The story of Halloween Jack:

Jack was a struggling actor back in the 60's and 70's who was hired by a local movie theater to dress up in costume and scare the audience, back in the days when theaters did that kind of stuff. Reluctant, but knowing he had to pay the bills, Jack took the job. One day, while helping a magician with his act, Jack was locked in a trunk. Just then, the police showed up to condemn and shut down the theater.

The trunk containing Jack was put into the basement with the rest of the props, posters and lobby cards. He remained there until Halloween night 2000, when the usher/ caretaker of the theater, Eerie Evan, accidentally let him out. Now it is Halloween Jack's mission to once again bring bad movies to the masses. Halloween Jack appears on the show "Eerie Evan's Haunted Theatre" every Friday night from 8-9:30 on Cablevision channel 71 in Jackson New Jersey.