Chapter 14: High Adventure Goldilocks clung desperately onto the flagpole, crying. Then she had an idea and looked up to where the broomstick sat motionless in the air, some ten yards away from her. Maybe if she could get it to go again, it would come down and she could get back on. It couldn't be a worse situation than she was in now, anyway. She forced herself to stop crying and shouted at it, "Go!" The broom went. From total standstill, it suddenly resumed the rapid speed it had been travelling when it had halted in mid- air. However, it also resumed its path - which took it straight into the side of the stone castle. Goldilocks shrieked as the broomstick smashed against the castle wall, the wood splaying apart like the spine an open umbrella, and then tumbled down to the ground below - a fall which seemed to take forever at this height. The little girl watched its downward tumble, and as her eyes reached the ground she noted toward the edge of the courtyard the large red dragon that had been keeping watch the previous night from the top of the church. It was now lying on some type of wooden platform and bound there by heavy chains, its large yellow eyes looking up at her in curiosity. Then Goldilocks saw Fiona racing into the courtyard, followed closely by Shrek and then some soldiers, and behind them a man that she recognized as some local big- wig, and then behind him it looked like the rest of Duloc was filing into view. And they were all beholding the spectacle that she was making of herself. So much for being a rescuer, she thought to herself, and began to cry again. * * * Fiona stopped at the base of the castle and tired to catch her breath as she looked up at the suspended little girl. The pole the girl clung to was attached to the wall just below a window, but Goldilocks was more than four feet down the length of the pole away from the window. "GOLDILOCKS!" Fiona called up as Shrek arrived at her side and looked up at the small girl, "LISTEN TO ME!" Goldilocks kept crying for a few seconds longer, then slowly her sobs lessened and she looked down at Fiona. "TRY TO MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE WINDOW!" Fiona called up as Maximus and his soldiers arrived at the ogres' side and also started staring up. Goldilocks looked over toward the window, still trying to choke back sobs. Then she began to slide the hand closest to the window down the pole. Suddenly the hand slipped off, and hundreds of voices screamed as Goldilocks shrieked herself and hung suspended by one hand for several seconds. Fiona covered her mouth with her hands and her blue eyes bulged. Then Goldilocks was able to swing her free hand back up to its former position on the pole. She now hung there as she had before ... and again started to cry, even louder than before. "GOLDILOCKS!" Fiona called back up again, "DON'T MOVE, SWEETHEART, WE'LL COME GET YOU!" The little girl continued to cling there, still crying, and Fiona didn't know if she'd heard her or not. But at least she wasn't trying to move anymore. Fiona looked around her. Milquest and many of the various Dulocians had arrived at this point, and were looking up at the spectacle above them. Then she picked out Maximus. "Lieutenant!" she said, "You have soldiers in that building, right?" "No, ma'am," Maximus replied. Fiona blinked. "You don't have ANYBODY in that WHOLE CASTLE?!" "No," he repeated, "Captain Gledius had ordered everybody to be at the coliseum to witness your execution ... to set an example." Fiona growled deep in her throat for a moment, then turned to Shrek. "You were pretty quick on your feet back in MY castle," she said analytically, "and with your armspan, you may be able to reach out the window and grab her. Try and get up there as fast as you can!" Shrek nodded, but then frowned. "But once inside, how'll I know which room - heck, which FLOOR - the room with that window is? They all look so much alike -" "Perhaps *I* might be of assistance," a cool, familiar voice said from beside the two ogres. Startled, they swung their gaze to the figure of Beaglely. "Where the blazes did YOU come from?" Shrek said. "Never mind that," Fiona interrupted. "Mr. Beaglely, how might you help?" "As you recall, Princess," he said, "I have spent quite a bit of time examining the blueprints for this castle for its eventual conversion into an educational facility. I am relatively confident that, once inside, I can locate the room with that window." "Great!" Fiona said, then turned to the ogre, "Shrek ..." "I'm on it!" Shrek