eligibility: 26 college transfer hours and a 2.2 GPA

Service Fees: Yes

Services Provided: Course instruction in general education that leads to Bachelor and Master degree; Teacher re-certification and other licensure requirements


PASTORAL COUNSELING SERVICES                                          (434) 799-8948


186 Deer Run Road, Danville, VA 24540                    

Bill Trimyer, Director

Service Hours: By appointment

Purpose: Provide dependable professional help by extending the healing ministries of the Church to individuals, couples, and families who are undergoing undue stress and who need to consult a trained counselor

Eligibility: Open to the public

Service Fees: Sliding scale/Ability to pay

Services Provided: Counseling; Crisis intervention and referral; Premarital guidance

PIEDMONT INDEPENDENT LIVING CENTER                                    (434) 797-2530

816-B West Main Street                                              FAX # (434) 797-2568

Danville, VA 24541                                                      E-mail:

Clarence R. Dickerson, Executive Director

Service Hours:  8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose:  To empower Individuals with disabilities with the necessary tools

in order to reach their level of independence within the community

Eligibility:  Individuals with disabilities

Service Fee:  None

Services Provided:  Peer counseling; Independent living skills training; Technical accessibility assistance; Individual advocacy; Support groups; Information and referral



P.O. Box 3568                                                                      (434) 799-6406  Ext. 2235

Danville, VA  24543-3568

Sherri Wright, Chairman

Purpose: To increase awareness; Prevention, education and advocacy for issues of

child abuse and neglect

Eligibility: All interested persons are invited to participate

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Public awareness and activities; Educational programs;

Speakers; Literature



P.O. Box 1119                                                                       FAX #  (434) 432-3729

Chatham, VA 24531

Sherman M. Saunders, Executive Director

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: Work toward the elimination of poverty

Eligibility: Low income applicants based on Federal Poverty Scale, includes veterans

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Transportation; Health promotion; Recreation activities; Telephone reassurance; Congregate meals; Home delivered meals; Volunteer program; Youth services;

Senior services; Work experience; Nutrition services; Outreach, Winterization; Day-care



Post Office Drawer E                                                                Chatham: (434) 432-7281                                                              Chatham, VA 24531                                                    from Danville: (434) 792-8635

Gerald F. Todt, Sr., Director                                     from Gretna: (434) 656-8407

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday –Thursday     

8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Friday

Purpose: Provision of public social service to eligible individuals

Eligibility: Residents of Pittsylvania County - Eligibility factors vary for programs

Service Fee: None, except for court service

Services Provided: Temporary assistance to needy families; Energy assistance; General relief (paupers funeral); Food stamps; Auxiliary grants for aged, blind and disabled; Medicaid; Adoption; Companion services; Day care for children; Child protective services; Adult protective services; Foster care; Personal care; Nursing home screenings; Prevention services


PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY                                 (434) 432-3271

24 Military Drive                                                            FAX #  (434) 432-1405

Chatham, VA 24531

Diane Adkins, Director

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., Monday - Thursday; 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Friday;

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon, Saturday

Purpose: Provide library services

Eligibility: Area residents

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Library services; Computer lab; Friends of the library


PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS                                      (434) 432-2761

P.O. Box 232                                                                   FAX # (434) 432-9560

Chatham, VA 24531

Dr. Jerry Webb, Superintendent

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday- Friday

Purpose: Public education for children grades Pre-K --12; Adult basic education

Eligibility: Meet entrance requirements as set by state guidelines

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Academic and vocational education; Adult basic education

PONY EXPRESS - Therapeutic Riding Center                                      (434) 836-8377

5011 Worsham Court                                                   FAX # (434) 836-8179

Danville, VA 24540

Krystina Szabo, Volunteer Executive Director

Purpose: A riding center with a focus on special needs

Eligibility: Anyone interested in riding

Service Fees: Varies

Services Provided: Therapeutic riding lessons; Horse care; Pony rides; Instruction

PRESBYTERIAN HOMES AND FAMILY SERVICES, INC                 (434) 836-7050

            (Formerly Hughes Memorial Homes, Inc.)         FAX # (434) 836-1749

1601 Franklin Turnpike

Danville, VA 24540

Rux Cannady, Danville Campus Director

Service Hours: 24 hours/7 days a week -- Business hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: Responding to the critical needs of adolescents;  Provides a ministry of healing and nurturing for youth and their families

Eligibility: Males or females with parental/guardian permission; Virginia residents

Service Fees: Yes

Services Provided: Residential treatment program for adolescents with high levels of emotional disturbance, learning disabilities and severe behavioral problems; Individualized special education services for residents; Residential independent living skills training program


