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          Hello Again Friends & Family!!
          As soon as we got all settled in here in Bellevue, Nebraska...Sara Lee Baking Co. decided to get rid of Tracy after 21 years. So, now we are in the process of moving back home, to Wichita. We are glad to be moving home, and Tracy is excited to start a new job. Of course, we are not happy about the way it all came about...but, C'est La Vie!! (That's Life!!)

          Cindy has just finished the fourth grade and is enjoying being lazy so far this summmer. We have decided to start homeschooling her next year. Wichita Public schools now provide education online for kids. It's called Wichita E-School. I have been very unhappy with the atmosphere in the wichita public school system for awhile now. Especially the middle schoool and high schools. The kids are pretty much out of control, the teachers don't seem to know or care how to control them. Of course if they do try to discipline the kids, then the parents threaten to sue them. So, we are going to see how the online school works for us. She will receive text books and daily assignments, just like all the other fifth graders are doing in class. She must log six hours per school day attendance and report to the e-school center for asessment tests 2-3 times per year to ensure she is on track. We are excited to be giving it a try.

          Lyndsay still works for Golden Corral Steak Restaurant. She is doing well there, and they are wanting her to become an assitant manager soon. She is going to stay in Bellevue instead of moving home with us. (sniff, sniff) She is going to be sharing an apartment with a girl from work who attends college here. I am sure she will be fine, she will just be lonely for her family.

          Now, the update on Rachael. Rachael is currently living in Wichita with her boyfriend Tommy St.Michael. They recently got a new apartment right off of Seneca Street. Rachael is working at Intrust bank as a teller, and doing a great job there. They also are interested in her advancing to havinig more responsibility. The bank will also reimburse her most of the cost of her college courses, which she will be resuming this fall. She also works out with her Papa at the YMCA several times a week. What a busy young lady!!

          Last, but not least, there is our newest addition..Tayllor. Tayllor is a little ball of energy and love, that keeps me on my toes 24 hours a day!! He has four teeth now, and is crawling since last week. He loves to eat, especially anything that Mom is eating. The only food I have found that he won't eat, is baby food. He also loves to watch his Mother Goose video tape...where they sing all the nursery rhymes. He also loves to watch the Wiggles, and Tele Tubbies. The thing he loves most though...(besides Mom) is being outside. He just loves it, he studies every little thing, and listens to every sound intently. He especially likes the singing of birds, and tries to find where the sounds are coming from.