said, "Come on, Beaglely, let's go!" With that, the ogre suddenly reached over and grabbed the city manager. Beaglely uttered an unusual cry of surprise as Shrek quickly tucked him under his arm and ran toward the castle door, explaining, "It'll be quicker this way - my stride's wider." But even as Shrek and Beaglely disappeared into the castle entrance, Goldilocks let go another shriek. Fiona swung her eyes up to the little girl. Goldilocks was losing her grip, in more ways that one. "HOLD ON, DARLING! HELP'S ON ITS WAY!" Fiona called up. Again, she wasn't sure if the panicked, crying little girl heard her or not. Then, unexpectedly, Milquest sprang into action. "You there!" he called to a couple of nearby soldiers and, getting their attention, pointed to a nearby wagon filled with straw, "maneuver that underneath the little girl!" The soldiers, surprised and confused by the firm order by the formerly obtuse mayor, looked over at Maximus. The lieutenant nodded, and the two soldiers sprung into action. Fiona looked from the hay wagon, then back up at Goldilocks, then to Milquest, who also was looking up at the little girl, his face fixed with resolution. It was a look she had never seen on him, and it was with some disappointment that she felt she had to say, "That's a wonderful thought, Mayor, but at that height - I don't think it will make any difference." "We've got to try SOMETHING else," he said, still watching Goldilocks, "I don't think she can hold on long enough for your companion to climb all those stairs to reach her." Fiona, reluctantly, had to nod sad agreement. But what else could ... Then she thought of Dragon. Fiona whirled to see the great chained animal several yards away, staring at her - a look that still gave Fiona a little chill. But then Dragon glanced up at Goldilocks then back to Fiona - and a little grin appeared at the corner of Dragon's mouth - a mouth whose snout was itself chained shut so as to prevent her from using her fiery breath. Fiona ran over to Dragon. "Can you get her?!" the ogress asked excitedly. Dragon shrugged ... and rattled her chains to emphasize her confinement. Fiona whiled back the other way - and found herself standing face-to-face with Maximus. "Release her!" she ordered. "No," he said. Fiona blinked. "What?" was all she could say. Maximus drew is sword and pointed at Dragon. "Unlike you and your companions," he said, "we KNOW that this beast is a killer. We know of many knights who, over the years, she has vanquished. Knights who, incidentally, were trying to save YOU, your highness." "But ... but ..." Fiona stammered, then thought of something. "Don't you SEE? Dragon was under a different form of the same spell that *I* was!" Both Maximus and Dragon cocked an eyebrow, the former in incredulity, the latter in bemusement. "Besides," Fiona continued, "they were attacking her in her own home, trying to kill HER! At worst, she was only trying to defend herself!" Chains rattled as Dragon pursed her lips and nodded, buying some (but not all) of that argument. But Maximus just continued to stare at the ogress. "You're beginning to sound like Mr. Beaglely," the lieutenant said. "At least Mr. Beaglely is trying to save HER!" Fiona said angrily, then turned and pointed up to Goldilocks, who was trying to maintain her loosening grip. "You can do the same, by freeing Dragon! I know that, now that the spell is broken, and there is no longer a need to invade her castle, that Dragon will never harm another human ever again." Fiona turned and addressed the reptilian. "WILL you, Dragon?" Fiona asked, her eyes pleading. Dragon looked back at Fiona, a look of amusement on her face. "WILL YOU?" Fiona repeated, mimicking the stomping of her foot and shooting Dragon a wide-eyed agitated look, grateful that Maximus had continued to stare at Goldilocks and had not turned to see Dragon's initial reaction nor Fiona's unspoken pleas. But now the lieutenant did turn around, and as he did so Dragon's face assume a contrite, remorseful expression as she shook her head in response to Fiona's question, agreeing that no, she would never slay another human ever again. Maximus sighed. "Perhaps you're right. But it doesn't much matter." "What do you mean?" Fiona asked, confused. "There are no locks to these chains," Maximus said, gesturing with his sword. "For safely, we simply bolted all the chains to the blocks that border the platform." Here he tapped one of the thick wooden blocks where the chain was bolted into it. "Unless ..." he said, trailing