PROBATION AND PAROLE - ADULT  - District #14                            (434) 791-5231


220 Deer Run Road

Danville, VA 24540

Douglas H. Morrison, Chief Probation and Parole

Service Hours: 8:15 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: Supervise criminal offenders for the circuit courts of the city of Danville and Pittsylvania County

Eligibility: Convicted of a criminal charge

Service Fee: N/A

Services Provided:  Supervision; Pre-sentence reports


PROJECT LIFESAVER,                                                      (434) 432-7800
PITTSYLVANIA CO SHERIFF’S OFFICE            FAX # (434) 432-7823

21 North Main Street                                       E-mail:

P. O. Box 407                                                  Web Page:

Chatham, VA 24531                                       

Major Gary W. Goodson, Jr., Chief Deputy

Service Hours:  24 Hours/7 Days per week

Purpose:  To reduce the time to locate Alzheimer’s victims and other persons suffering from dementia who may walk away from their place of residence

Eligibility:  Must live in Pittsylvania County

Service Fee:  None

Services Provided:  Distribute electronic bracelets to Alzheimer’s and Dementia victims with a history of, or potential for wandering; Each victim will be assigned a unique frequency and may be tracked and located by Sheriff’s Office Personnel by the use of receivers turned to the appropriate frequency

REACH TO RECOVERY                                                                        (434) 836-5141

316 Raintree Road

Danville, VA 24540

Janet D. McCormack

Service Hours: Partial Business Day / on call

Purpose: Provide support services for ladies recovering from breast cancer

Eligibility: Ladies who have undergone mastectomies, been given

cancer (breast) diagnosis, or who are considering reconstruction.

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Information; Supplies; Support group


REGIONAL ALLIANCE                                                                  (434) 799-0456

245 Hairston Street

Danville, VA 24540

Mitzie Waller, President

Meeting: Third Monday Each Month

Purpose: Coalition of community individuals interested in the prevention of substance abuse

Eligibility: Anyone interested in working for the prevention of substance abuse

Service Fee: Small membership fee

Services Provided: Community awareness; Networking; Catalyst for cooperative

 efforts; Needs assessment


REGIONAL CENTER FOR APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & TRAINING (434) 773-3034 (RCATT)                                                            FAX # (434) 773-3039

1008 South Main Street                                                            E-mail:

Danville, VA 24541

Dr. Jim Johnson, Executive Director

Service Hours:  (Office Hours) 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose:  To strengthen the regional workforce by providing comprehensive training programs, regional businesses by developing a highly competent and qualified workforce and innovative technology transfer programs and the regional economy by ensuring growth and log-term success of existing business and those seeking to expand into the area

Eligibility:  Open to the public

Service Fees:  Varies

Services Provided:  Employment assessment; Job profiling; Industry improvement conferences; Workshops; Training programs; Customized company-specific training


RIVERSIDE HEALTH CARE CENTER                                         (434) 791-3800

2344 Riverside Drive                                    FAX #   (434) 793-6128

Danville, VA 24540                                                                 

Alan Cooper, Administrator

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday  24 hour nursing care

Purpose: Provide 24-hour intermediate or skilled nursing care.

Eligibility: Individuals in need of nursing facility

Service Fees: Private pay/ Medicaid/Medicare

Services Provided: 24-hour nursing care; Physical, speech and occupational therapy;

Short-term rehabilitation; Respite for hospice patients


ROMAN EAGLE MEMORIAL HOME, INC                                  (434) 836-9510

2526 North Main Street                                  FAX # (434) 836-1012

Danville, VA 24540                                                                             

Dan Setliff, Administrator

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday  24 hour nursing care

Purpose: Provide 24 hr. nursing facility or skilled nursing care

Eligibility: Persons in Pittsylvania County and Danville in need

of skilled or nursing facility care

Service Fees: Private pay/ Medicare/ Medicaid

Services Provided: Nursing care


SALVATION ARMY (THE)                                                                       (434) 792-3963

123 Henry Street                                            FAX #  (434) 799-7838

P.O. Box 309

Danville, VA 24543

Captain Jim and Donna McGee, Directors

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: Religious welfare organization that provides emergency assistance

Eligibility: Need based on income/expenses or emergency situation

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Food; Pay for prescriptions, rent, and utilities; Feeding program 5 days/week; Clothing and furniture for fire victims



212 Ingram Road                                                                    

Danville, VA 24541

Helen L. Martin, Director

Service Hours: 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thursdays

Purpose: To provide emergency aid, health and welfare education to the needy

Eligibility: Sickness, disaster, temporary need, etc.

