Chapter 1: Afterglow Fiona felt herself floating again. No, not literally, as she had been a few moments before when the spell was at last broken. But now, enveloped firmly and protectively in Shrek's huge, strong arms, their bodies pressed snugly against each other, their lips joined in a long, ardent kiss, Fiona felt as if she were -- as if THEY were -- transcending into another plane of existence. A plane in which only two beings existed; a handsome, brave, green-skinned knight and his beautiful ogress princess. "Uuuh ... Your Majesty?" Fiona dimly registered the faint, distant, unrecognized voice. She felt Shrek gently begin to pull away in response to the sound. "NO!" she felt her soul cry, then she wrapped her arms as far around him as she could and drew him back even closer to her. She heard him grunt slightly, surprised at her strength, but then he hugged her back more tightly as well. She felt her heart racing and, pressed against him as she was, she thought she could feel his heartbeat as well, almost in synch with hers. They had to break the kiss for a moment, desperate as they were for air. They each took a few brief, shallow gasps, and opened their eyes just wide enough to look upon each other's yearning faces. "Wow," Fiona whispered, grinning giddily, then they each shut their eyes again and renewed the kiss. "Excuse me? Your Highness?" The same voice as before. It was getting annoying. She wished she could just shut it out completely. And then she remembered; as an ogress, she could! And so she did, curling her ears up into little balls that almost no sound could penetrate. She and Shrek continued to exist as one for several seconds more, and then Shrek slowly but firmly pulled away. Fiona languidly opened her eyes as he slid his huge hands across her back until they gently held her upper arms. She let her own hands slide down until they rested against the sides of his waist -- his "love handles," as they said. She giggled at the appropriateness. Her eyes took a moment to focus as she reluctantly descended back into reality. When they did, she saw him looking at her, his expression anxious. He looked like he wanted -- he NEEDED -- to say something. She uncurled her ears to hear him. "Fiona..." he began, then halted. "Yes ... Shrek?" she gently prodded. "Fiona, would ye m-- ... would ye ma--" he tried to ask, his resolve sputtering. Eventually he gave a great sigh, smiled weakly, and asked, "Would ye maybe like t'see my swamp?" Fiona returned his smile and replied, "Yes, I'd like that." She of course knew it wasn't what he was about to ask. And she was afraid she knew what he WAS about to ask. Not that she had any doubt about what her answer would have been. But things were happening so very fast right now that perhaps it was best if they both took a while to catch their breaths. Well, a LITTLE while, anyway. "Then step right up fer your ride," Shrek grinned, and gestured towards at the dragon. "One ride to Ogre Swamp, coming right up -- or right down, anyways!" Donkey buoyantly called from atop Dragon's head, then slid back down her neck until he clung to her chandelier necklace. "That's our fare, babe, let's go get 'em!" Donkey said to Dragon. Dragon nodded, spread her wings and dropped from her perch in the window to the stage below, still managing to make a noticeable thud when she landed. There were several fearful gasps from among the crowd -- and one from Fiona. Fiona looked up at the dragon. The great beast smiled down at her as Donkey peered from around Dragon's neck. "Say, Princess!" he joked, "Can I tell people 'bout your little secret now?" "Oh?" Shrek said, and teasingly asked Fiona, "This secret o'yours -- is it that you're an ogress, or is there somethin' else?" "No, that's it," Fiona chuckled, but it was more than a bit forced. His and Donkey's jests had suddenly reminded her of where she was -- and what she was. She dared a glance toward the pews, where she saw hundreds of pairs of other eyes peering back at her. She quickly, reflexively shifted her gaze downward, and found herself staring past the front of her Rubenesque figure at the palms of her large green hands, which immediately began to tremble and perspire. She felt Shrek lay a reassuring hand on her shoulder, and he adroitly stepped forward and to the side, positioning his wide body between herself and her view of the audience -- and they of her. "Let's go, Fiona," he