The Allen Foundation Flock

The Allen Foundation Flock

In 2001, Cassell Horned Dorsets purchased the entire David Allen brood ewe flock.

Through the pruchase of several ewes from Mr. Allen over the last 10 years, we had come to appreciate Mr. Allen's flock. In the summer of 2001, Mr. Allen offered to sell his entire 40 ewe brood ewe flock to us. The sheep have now been at our farm since June 2001.

We are excited about having the Allen flock because of its unique genetics. For many years, Mr. Allen linebred his animals creating a truly different Horned Dorset genetic base. We intend to continue breeding these sheep separately to maintain this distinct genetics, thereby allowing our customers to select sheep from yet another unrelated genetic line.

We currently have a selection of rams and ewes from the Allen Flock available for sell at the farm. Check out our "Available at the Farm" page for selection details.

------2004 OH Jr. Champ. Ewe---------Milestone:2001 Nat'l Champ. Ram

The above photos are examples of the excellent lambs the Allen ewes are producing.