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Emergency aid; Emergency food; Loan of medical equipment; Classes

on health and nutrition; Free blood pressure screening;  Breathe Free stop smoking plan


SHELTERED WORKSHOP OF ALTAVISTA, INC                             (434) 369-6920

417 Washington Street                                     FAX #  (434) 369-7515

Altavista, VA 24517

F.T. Shoemaker, Executive Director

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Monday - Friday

Purpose: Provide training and employment to challenged citizens of Campbell and Pittsylvania County

Eligibility: Must have a disability that hinders obtaining competitive employment and be recommended by an appropriate agency. Over 18 years and under 65

Service Fees: Daily rates for training, development program

and transportation/ private pay/ vendor payment

Services Provided: Sheltered employment; Work adjustment training; Medicaid waiver day habilitation


SICKLE CELL ANEMIA ASSOCIATION                                  (434) 792-3700

1225 West Main Street                                 FAX #   (434) 791-3187

Danville, VA 24541

Demeta Valentine, Outreach Service Coordinator

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: Provide leadership with health professionals and the general public to develop a health policy and plan of action regarding the impact of sickle cell disorders in our community and statewide

Eligibility: Resident of Virginia, over 6 months, diagnosed with sickle cell anemia/sickle cell trait

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Information; Education; Casework services to families and individuals;

Financial assistance



875 Piney Forest Road                              FAX #  (434) 836-0934

Danville, VA 24540

Arlene S. Creasy, District Manager

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: Administration of Social Security and Supplemental Security Income Programs

Eligibility:  Citizens of Pittsylvania County and Danville wishing

to conduct business regarding Social Security. Specific requirements for different benefits

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Social Security and Supplemental Security Income payments; Medicare; Information; Literature


SOUTHERN AREA AGENCY ON AGING                                   1-800-468-4571

433 Commonwealth Blvd                                    (276) 632-6442

Martinsville, VA 24112                                     FAX #  (276) 632-6252

Teresa Carter, Executive Director                      E-mail:

Service Hours:  8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday           Web page:

Purpose: To promote maximum independence for persons age 60 and older by providing information and services that assist them in their own homes for as long as possible

Eligibility: Residents of Danville, Pittsylvania County and other surrounding counties.  Must be 60 years of age or older.  Must be age 55 or older for Employment and Training services

Service Fees: Sliding scale based on income for personal care, housekeeping and respite services All other services at no charge

Services Provided: Information and assistance; Transportation; Meals served at senior lunch sites; Health promotion; Recreational activities, Job training and placement; Small home repair and renovation for safety and accessibility; Home delivered meals; Personal care; Light housekeeping; Respite; Coordination of care from multiple providers; Health insurance counseling; Long-term care issues resolution



382 Taylor Drive                                                   FAX #  (434) 773-4222

Danville, VA 24541

Constance N. Fletcher, Ph.D. Director

Service Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday.

24 hour care

Purpose: Provide team oriented evaluation and treatment

of persons in an 18 county area in need of psychiatric hospitalization

Eligibility: Individuals aged 14-65 with a primary diagnosis of

mental illness. Admissions through Danville/Pittsylvania Community Services

Service Fees: Sliding scale, private pay/private and public insurance/Champus

/Blue Cross/Blue Shield/Medicare/Medicaid/term and vendor payment

Services Provided: Inpatient psychiatric treatment



301 Lynn Street                                                    FAX #  (434) 793-7129

Danville, VA 24541

Evernia Myers, Office Manager

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday

Purpose: Emergency services for low income families

Eligibility: Low income status

Service Fee: None

Services Provided:  Project Discovery (College Awareness Program of ages 13-19 in Danville and Pittsylvania County); Clothes closet; Food bank; Utility assistance; Rental assistance; Medication; Fuel; Weatherization program


Adults Children of Alcoholics                                                799-4111

AIDS/HIV                                                                              792-4321

     Meeting 1st & 3rd Mondays,  6:45 p.m.

     at Episcopal Church of the Epiphany                        

Alateen                                                                                   799-4111

Alzheimer’s Support Group                                       792-3700

     Meets 1st Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. at Riverside Healthcare Center

     Meets 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m. at Stratford House

Anger Management Support Group                                     799-3683

     Meets Mondays at 6:00 p.m.  YWCA

Coping with Cancer - Call Danville Cancer Association:          792-3700

Danville Chronic Pain Support Group                                  836-2444

Danville Southside Head Injury Support Group                  836-2198

Domestic Violence Survivors' Support Group                     791-1400

     Meets Thursday s, 6:30 p.m.