said quietly but firmly, then nodded up to the dragon, who returned the nod and offered Fiona one of her hand-like front paws to climb onto. But as Dragon reached down, Fiona instinctively stepped back from the claws of the creature that had kept her prisoner for years, and had, the last time Fiona had seen her, been trying her best to burn her to a crisp. Shrek wrapped a comforting arm around Fiona as her entire body began to tremble. "I'm sorry," she said, not far from tears now, "everything -- it's all been so much -- I think it's all starting to catch up to me." "There, there, it's all right," Shrek said, stoking her hair as she laid her head against his chest, "you'll feel better when we get to th' swamp. Let's try again, shall we--" But Fiona wasn't finished. "And those people -- and THIS --" she gestured toward her body, "it's something I've been terrified of since -- as long as I can remember." "It's okay," he said, trying to sound soothing. He now cradled her in both arms as she continued to talk, her movements becoming more agitated and her words coming out faster and more shaky. "Everything's topsy-turvy -- Farquaad turning out to be such a monster -- the dragon showing up like she did -- and most of all -- most of all --" She paused then, and looked up at his face. She gingerly laid a hand against his cheek and spoke, her body and voice suddenly steady again, "And most of all my true love, coming to my rescue yet again. Rescuing me from him. And rescuing me -- from myself." Shrek gave a short, self-conscious grin. He slid his arms down from her back until his hands rested against the sides of her waist. "I'm just sorry I couldn't be the Prince Charmin' ye dreamed about all those years," he said. "Like ye said, I wasn't supposed t'be an ogre." "That's okay," she said with a short, self-deprecating chuckle, "neither was I. At least I didn't think so. Now I -- I'm not so sure this wasn't how it was meant to be all along. I just don't know. Everything I thought I DID know -- that I DID believe -- it was all just cr-- I mean, it all just crumbled. Right now, there's only ONE thing I AM sure of. And that is, I'd rather live the rest of my life with this --" she motioned to her body again -- "than live it without you." Shrek blushed, then gently took her hand from his cheek and kissed it. "Let's go home," he said. Fiona's eyes seemed to lose focus then. "Home," she repeated the word reflectively, as if it were from some foreign tongue and represented a new and unfamiliar concept. After a few seconds lost in this state she snapped back to attention, looked back up at Shrek, smiled, and said, "Yes. I'd like that. I'd like that very much." Shrek gestured back to Dragon's paw, which was still outstretched and awaited her. Fiona looked up at the beast, who nodded reassuringly. Fiona sighed, bit her lip, and took a tentative step towards her. "Excuse me, Queen Fiona?" Fiona halted. She recognized the voice as the one she was hearing when she and Shrek were -- preoccupied. Now she looked to the direction it came from and saw two men standing beside each other about twenty feet away, beside the pedestal that still held the queen's crown. Both were in upper-class formal outfits. One -- the one who spoke -- was a thin man with wire- rimmed spectacles, a balding head, and a small moustache. He stood about a foot taller than Farquaad had, but was still short. A large briefcase, which he held by both hands, dangled before him -- he looked so frail that Fiona didn't wonder why he needed both hands to hold it. His face wore a serious expression, with a hint of anxiety but no real fear. The other man was taller, a little above normal height (HUMAN normal height, she corrected herself), with a rotund body. His face bore such an exaggerated, plastered-on grin that Fiona guessed him for a politician. Then she remembered -- he WAS a politician. He was the mayor of Duloc, in fact. She dimly recalled being introduced to him and the town council earlier that day. Of course, she didn't remember much about that -- most of the day her mind had been on Shrek. But Farquaad had insisted on her meeting them, since she was about to become-- "Queen Fiona," the smaller man said again in a matter-of-fact manner void of any readable emotion. He then and bowed curtly and said, "I apologize for the intrusion. My name is Clarence Beaglely. I am the town manager of Duloc. And this, as you