off. Then he lifted his sword and took two quick and powerful chops at the wood near where the chain was bolted. The strokes left indentations, but only two or three inches. "It's no good," he said, "there's not enough time -" "Wou' 'hish hel," a muffled voice said a couple of paces behind them. Fiona and Maximus turned to see Donkey, dragging the sharp, heavy executioner's axe, the tip of its handle held firm in his mouth. He spit it out, smacked his lips and then explained, "I saw what was goin' on and figured this might come in handy." "Indeed!" Maximus said, hefting the axe as Fiona looked down at Donkey and beamed. "Donkey, you're brilliant!" she beamed. Donkey shrugged self-consciously. "I got my moments," he conceded semi-self consciously. Meanwhile, Maximus stood with the axe at the ready - and then seemed to think again. He looked at Dragon, who stared back at him, her expression apparently neutral but with an odd, disconcerting glimmer in her eye. It gave him pause, as the scene of their earlier encounter flashed through his mind. He remembered the terrible fear, fear that he had never experienced before. He remembered the way she had not only filled him with that fear, but had humiliated him, turned the pride of his profession into a laughing stock as she waited for him to flail futilely at the smoke-shrouded air as she lay nearby, mocking him. Then he remembered those glistening white teeth as she was about to - Then he heard Goldilocks scream again. Shaking his head, pushing everything aside with a great mental heave, he brought the axe down on the wood, cleaving several inches. Then again. Then again. Meanwhile, Dragon pushed up against the chain, pulling the connection from above. Eventually there was a crack, and that part of the chain webbing came free. Dragon tried to rise up, but although she had more movement, she was not quite free. "One more of the bolts ought to do it," Maximus said, then Goldilocks gave a particularly loud scream and everyone looked back up as the crowd gasped. One of the exhausted girl's hands had let go again, and this time she seemed not able to make the effort to reach back up. Only one hand now secured her to the pole. "Quick, give me that!" Fiona cried, grabbing the axe from the stunned lieutenant. Then, with her ogress's strength augmented by desperation, she struck at the wood around another bolt. Her stroke went more than twice as deep as Maximus's had. She struck quickly again, and again, as Dragon got one of her paw/hands around the chain just above the bolt and pulled. And then suddenly the bolt broke free. Her paws free, Dragon pulled the chain from off her snout and with a great roar of triumph rose to her full standing height, shrugging the remaining raiment of chains from off her back. Many in the crowd shrieked or gasped and stepped back from the fearful sight. Dragon looked at them disdainfully for a moment, then her gaze swung up to where Goldilocks hung. "You go, girl!" Donkey called up. "Spotlight dance!" Dragon looked down at Donkey and smiled warmly. Then her gaze shifted to Maximus, and her warm smile morphed into one of slyness. She winked at the lieutenant, and he felt his blood freeze. But then Dragon shifted her gaze once again up toward the little girl. Then the great beast spread her wings. * * * The room just above the flagpole where Goldilocks hung was quiet and peaceful. Then a sound came from the door as the knob was tried. It was locked. A moment latter a much louder sound erupted through the room and the wooden slats of the door bucked inward briefly as something heavy pounded against it from without. Then the same thing happened again, and then again as, the third time, the lock broke and the door caved in. Shrek tumbled into the room, sweating profusely and breathing in great gasps following his race up the many, many, many stairs leading up the tower. Beaglely followed him, not breathing very heavy at all as he had been carried most of the way. The city manager raced past the prostrate ogre's form to the window. "Quickly!" he called back, "She's hanging by one hand now!" Shrek forced himself up and half-sprinted, half-lumbered to the window. He reached it just in time to see the girl, at the end of her own strength, let go. "NOOOO!" Shrek cried, and leaned out the window. For a brief, horrified moment he saw Goldilocks in free-fall toward the courtyard below. But then, suddenly, Dragon appeared. The great beast quickly closed in on the falling little girl - then opened her mouth, let the girl fall