Grief Support Group                                                  791-1400

Meets 2nd Thursday

Help and Understanding through Group Support (HUGS)   799-3683

            For adults molested as children; Meets on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.

Hospice Support Services
P. O. Box 2713, Danville, VA 24541

(Non-profit support arm of Hospice Services in Danville and Pittsylvania County)

I Can Cope (cancer) Support Group                         (540) 638-8944

Man To Man (prostate cancer) Support Group                      (540) 638-8944

Narcotics Anonymous, locally                                                            799-4111

National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI)                                791-2450

Local Chapter Information: Meets 2nd Thursday, 6:30 p.m. at YWCA

(Education, Advocacy and Support)

Parents and Children Coping Together (PACCT)                792-3700

     Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. at the United Way Building

Parents & Guardians of Sexually Abused Children and Teens:      791-1400

     Meets Mondays, 6:30 p.m.

Piedmont Multiple Sclerosis Support Group                                    799-5722

Reach to Recovery                                                                            836-5141

Sexually Assaulted Teen Support Group                                         791-1400

     Meets Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. at Watson Memorial United Methodist Church

Survivors of Sexual Assault Support Group – Men’s & women’s groups 791-1400


SYLVAN LEARNING CENTER                                                     (434) 832-1000

134 Parker Road                                  FAX # (434) 832-0281

Danville, VA 24540                              E-mail:

Tom Jennings, Executive Director          Web page:

Service Hours:  9:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m., Monday-Thursday

Purpose:  To provide supplemental education services to school-age students, K-12, with focus on building a student’s skills in reading, writing, math and studying so they can become independently successful in school

Eligibility:  Any student that pays fees

Service Fees:  Assessment-$125.00; Registration fee-$50.00; Tuition-$300.00 month

Services Provided:  Tutoring; Special Education


TELAMON CORPORATION, INC                                                (434) 836-9071

Employment and Training                FAX #  (434) 836-9072                                         

1332 D Piney Forest Road      

Danville, VA 24540

Kathy Bullano, Regional Manager

Service Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: Provide job training, job training related assistance and other services

to displaced migrant or seasonal farm workers

Eligibility: Seasonal/migrant farm workers and their dependants or anyone who has performed farm work within the last 2 years (Worked at least 25 days or earned at least $800Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Assessment/testing; Career counseling; Pre-employment training; On-the-job-training; Work experience; Technical and vocational training; Supportive services; Job placement; Referral; Follow-up services; Financial and home management counseling; Down payment and closing cost assistance

Housing Services: P. O. Box 500                                                                   (434) 656-8357                        

111 Henry Street, Gretna, VA 24557  Robert “Bob” Gilbert, Director     

Service Fee: None;  For housing services must be first-time homebuyer and meet income guidelines as defined by HUD

Services Provided:  Provide eligible low-income families with assistance in purchasing their first home; Financial and home management counseling provided; Down payment and closing cost assistance, depending on income level.


1225 West Main Street                                    FAX #  (434) 791-3187

P.O. Box 2538, Danville, VA 24541                       

William Kantz, Executive Director

Service Hours:  9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: To increase the organized capacity of people to care for one another. Volunteers

work to support a broad range of programs and services in the community

Eligibility: Non-profit agency in Danville or Pittsylvania County.  Application process

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Annual campaign; Research; Long-range community planning; Resource allocation; Volunteer training, Information and referral service


VICTIM/WITNESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM                           (434) 432-7854

P. 0. Box 1118                                                  After Hours: (434) 797-7789

Chatham, VA 24531                           FAX #   (434) 432-0665

Shirley Woods, Director                    E-mail:

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday; On call 24 Hrs.

Purpose: Assist crime victims through the criminal justice process

Eligibility:  Client must be a victim of a crime.  Prosecution need not be pending.

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Promote sensitive treatment; Speed recovery in cases of

compensable financial losses; Reduce physical and emotional suffering of innocent

crime victims; Promote understanding of the criminal justice system; Advocacy


VIRGINIA CARES, INC, DANVILLE                                                        (434) 791-4510

301 Lynn Street                                              FAX #   (434) 799-6165

Suite 803

Danville, VA 24541

Ondra Hairston, Director

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: Assist ex-offenders with their reentry into society

Eligibility: Ex-offender (convicted of a felony) and have served

time within the state correctional system

Service Fees: None

Services Provided: Employment assistance; Emergency services; Referral service


VIRGINIA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION                                    (434) 799-6558         

DANVILLE                                                     FAX # (434) 799-5016      

128 Third Ave.                                                E-mail:

Danville, VA 24540                                                 

Stuart Sutphin, Unit Coordinator

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p. m., Monday - Friday

Purpose: Provide research based educational services in the areas of horticulture,

family and consumer sciences, 4-H, and community resource development.

