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I am a Christian Witch.  Below is my attempt to explain what I believe in. 

I want to express that this is MY views and not something that I push on other people.


I believe in God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit.  I believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose three days later.  I believe that God is the ultimate higher being.  That the "buck" ends with God.  I believe in the Bible, but also understand that man wrote the Bible and man is not perfect, so the Bible is not perfect. 


There is so much confusion about what people think Witches are, I think that it might help to start by pointing out some things that Witches are not.

A Witch is not a woman who has made a pact to serve the Devil and received in return evil magical powers. First, men can be Witches too! Secondly, and more importantly, Witches do not serve the Devil or even have anything to do with the Devil. This is a slanderous attack on Witches that stems from the Middle Ages when it was common for people to accuse anyone they thought was strange to be in league with the Devil. Witches not only accused of this, but also so were Jews and "Heretics". Today we no longer say such things about Jews and non-Orthodox Christians, but many still assert this lie about Witches.

The Black Plague of the late Middle Ages fueled this hysteria when the devastation was so severe across Europe that people seriously thought it was the final judgment falling on them. In troubled times like this it is easy to look for scapegoats to blame everything on. During this time, many people were tortured until they would "confess" to the lies about the Devil of which they were accused.

Another misconception about Witches, this one created by Hollywood, is that Witches are a different race than regular Humans. In this idea, Witches have supernatural powers because they are inherent in their racial makeup. The film "The Witches" portrays Witches as so different from Humans that they wear disguises to appear Human. "Bewitched" made Witches "immortals" who called Humans "mortals" and seemed little different from the other networks' ideas of genies or Martians. "Sabrina" continues these ideas to a new generation enamored with the idea of cute, blonde, green-eyed Witches.  "Charmed" and "Harry Potter" put out more ideas on what Witches are.

This is pure nonsense. Witches are simply Humans who are walking a certain spiritual path. They do not have Hollywood type powers at the twitch of a nose, a wave of the hand or use of a wand.

So now, let us talk about what I believe in as a Witch.

I believe in Karma.  What every I put into the world will come back to me three folds.  Wither it be good or evil.  I believe in the Witches Creed, which is "Do as you will, harm none".  I believe in many gods or goddesses (with God always being number one).  Think of this like a corporation, there is a lot of gods and goddesses (managers, supervisors, etc...), but the ultimate one is God (the C.E.O.).  The bible doesn't say that there isn't other gods, just not to put any god before Him, which I NEVER do.  I believe in herbs and their many uses. I believe in the seasons and in nature. 

Spells are just another name for prayers.  Spells are the 'extra helping hand' to get something done, favors we ask from the unseen world around us. The 'helping hand' cannot do much good for us if we are not doing anything ourselves to reach our goals. I tend to think that the 'extra help' only comes through if we prove that we are serious by doing everything we can by mundane means to get what we want or need.



I hope this explains how I can live in both worlds of religion.  If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me.