in, and then closed her mouth on her. Dragon continued flying, past the castle, and into the distance. Shrek felt his jaw drop. He stood there, silent, for several moments. "Well," Beaglely offered, "it HAS been quite a while since the dragon fed. She was probably working on instinct." * * * As Dragon snatched Goldilocks into her mouth and disappeared around the castle, Fiona started to scream, and again quickly covered her mouth with her hands to choke it off. Many in the crowd did not show such restraint, and the courtyard was filled with screams and gasps, and several people fainted. Meanwhile, Maximus shot a venomous look Fiona's way. "So, the dragon was just defending herself, eh?" he mocked, "She'll never eat another human, eh?" Fiona looked down, shocked, ashamed, and unable to speak. She considered pointing out that the girl would have died anyway from the fall, but that didn't seem to be a particularly winning argument right now. "I swear," Maximus said, staring off to where Dragon had disappeared and shaking his fist, "I will hunt that beast down and kill it if it is the last thing I do!" Donkey's ears drooped as he bowed his head and kicked weekly at a pebble on the ground. "Jus' when ya think ya get to know someone," he muttered. Then he glanced upwards, and then his head sprang to attention and his ears perked up. "Hey!" he called excitedly, "Incoming bandit at ten o'clock!" Fiona looked over at him. "What did you say?" she asked, still somewhat in a daze. "Up there!" Donkey replied, jerkily pointing with his nose. Fiona and Maximus followed Donkey's gesture. In the sky they saw what appeared to be yet another figure riding on a broom heading toward them. But this broom was leaving in its wake several puffs of black smoke. As it grew nearer they could see that there were actually *two* figures on the broom. As they came in for a landing at the base of the castle near where Fiona stood, she could see that the lead figure and apparent "driver" was the witch that had accosted them the previous night. Sitting on the stick behind her and holding onto the witch's torso for dear life was another woman wearing old careworn clothes and a motorcycle helmet. The landing was not particularly elegant. As they descended within a couple of feet of the ground, the witch yelled out "WHOA!," but the broom continued to move along the ground in hesitant jerks. The witch stretched out her feet and began dragging them in the dirt, yelling out "WHOA! I said WHOA, DAGNABBIT!" Eventually they skidded to a stop a few feet away from Fiona and Maximus. The broom continued to vibrate, make distressed rumbling noises, and spew puffs of black smoke as the witch dismounted and then helped the other woman off. Then the broom gave a final gasp and spewed a particularly large cloud of acrid black smoke which engulfed the witch, Fiona, and several other people in the vicinity, sending them all into coughing fits. As the air cleared the witch kicked the now idle broom and said with disgust, "Blasted rental!" The witch's former passenger took her helmet off to reveal a lined face and graying, disheveled hair. She took a moment to digest the scene around her, noted the ogress in the worn wedding dress with surprise and suspicion, and then recognized Maximus in his officer's uniform. She ran to him and implored, "Oh, sir, could you please help me? I'm looking for my daughter, Goldilocks! You recall the little girl you brought back to us last night -" "Yes, I - I know the little girl," Maximus said, shifting uncomfortably and treating Fiona to another accusatory glance. The old woman's face brightened. "Oh, good! I'm sorry, but she ran away again last night, and we believe she was heading here. Has anyone seen her?" Maximus's lips pursed, and he looked down, avoiding the woman's hopeful gaze. Fiona did the same. An uneasy silence fell across the people as they did likewise, shifting uncomfortably. The old woman looked around, confused, and a growing alarm starting to show in her face. "What's wrong?" she asked, "why is everybody -" "WHOA!" Donkey suddenly exclaimed, "Incoming Dragon, eleven o'clock!" Everyone's gaze shifted up to where Donkey was looking. Indeed, Dragon was flying back towards into the courtyard, specifically toward where the witch, woman, Fiona, Maximus, Milquest, and Donkey all stood. Many people in the crowd screamed yet again and started to run, fearful that Dragon was not quite through with her meal. But Maximus gulped, struck a ready pose with his sword, and steeled himself. Dragon