Eligibility: City of Danville area served.

Service Fee: None except for some specific services

Services Provided: Educational programs; 4-H; Literature; Master Gardeners


VIRGINIA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION                                            (434) 432-7770

PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY                                             or (434) 656-6211

1 Center St.                                                                    FAX #  (434) 432-7777

P.O. Box 398                                                               E-mail:

Chatham, VA 24531-0398

Sharon V. Diggs, Unit Coordinator

Service Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: Enable people to improve their lives through an educational process that uses scientific knowledge focused on issues and needs.

Eligibility: Open to all regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, veteran status, national origin, disability or political affiliation.

Service Fee: None except for some specific services.

Services Provided: Agriculture and Natural Resources; Family and Consumer Sciences;

4-H Youth Development


VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT FOR THE                                                      (540) 857-7122                BLIND AND VISION IMPAIRED                Toll Free    1-800-622-2155          

210 Church Avenue, SW., Suite 308                       FAX #  (540) 857-7845

Roanoke, VA 24011                                         E-mail:

Stephen J. Aukward, Regional Manager

Service Hours: 8:15 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Purpose: Provide services necessary to enable individuals with visual disabilities to achieve their maximum level of independence

Eligibility: Blind and Visually Impaired resident of Virginia - based on medical record

Service Fees: Charges based on financial and visual eligibility

Services Provided: Education; Rehabilitation teaching; Low vision services; Library services; Vocational rehabilitation, Radio reading; Volunteer services; Business opportunities for the blind



770 Piney Forest Road, Suite B                                  FAX #  (434) 791-5321

Danville, VA 24540

Doriane Mills, Human Services Manager

Service Hours: 8:15 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: To provide a comprehensive program of vocational rehabilitative

services tailored to the individual needs of persons with disabilities.  The service delivery program is designed primarily around employment objectives and related rehabilitative areas.  Valuable resources are offered to employers to help meet specific labor needs in business and industry

Eligibility: Persons with disabilities if it is determined that employment is probable after rehabilitation

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Individual guidance, counseling, job placement services, vocational and pre-vocational training; Vocational assessment and evaluation; Interpreter; Supported employment; Physical and/or mental restoration; Assistive technology assessments and devices


VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS’ AFFAIRS                        (540) 857-7102
(The Collinsville Location has moved to the Henry County Administration Bldg.)

Kings Mountain Road, Collinsville, VA 24078               E-mail:

Ted Mortensen, Director                                   

Service Hours:  Collinsville Office Hours:  Monday, 1st, 3rd,  8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

(The Collinsville office is no longer open.  Like Danville, it is operated as a contact point from the Roanoke office)

Danville: 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., VFW Hall Post #647, Hwy, 58 West

Purpose: Assist veterans and their dependents with claims for VA services and benefits

Eligibility: Honorably discharged veterans and their dependents

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Assistance with claims for services and benefits

VIRGINIA EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION - DANVILLE                   (434) 791-5291

165 Deer Run Road                                                  FAX #  (434) 791-5290

P.O. Box 6800

Danville, VA 24543

Ralph Price, Manager

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: To provide Workforce Services which promote employment and enhance the economic stability of Virginia

Eligibility: Must be legally eligible to work in U.S.; Special grant programs have eligibility criteria.

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Recruitment agency for employers; Labor market information and job placement; Cross Reference-Employment Services; Unemployment Insurance; Labor Market Information; Career Information and Guidance; Veteran Employment Services


W.W. MOORE DETENTION HOME                                       (434) 799-5295

603 Colquhoun Street

Danville, VA 24541

Jim Rosenbaum, Director

Service Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. – 24-Hour Services

Purpose: To provide for the needs, care and custody of

the youth and to initiate the foundation for self-esteemed personal growth

Eligibility: Placement is made by order of the judge(s) of the

Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court(s). Outreach services are court referred

Service Fees: $50.00 per day--participating jurisdictions

$60.00 per day --non- participating jurisdictions

$15.00 per day for outreach services

Services Provided: Secure detention, residential, education and outreach services


WAYLES R. HARRISON MEMORIAL FUND                          (434) 792-1788

P.O. Box 2687

Danville, VA 24541

Richard Alwood, Administrator, Treasurer

Service Hours: 24 hours/7 days a week

Purpose: To assist local cancer patients where there is a need

Eligibility: Cancer patients in Danville, Pittsylvania County

Service Fee: None - Private contributions accepted, memorials in lieu of flowers

Services Provided: Financial assistance with prescriptions, medical supplies, other



