Dayton, Ohio is home to The Ghastlee Movie Show, hosted by the King of Schlock, A. Ghastlee Ghoul. One never knows what to expect when Ghastlee slinks in across cable access channels across Ohio every Friday after midnight for the last twelve years. Using a unique blend of horror, humor and just too much insanity, our host keeps his victims well entertained. Viewers watch as Ghastlee inserts himself into condensed movies where he makes comments and interracts with the characters.
Ghastlee credits his inpsiration as being Dr. Creep, an Ohio area horror host still going strong today.
Occasional visits by show regulars Uncle Jasper, Lou the Christmas Devil and Jeff McClellan, American do nothing but add to the zany atmosphere of the show.
The show has been visited several times by horror movie fan and rocker Rob Zombie, not to mention comedian Pat Kilbane, who now is a regular on Mad TV. Ghastlee claims to have invited the devil himself once, but says he chickened out.
Visit A. Ghastlee Ghoul's Website at: