Inspired by Boo Theatre with Count Harold and Kharis the Dummy mummy, horror historian Professor Griffin has been making a monsteroue effort to host his own horror show . In doing so he created created the Midnight Shadow Show for the specific purpose of hosting horror films.
So far, Prof. Griffin has hosted a week of horror films in October 2000 on KVC 13 in Austin, a single horror film on Fox 7 TV in Austin (October 1999 and 2000), the 2000 Austin Film Festival all-night horror-thon (hosting a Q&A with Tobe Hooper) represented Goodwill industries in the Halloween season as their official Halloween Spokesperson(1999-2000), and currently re-pitching his program, The Midnight Shadow Show to all stations in his area of Austin, Texas and the surrounding cities (Houston, San Antonio, Dallas). Recently the Professor has opened a door to have a one hour horror primer, MONSTERS 101 shown on KVUE (ABC Affiliate)24 in Austin in October.
Prof. Anton Griffin is a facinating, compelling and interesting character. With his pale complexion, black frock coat, sharp nails, and dark antique spectacles, he makes quite a presence. He hints that he is undead, but there is NO proof of that. He graduated from Dark Pillars University in Ingolstadt, and began exhibiting his Circus of Horrors all through Europe. (His Circus was closed down after one of the patrons got trapped in the Vampyre's lair during feeding time!)
He is not above going through a hair-brained scheme to make money (he is after all a showman) but enjoys nothing more than bringing chills and thrills from all around the world to his Midnight Shadow Show- an old dilapitated mansion, part house, part circus tent.
He has an impressive collection of props and costumes, and horror movie memorabilia and is available for anniversaries, weddings, and funerals.