SOUTHSIDE OFFICE                                  FAX # (434) 791-5176

1008 South Main Street                                    Web Site:

Danville, VA 24151

Randy Arno, Southside Office Director

Service Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: A research and training organization affiliated with the University of Virginia that focuses on public policy in the Commonwealth of Virginia

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Information that is related to public policy, the infrastructure, education, workforce trends, voting trends and economic development;  Objective information, data, research, technical assistance and practical training to state and local officials, community leaders and members of the general public


P. O. Box 5311                                                            (276) 656-0333 (TDD/Voice)

Martinsville, VA 24115                                  FAX #  (276) 629-3085    

Sidney Ratliff, DSB Coordinator                       e-mail:

Service Hours: Quarterly meetings

Purpose: To assist localities in identifying and addressing the needs of persons with sensory and physical disabilities in their communities.  The DSB advises State and local government and agencies on these needs.  Through incentive grants, the DSB leverages private and public dollars to raise and improve public awareness.

Eligibility: Terms for membership are by appointment from City Council or County Board of Supervisors; Meetings are open to the public.

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: ADA issues; Disability concerns (physical and sensory) and disability advocacy



One Starling Avenue                                         FAX # (276) 638-8137

Martinsville, VA 24112                                    E-mail:

Robert W. Dowd, AICP, Executive Director

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: Serves as a liaison to local governments; repository of federal and state information, assistance to local governments with transportation, land use and economic development efforts; grant preparation; serve as Labor Market Information Center in conjunction with the VEC and Census Bureau

Eligibility: Franklin, Henry, Patrick, and Pittsylvania Counties

Cities of Danville and Martinsville; and the Town of Rocky Mount.

Service Fee: None (funded through state, federal and local contributions)

Services Provided: Transportation; Economic Development; Demographics/Statistics; Regional Planning


WHITE OAK SCHOOL                                                         (434) 836-0573

7180 U.S. Highway 29

Blairs, VA 24527

Nancy J. Martin, School Administrator

Service Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday

Purpose: To provide a community-based education and therapeutic day treatment program for children in grades K-12

Eligibility: Professional referral

Service Fees: Yes - Cash, check, credit card, vendor pay.

Services Provided: Private school; Therapeutic day treatment; Educational services


WOMACK FOUNDATION                 

P.O. Box 521                                                         

Danville, VA 24543

James A. L. Daniel, Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Purpose: To provide funding for creative recreational and educational activities for persons and/or groups with financial need, residing in Danville, Pittsylvania County, and Caswell County.  Provide funds for study or training, leading toward greater earning capacity for the individual.

Eligibility: Individuals schools, or other entities in Danville, Pittsylvania County or Caswell County. Student Loan Program - Any student from Danville or Pittsylvania County

whose family is unable to provide necessary funds and who has not been able to

get sufficient funds through normal channels such as scholarship, government

loans, banks, etc.

Service Fee: No fees or charges except repayment is expected from individuals

who receive loans for college, graduate or post-secondary school.

Services Provided: Camperships; Special trips for educational and recreational

purposes; Support of vocational education; Emergency loans or grants for college, graduate, or vocational education on the post secondary school level; Student loans to assist with tuition, room deposits, books, etc.


WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD                                       (276) 656-5339

P. O. Box 1112

Martinsville, VA 24114

Becky Adylett, Executive Director

Purpose: Membership is composed of business leaders and partner agencies that, as a Board, are to ensure that workforce investment core, intensive and training services for the adults, youth and disadvantaged in Region XVII are maintained and accessible.  The Youth Council, under the Board’s jurisdiction, is composed of interested professionals and business leaders and serves the workforce needs of youth in Region XVII via the awarding of grant monies for services to organizations selected from those submitting proposals.

Service Area: Danville, Martinsville, and the counties of Henry, Patrick and Pittsylvania

Service Fee: None

Services Provided: Job seeking skills training; Work readiness; Counseling; Assessment; Case management; Job placement; Referral services; Board meetings are open to the public

One-Stop Center Locations

        Virginia Employment Commission- Danville Office                     (434) 791-5291

        Virginia Employment Commission-Martinsville Office    (276) 632-3270

One-Stop Center Affiliates

        Patrick County Department of Social Services               (276) 694-3328

        Pittsylvania County Community Action, Inc.                              (434) 432-0242



810 Main Street                                                     FAX #  (434) 797-2892

Danville, VA 24541

Matt Dempski, Executive Director

Service Hours: 6:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m., Monday - Friday

8:00 a. m. - 6:00 p.m., Saturday

1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., Sunday

Purpose: Provide a lasting community resource where persons of all ages can improve the quality of their lives - physically, spiritually, and socially - through activities shared with others