landed with an earth-shaking thump a few yards away from the principals. Goldilocks's mother screamed in fear, but the witch just rested her hands on her hips and said, "Well! And I thought *I* knew how to make an entrance!" "ALL RIGHT, YOU MURDEROUS BEAST," Maximus called up, forcing bravado into his voice, "THE TIME HAS COME AND THE DIE IS CAST! LET US END THIS NOW!" The lieutenant brandished his sword, and gulped again. Dragon looked down at Maximus in amused silence for a few moments, then shook her head dismissively and turned her attention to the others. Her eyes lit on Goldilocks's mother who stared back at her, terrified. "THAT'S THE MOTHER OF THE POOR GIRL YOU DEVOURED, HEINOUS MONSTER!" Maximus called. Goldilocks's mother looked over at Maximus, her eyes wide with terror. "WHAT?!" he gasped. Maximus looked over at her and bit his lip. "Oops," he said. Dragon rolled her eyes and shook her head again, and then lowered her head to the ground. Then she opened her mouth and unrolled her tongue like a carpet. As it reached its full extension, off the tip rolled Goldilocks, covered in the Dragon's saliva but otherwise unharmed. As everyone signed in relief and Dragon raised her head back up, Goldilocks stood up, looked at her drenched self, wrinkled her nose in distaste and said, "Ewww! I've been slimed!" "Oh, my girl!" Goldilocks's mother said, dropping to her knees as relief washed over her. "Mommy!" Goldilocks cried out in return, flinging herself into her mother's arms and hugging her tightly. Her mother returned the hug, oblivious to the wetness that now soaked them both. Everyone then broke out in applause and cheers. Dragon looked around, surprised at the unaccustomed adulation being sent her way by this flock of humans, some of which she couldn't help but notice looked quite tender and juicy. Donkey stepped forward and looked up at her. "Way to go, Babe!" he said, "I never doubted ya for a second!" Dragon smiled at him, then looked over at Fiona, who was smiling weakly up at her. Dragon gave her a wink, causing Fiona to utter a wry chuckle and shake her head. Fiona then let her gaze drift beside her, where Maximus was still staring up at Dragon. But now the lieutenant's mouth was agape and silent. He still held his sword at an upright angle and at the ready for a few seconds more, but then he slowly lowered it to the ground, all the time staring up at Dragon. "Well, Lieutenant?" Fiona said, resting her hands on her hips and allowing a little "I told you so" attitude to creep into her voice. Maximus slowly looked over at her, his expression dull confusion. "Well," he reiterated, then looked down at the ground. "Well ... well ..." he continued to repeat, now to himself, as he seemed deep in contemplation, trying to sort out everything he was experiencing. Then, with sudden resolution, he looked back up at Dragon, his eyes sharp and alert. "WELL DONE, DRAGON!" he called up, raised his sword, and bowed deeply in a salute. Dragon cocked an eyebrow in surprise, then bowed her head to Maximus in acknowledgement. The Dulocians then let loose with another cheer. Dragon looked around, smiled and bowed her head to them. She seemed to be growing pleasantly enamored with such a response from creatures who she formerly used to derive so much pleasure from enticing abject terror. As the crowd cheered, Donkey wandered over to Fiona, nodded up to Dragon and whispered, "Ya think this'll last?" "Oh, I don't know," Fiona whispered back. "They say that laughter's ten times more powerful than screams. Maybe the same can be said of adulation and fear." "EXCUSE me," the witch interrupted, "but there's the little matter of a missing broomstick?" "Oh, I'm so terribly sorry!" Goldilocks said, "I - I - " The little girl then gestured to the splintered remains of the broomstick laying at the base of the castle. "Oh, just GREAT," the witch muttered, then mumbled something to herself as she approached the broomstick. She picked it up, one hand holding the top of the crumpled stick and the other the base where the whisk began, then with a sudden jerk she pulled it in either direction and then, like magic, she was holding and entirely whole, undamaged broom. A few in the crowd oo'ed and ah'ed at the display. The witch looked around and one corner of her mouth cracked a smile. "Hey!" she said, "If you like that trick, you should see me at parties!" "Oh, speaking of parties!" Fiona said, then turned to face the Dulocian crowd. "CITIZENS OF DULOC!" she shouted, her voice carrying across