may recall from earlier today --" he gestured to his companion, "is Mayor Mumphord Milquest." Miquest also bowed awkwardly. "My -- regrets -- for the tribulations you just endured," Beaglely said, "but I offer my congratulations for your ascendancy to the crown." Fiona blinked, confused, sure she couldn't be hearing what she was hearing. She and the two men continued to stare at each other for a few seconds more. She noticed the mayor's face never dropped its plastered grin, but beads of sweat were beginning to pop out on his forehead and he glanced every so often at the dragon, who was now watching the two men with wary eyes. "Hey, what's goin' on?" Donkey asked, confused. "That's what I'd like t'know," Shrek said gruffly, taking a step forward to stand by Fiona and frowning suspiciously at the two men. Beaglely, still looking at Fiona, nudged the mayor in the ribs sharply. The larger man grunted, but then finally sprang to life. "Oh, yes!" Milquest said in a very officious tone. He turned, removed the remaining crown from its pedestal, then turned back to face Fiona and held the crown towards her. "Your Majesty," he said, his deep, throaty voice carrying across the church, "as mayor of Duloc, it is my privilege to offer you this symbol of--" "Hold the phone!" Shrek rumbled, "She can't be queen! They never completed the marriage ceremony!" "Technically, they did," Beaglely spoke again, "the priest officially pronounced them 'man and wife, king and queen.' Isn't that right, Father?" From a far corner of the chancel, the elderly priest, who had quietly retreated there when Shrek had first started his charge up the aisle, nervously and quietly replied, "Uuuuh -- y-yes." "You see," Beaglely said, "she has officially been pronounced 'Queen.'" "But they never even kissed!" Shrek argued. Beaglely shrugged. "The kiss was superfluous," he said dismissively, "it was, one might say, simply icing on the royal wedding cake." "See, Shrek?" Donkey said from his roost, "I tol'ja cake would fit into this somehow!" Shrek rolled his eyes as Beaglely continued, "The moment the priest pronounced them married, Dulocian law made them king and queen. Lord-- rather, KING Farquaad was right to that extent. And now that the King is --" he glanced at the dragon, "indisposed --" he looked back at the ogres, "that means not only that the princess is now our queen, she is the sole reigning ruler of Duloc." "Wait one cotton pickin' minute!" Shrek continued to object, "She --" Shrek stopped himself short when he felt the hand on his shoulder. He looked over to see Fiona. She had at first appeared shell-shocked at Beaglely's pronouncements. Now she seemed to have regained her composure somewhat. She smiled uneasily at Shrek and said, "It's okay. I think I can handle this." Fiona took a few steps forward and addressed Beaglely directly. "Mr. Beaglely, I'm honored by the title you're trying to bestow on me but -- well, recall that little light show a few minutes ago?" He nodded. "Well," she continued, "what you saw was the breaking of a spell that for years turned me into a human during the day and -- and this form at night. Now that it is broken, however, I anticipate that I will retain this form -- " she looked back at Shrek and added comfortingly, "love's true form --" then back to Beaglely, "for the rest of my life. So tell me, Mr. Beaglely," she gestured to her body, "is this how your queen is expected to look?" "It is ... different," Beaglely acknowledged stoically, "But there is nothing in Dulocian law that specifically states that its monarch MUST be a human. So, now that THAT issue is out of the way --" Beaglely nodded to Milquest, who stepped up to the ogress. Her face still bore the mixture of shock and surprise it took on at Beaglely's nonchalant dismissal of her concern. Milquest placed the crown upon Fiona's head, and announced in a loud voice, "GOD SAVE HER ROYAL MAJESTY, QUEEN FIONA OF DULOC!" Milquest and Beaglely then each knelt on one knee, and both said ceremoniously, in unison, "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!" Milquest then motioned to the cue card worker, who shuffled through his cards for a moment, tossed aside one that read "God save the King! " then held one up that read, "God save the Queen! " Most of the Dulocians responded in unison, " GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!" The card worker then held up the next card in