Eligibility: Unrestricted

Service Fees: Charges for programs and activities with charges sometimes waived or reduced/ vendor payments/ bank drafts/ MasterCard/ Visa

Services Provided: Recreational; Pool; Fitness center; Racquetball court; Team sports; Youth programs; Leagues



750 Main Street

Danville, VA 24541

Elizabeth L. Bowen, Executive Director

Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday; Child Care Center--6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.;

Pool & Weight Room--early morning, evening and weekends

Purpose: Peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all people. Elimination of racism wherever it exists

Eligibility: Unrestricted

Service Fees:  Private payment with some discounts, reductions, special payment plans and limited scholarships available

Services Provided: A wide variety of classes, workshops and lectures focused on health and wellness of the mind, body and spirit; Child care center; Summer camp; Water aerobics; Therapeutic arthritis exercise classes; Swimming lessons for all ages, 6 months and up; Fitness room; Anger management classes.  Support groups – Al Anon, NAMI, DOVES; pool parties



Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP)  ...................................................................... 27

AL-ANON  .................................................................................................................... 27

Alcoholics Anonymous  ................................................................................................ 27

American Association of Retired Persons  .................................................................... 28

American Cancer Society  ............................................................................................. 28

American Red Cross Danville-Pittsylvania Co.  ........................................................... 28

Associates in Mental Health Services  .......................................................................... 29

Averett University  ....................................................................................................... 29

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area, Inc.  ........................................................... 29

Bikes for Kids, Inc.  ...................................................................................................... 30

Boy Scouts of America  ................................................................................................ 30

Boys and Girls Club of Danville  .................................................................................. 30

Brown Lung Association  .............................................................................................. 31

Caswell County Parish, Inc.  .......................................................................................... 31

Central Piedmont Health Services, Inc.  ......................................................................... 31

Chamber of Commerce, Danville Pittsylvania County  ................................................ 32

Child Development Clinic, Southside  ........................................................................... 32

Child Support Enforcement  .......................................................................................... 32

Children's Home Society of Virginia  ............................................................................ 33

Christians United Ministries  ......................................................................................... 33

Church Women United of Danville  .............................................................................. 33

Commonwealth Home Health Care Group  .................................................................. 33

Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Virginia  ....................................................... 34

CONTACT Crisis Line Danville/Pittsylvania County  ................................................. 34

Cultural Arts Organizations/Supporters  ....................................................................... 34

Dan River Business Development Center  .................................................................... 35

Dan River Small Business Development Center  .......................................................... 35

Dan River Trail Association  .......................................................................................... 36

Danville Area Council of Community Services (DACCS)  ........................................... 36

Danville Area Humane Society  ..................................................................................... 36

Danville Association for Retarded Citizens  ..................................................................  37

Danville Cancer Association, Inc.  .................................................................................. 37

Danville Church-Based Tutorial Program  ..................................................................... 37

Danville Community College  ........................................................................................ 37

Danville Dept. of Emergency Services  ......................................................................... 38

Danville Division of Social Services  ............................................................................ 38

Danville House  .............................................................................................................. 38

Danville Parks and Recreation  ...................................................................................... 39

Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services  .................................................................. 39

Danville Public Library  ................................................................................................ 39

Danville Public Schools  ................................................................................................ 40

Danville Reading Center  ............................................................................................... 40

Danville Redevelopment & Housing Authority  ........................................................... 40

Danville Regional Medical Center  ................................................................................ 41

Danville Science Center  ................................................................................................ 41





Danville Speech & Hearing Center  ....................................................................... 42

DOVES, Inc.  .......................................................................................................... 42

Downtown Danville Association  ........................................................................... 42

DPC Community Foundation  ................................................................................ 43

Education for Independence  ................................................................................... 43

Epilepsy Foundation of Virginia, Inc. (The) ........................................................... 43

Family Life Services of Southern Virginia, Inc  ..................................................... 43

Fifth District Congressional Office  ........................................................................ 44

Free Clinic of Danville  ........................................................................................... 44

Girl Scouts  .............................................................................................................. 44

God’s Pit Crew  ....................................................................................................... 45

God's Storehouse  .................................................................................................... 45

Good News Jail & Prison Ministry  ........................................................................ 45

Goodwill Industries of Danville Area, Inc.  ............................................................ 46

Green Thumb, Inc.  ................................................................................................. 46

Habitat For Humanity  ............................................................................................ 46

Hatcher Center  ........................................................................................................ 47

Head Start Child Care, CIC, Inc.  ............................................................................ 47

Health Department Pittsylvania/ Danville  .............................................................. 47