the courtyard and beyond, "I'D JUST LIKE YOU TO KNOW THAT SHREK AND I ARE ENGAGED TO BE MARRIED ... AND YOU'RE ALL INVITED!" The courtyard let loose with cheers and applause. Fiona beamed as Milquest stepped forward. "Congratulations, Your Highness," he said, bowing. "And when is this joyous event scheduled to occur?" Fiona thought for a moment, then she broke into a wide grin as an idea came into her mind. She addressed the crowd again. "WE'RE GOING TO BE MARRIED IN SHREK'S SWAMP ... TONIGHT ... AT SUNSET!" The courtyard let loose with more cheers and applause, which was interrupted as Shrek, looking down from the window high up in the castle, bellowed down, "FIONA!" She turned and looked up at him. "WHAT?" she called up. "AREN'T YE HURRIN' THINGS A BIT, WOMAN?" he called down. "WHY WAIT?" she called back. "UNLESS ... ARE YOU GETTING COLD FEET?" "OH, MY FEET'S FINE. BUT MY SWAMP'S TOO FAR FOR THESE PEOPLE TO REACH BY SUNSET." Fiona thought for a moment, then turned to the crowd. "PEOPLE! NEW PLAN!" she called out. "THE WEDDING WILL BE ... TOMORROW AT SUNSET!" Another cheer went up as Fiona looked back up at Shrek and smiled mischievously. He just smiled back, laughed, and shook his head. "Hey, Princess," Donkey said, "I think we've done 'bout as much damage here as we can for now. You finally ready to go?" Fiona looked around her and sighed. "Yes, Donkey, I think I am." Her eyes then settled on Milquest. "Well, Mr. Mayor," she said, "I leave Duloc in your capable hands." He gave a thin smile. "I don't know how capable they are, Your Majesty," he replied, bowing "but I'll do my best." "Which I'm sure will be more than sufficient," she said. "And could you please send messengers out to the villagers and fairy tale folk, telling them they're invited to the wedding, too?" "With pleasure, Your Majesty," he said. "Great! Thank you!" she said, then turned to Maximus. "And thank you, Lieutenant Maximus, for coming through when we needed you." "One small correction," Milquest interrupted, "that's CAPTAIN Maximus now." Maximus looked over at Milquest. "Thank you, sir," he said. "Not at all," Milquest replied, "you've earned it." Maximus turned back to Fiona. "And thank YOU, your majesty," he said, bowing. "And God's speed." "Thank you," she said again, and looked down at Donkey, "well, I guess we're ready to go." "All right!" Donkey said, then turned to Dragon. "Okay, Babe. Boardin' time!" Dragon smiled and reached down with a paw. Donkey stepped on it, then turned back to Fiona. "Princess?" he said. Fiona looked up at Dragon and smiled tentatively. "Okay," she said meekly, then carefully stepped up onto the paw beside Donkey. Then she gave a yelp as Dragon lifted her paw and deposited the two on her back. Dragon then spread her wings and took off, flying up to the window of the room where Shrek stood. "All aboard!" Donkey called out. "Jus' a sec," Shrek said, then turned back to face Beaglely. "Well, Mr. Beaglely, you've got yer wish. And ye managed keepin' us alive while ye got it. Good luck t'ya." Shrek held out his hand. "Thank you Mr. ... Shrek?" Beaglely said. "It's ZACH!" Fiona called playfully from her perch on Dragon, using a voice loud enough to be heard across the courtyard, "As in MR. and MRS. SHREKLECHEH ZACH!" Shrek cringed at Fiona's words, then looked back over his shoulder at his giggling fiancee. "Thanks SO much," he said sarcastically. "Don't mention it!" she said, and laughed. Shrek chuckled too, despite himself, then turned back to Beaglely. "Anyway," the ogre said, "again, good luck t'ye." "Thank you, Mr. Zach," Beaglely said, taking a firm grim on the ogre's huge hand and shaking it, "and good luck to you in your new ..." he looked out the window at Fiona and concluded "... adventures." "Yeah, thanks," Shrek said, cracking a smile, "I think I'll need it." "You coming or what?" Fiona called out, feigning impatience. "Yes, I'm comin', woman," Shrek replied, feigning irritation, and carefully climbed out the window and onto Dragon's outstretched paw. As Dragon deposited Shrek on her back, Fiona called to Beaglely, "Thank you, Mr. Beaglely, and good luck! And I hope I see you at the wedding!" "I wouldn't miss it, Your Majesty," Beaglely said ... and smiled. "Well, goodbye!" Fiona said to him, then looked down at the crowd below. "GOODBYE!" she called down, waving. "GOODBYE! GOODBYE!" they called and waved back to their former queen. And then, with a great flap of wings, Dragon was speeding them away from Duloc proper and over the forest that led to Shrek's swamp.