Here is a list of activities that you may find helpful in guiding your lifestyle. The list is should be filled out by the Spankee (one who receives the spanking) and the Spanker (one who gives the spanking). This gives an idea on what each party expects, wants, needs and is willing (or not willing) to do.
Rate all the all activities (0 - 5) that you are open to and would like to try or that are important to you.
0 = You have no desires to do this activity you know you will hate it!
1 = You don't want to do or like to do this activity, but wouldn't object if it was asked of you.
2 = You are willing to do this activity, reluctantly.
3 = You are willing to do this activity, on a regular basis.
4 = You would like to experience it on a regular basis.
5 = The activity is a wild turn-on for you, and you would like it as often as possible.
Spanker's can choose what to incorporate in their lifestyle by the Spankee's answers. (If the Spankee hates asking for a spanking, then if they are really bad....make them ask!) It is to give those who aren't familiar with the whole concept around spanking, a look at what they can incorporate into it. These are just some ideas on how you might be able to use it.
Erotic - foreplay
Just Because
Over Clothing
Bare Bottom
Over Panties
Over Panties then to Bare
Completely Nude
Nightgown & Bare Bottom
Tight Teddy Hiked Up Crack
Over throng
OTK/Spanker sitting in Straight Back Chair
Over Lap on Bed or Sofa
Spankee Laying on Bed with Pillows to Raise the Bottom
Bent over Edge of Bed
Bent Over Straight Back Chair
Over Back of Sofa/Chair
Over Arm of Sofa/Chair
Bent over Partner's hip & leg
Kneeling on Hands and Knees
Bending Over with Hands on Knees
Laying Over Foot Stool
OTK / Spanker's Leg over Spankee's Legs & Holding Wrists Behind Back
Over Kitchen Table
Over Spanking Horse
Tied to Wall with Cuffs and Chain/Locks
Whipping Post
Whipping Post/retrained by chains on wall
In stocks
Paddle Wooden
Paddle With Holes
Leather Paddle
Wooden Ruler
Wooden Spoon
Rubber/plastic Spatula
Wooden Spatula
Wooden Bath Brush
Flogger - suede
Flogger - leather
Rubber Hose
Riding Crop
Corner Time W/Hand at sides
Corner Time W/Hand folder in front
Corner Time W/Hands On Head
Fetching The Switch
Rapid Spanking
Lectures/Scolding before Spanking
Scolding During Spanking
Rubbing Bottom by Spankee
Rubbing Bottom by Spanker
Phrases Used
(Please spank me again Sir/Master / Thank you Sir, may I have
Safe word
(not for punishment spankings)
Restraints - cuffs
Counting Strokes
Following Orders
Sent To Bed Early
Mouth Washing
Mouth Washing
(done in middle of, if used during spanking)
Spanker - Baring Subs Bottom
Spankee Ordered To Bare Bottom
Told What to Expect Ahead of Time
Corner Time While Holding Implement
Shop for Implements Together
Spankee Required To Pay For Implements
Spankee Required To Ask For A Spanking
Required To Address The Spanker As Sir/ Master or Other Name
Spankings Given Everyday
(includes any punishment spankings due)
Maintenance Spankings Given Every Second Day
Maintenance Spankings Given Once a Week
Maintenance Spankings Given Once a Twice Weekly
Maintenance Spankings Given Once a Month
Spankee Ordered To Retrieve Implement
Multiple Implements Used During a Spanking Session
Penalties [Extra
(Not following Orders / Missing Count / Covering Up / Moving
Out Of Position)
Phone Call Earlier in Day
& Telling What Is To Come
(be in corner waiting/what to be wearing)
Anticipation for Up-Coming Spanking
(telling in advance that a spanking is coming)
Spankee Explaining Why They Are Receiving Correction
Hands During Spanking: Behind Head / Back / On Floor
Tied to Bed - Spread Eagle While Laying on Back
Spankee Holds Implement During Hand Spanking
& Hands Implement to Spanker
Following the spanking but while still in position having the red and tender bottom cheeks coated with icy/hot to reinforce the sting.
Corner Time
Sitting On Lap
Sitting on hard chair for period of time
Corner Time
Spankee Required To Thank Spanker for the Spanking
Spankee Made to Feel Love, Cherished, Protected & Secure
Spankee Get to Feels Guilt Free After Spanking
Sent Straight to Bed
Photograph Of Marks or Bottom Standing in Corner or Lying over Bed
Allowed to Cry while being Cuddled
Made to Apologize for Being Naughty
Wearing a Sign "I have been spanked for being a BAD girl."
Made to Post or Tell other Friends who are into Spanking about her Punishment
Writing Lines or an Essay
Being Grounded for a Period of Time
Loss of Privileges
Spankee Required To
Show Spanker Condition Of Their Bottom
(Whenever Asked)
No Panties and Shirt Tugged up For 24 Hours After Spanking
No Clothes For 24 Hours
*Except after punishment spankings,
which should be delayed for at least a couple of hours before engaging in.
© 2001
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