Healthy Families of Danville & Pittsylvania County  ............................................ 48

Healthier Piedmont People  ..................................................................................... 48

Holiday Village  ....................................................................................................... 48

Hope Harbor  ........................................................................................................... 48

Information & Referral Center of Central Virginia  ................................................ 49

Institute for Advanced Learning & Research (Th. .................................................. 49

Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court Service Unit  ............................................... 50

Legal Aid Society, Inc., Virginia  ............................................................................ 50

Lions Club (Host) Sight Conservation Committee  ................................................. 50

March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation  ............................................................. 50

Mental Health Association of Danville-Pittsylvania Co.  ......................................... 51

M.T. Sorrell Faith Home  .......................................................................................... 51

National Alliance For the Mentally Ill (See Support Groups) .................................. 59

National Association for Advancement of Colored People  ...................................... 51

National College of Business and Technology  ........................................................ 52

Oak Grove Residential Care, Inc.  ............................................................................. 52

Old Dominion University Distance Learning Center  ............................................... 52

Pastoral Counseling Services  .................................................................................... 52

Piedmont Independent Living Center  ....................................................................... 53

Piedmont Virginians for Child Abuse Prevention  .................................................... 53

Pittsylvania County Community Action, Inc.  .......................................................... 53

Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services  ................................................. 54

Pittsylvania County Public Library  .......................................................................... 54

Pittsylvania County Public Schools  .......................................................................... 54

Pony Express  ............................................................................................................ 54

Presbyterian Homes and Family Services, Inc. .......................................................... 55

Probation and Parole – Adult  .................................................................................... 55

Project Lifesaver, Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Office  ............................................ 55

Reach To Recovery  ................................................................................................... 56

Regional Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention  ................................................. 56

Regional Center For Applied Technology & Training (RCATT)  ........................... 56

Riverside Health Care Center  ................................................................................... 56

Roman Eagle Memorial Home, Inc.  ......................................................................... 57

Salvation Army, The  ................................................................................................ 57

Seventh Day Adventist Community Services  .......................................................... 57

Sheltered Workshop of Altavista, Inc.  ..................................................................... 57

Sickle Cell Anemia Association  ............................................................................... 58

Social Security Administration, Danville  ................................................................. 58

Southern Area Agency on Aging  .............................................................................. 58

Southern Virginia Mental Health Institute  ............................................................... 59

Southside Community Action Agency, Inc.  ............................................................ 59

Support Groups  ........................................................................................................ 59

Sylvan Learning Center  ............................................................................................ 60

Telamon Corporation, Inc.  ........................................................................................ 61

United Way, Danville Pittsylvania County  ............................................................... 61

Victim/Witness Assistance Program  .......................................................................... 62

Virginia Cares, Inc.  .................................................................................................... 62

Virginia Cooperative Extension Service – Danville  .................................................. 62

Virginia Cooperative Extension Service - Pittsylvania County  ................................ 62

Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired  ........................................... 62

Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services  ........................................................ 63

Virginia Department of Veterans’ Affairs  ................................................................. 63

Virginia Employment Commission  ........................................................................... 64

W.W. Moore Detention Home  .................................................................................. 64

Wayles R. Harrison Memorial Fund  ......................................................................... 64

Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service  ................................................................ 64

West Piedmont Disability Services Board  ................................................................ 65

West Piedmont Planning District Commission  ......................................................... 65

White Oak School  ..................................................................................................... 65

Womack Foundation  ................................................................................................. 66

Workforce Investment Board  .................................................................................... 66

Young Men's Christian Association   ......................................................................... 67

Young Woman's Christian Association  ..................................................................... 67



Directory Additions, Corrections and Changes

Any agency or organization desiring to be listed herein in future editions

should submit a request in writing to the Directory Committee. If there are changes in your agency or organization information as printed in this Directory, please send the corrected information to:

Danville Area Council of Community Services

P.O. Box 1235, Danville, VA 24543-1235






Danville Area Council of Community Services wishes to thank the following groups for their contribution toward the printing costs of this publication:


Associates in Mental Health Services


Averett University


Central Piedmont Health Services, Inc.


Commonwealth Home Nursing and Hospice


Danville Association for Retarded Citizens


Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services


Danville-Pittsylvania County United Way


Danville Redevelopment and Housing Authority


Danville Regional Health Foundation “Healthy Community Fund”


Danville Speech and Hearing Center


Delegate Whitt Clement


Kiwanis Club of Danville Foundation


Pittsylvania County Community Action


Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services


Southern Area Agency on Aging


Danville-Pittsylvania County Information and Referral


(434) 792-4357