succession, one that read "Applause." Fiona dared to look out at the crowd for the first time since that glance she had ventured a bit earlier. They were all looking directly at her, and nearly all were applauding. There were a few exceptions -- for example, a soldier off to the side who wore a decorative sash across one shoulder of his dress uniform -- she assumed this meant a high rank of some sort -- but nearly everyone else was clapping and smiling. She had to glance back down at herself to make sure she hadn't magically transformed back to her human state. When she saw she hadn't, she felt tears of joy start to well up in her eyes. "OH, FOR THE LOVE O' PETE!" Shrek bellowed and stormed across the stage, in front of and then past Fiona. "Shrek?!" Fiona called out, but he ignored her as he made his way directly to the cue card worker. The worker, seeing the enraged ogre approaching him, froze in fright, then held up his cadre of cards in front of him as if he thought that might yield some protection. "GIMME THOSE!" Shrek snarled, and viciously grabbed the cards from the man's hands. Shrek then tore the entire group of cards in half with one rip, stacked the two halves together, and tore THEM in half with one rip. He then threw the remains down in disgust and addressed the crowd. "ARE YE ALL DAFT?!" he yelled angrily, "WHAT 'ERE YE, SOME MINDLESS ROBOTS? I DON'T KNOW WHAT FARQUAAD DID TO TURN YE INTO SUCH BLOODY BLEETIN' SHEEP, BUT HE'S GONE NOW! SO APPLAUD, OR DON'T APPLAUD, OR DO WHATEVER ELSE YA DARN WELL FEEL LIKE FER YERSELVES! FER GOD'S SAKES, YOU'VE GOT YER OWN MINDS. SO USE 'EM AND BE YER FRICKIN' SELVES!!!" For several seconds there was a great buzz among the Dulocians as they turned and murmured to each other. Then nearly the entire congregation turned toward Shrek and broke into a round of loud, spontaneous applause. Shrek's expression quickly changed from one of outrage to bewilderment. He looked back at Fiona, and he saw her looking at him with a blend of loving admiration at his actions and amusement as his reaction. "Oh, I give up!" Shrek said, tossing up his arms in resignation. He then strode over to stand by the new queen. "Look, Fiona, we--" he began as he reached her side, but his words were cut off as she reached up, grabbed the top of his shirt with both hands, pulled him forward, and planted a hard kiss on his lips. Then she let go and he nearly fell backwards. "What was THAT for?!" he asked, flabbergasted. "For what you did! That was GREAT!" Fiona bubbled, "That was absolutely wonderful! Shrek, you're a natural leader!" "I am?" he asked, puzzled. Although it wasn't his intent, he was glad this made her happy. But somewhere in his mind a red warning flag had started waving. "Of course!" she said, "Oh, this will be wonderful! You and I, here in Duloc, helping these people start new lives, build a new local culture, even! Oh, it's so exciting!" Shrek started to say something, but Fiona quickly turned back to Milquest and Beaglely and said, "Prithee excuse me, kind sirs. I fear I haven't properly introduced you. This is my ..." Fiona mentally cast about for a moment, trying to think of a proper title, then settled for the wholly inadequate "... friend, Shrek." Shrek detected a slight change in the tone with which she spoke -- and it sent a shiver up his spine. It was the tone she used when she "played" the princess -- the carefully regulated modulation he had heard in the castle when he had first met her, and later when she met Farquaad. Shrek wasn't sure what was going on inside that lovely head of hers, but it was starting to scare him. Whatever it was, it had to be nipped in the bud -- NOW. So he reached forward, placed one hand on either of Fiona's shoulders and gave three quick shakes, hoping to bring her back down to reality. Fiona's head whiplashed with the jostling, her crown very nearly toppling off, and as soon as he finished her eyes settled on him, surprise and shock registering on her face. "Fiona -- dearest --" he began, using a term of endearment for her for the first time. His kept his hands on her shoulders, and tried to keep his voice soft but firm as he continued, "it's time fer us t'go." She stared back at him, her expression torn between incomprehension and reluctance. He sighed, then turned to Beaglely and Milquest. "Sorry -- gentlemen --" he said, "but you'll hav'ta find yourselves another queen. The lady says NO."