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undefined (Tadeyendamol is the the highest peak in the coorg region 8 hours drive from bangalore the trek is worth it.)


also see the kumarparvata trek report ------------------------------------------------------------------


The trek's seed that originated somewhere in the fertile minds of some Texas Instruments pros, was finally implemented on 27th to 29th Jan .I met Vijay at his residence at 9:45 on 26th night and was expecting to board the vehicle around 10:45pm.However I was in for some disappointment, as the enthusiastic trekkers had not assembled till 12:15 am.After a long vigil, when I had almost given up any hopes that I had entertained of embarking upon the trek,The troupe arrived much to the relief of Vijay.
So we left Domlur at about 12:30am. However our woes were not yet over .The trekkers had to search for the person who had thrown his might to arrange the vehicle. So in the dead of night our vehicle was traversing the deserted streets of Bangalore with the occasional stray dog for company.
Unfortunately the person had waited at the rendezvous for quite some time, had not anticipated the delay of almost two and half hrs and had retired to the warmth of his home. After much frantic calling on phone we decided to give up our quest of getting in touch with him and to set out from Bangalore. Upon reaching the outskirts of Bangalore, again the pangs of conscience became too much for the Texans and they tried their luck. This time they succeeded and told the person the cause of delay, apologised for the (mis) management, since this was their maiden venture. (First time success on Silicon eluding them).
After an uneventful Journey we reached Coorg or Madikere in the early hours of the dawn at about 6:30 or thereof. With the sun setting its rays to herald another day the weary trekkers started looking for a suitable accommodation. After some attempts we managed to locate a suitable Hotel named COORG GUEST HOUSE. Once the ritual of the morning ablutions was over, we had a delicious and heavy breakfast to appease our ravenous appetite.
Owing to the unexpected delay, an impromptu decision was taken to change the itinerary. The trek that was scheduled for 27th Jan was postponed for 28th of Jan.
So we started for Talacauvery (the origin) of the river Cauvery via Bhagamandala.
The route was a pleasant one, gently winding its way up and down the hills with coffee plantations and tall majestic trees interspersed with ferns, creepers that twined their way up the trees and sparse shrubs of bougainvillea and other unfathomable plants.
The journey to Talacauvery is about one and half hours from Madikere. It has a small tank (Kund) which is supposed to be the source of the holy Cauvery. Bathing in this tank is considered auspicious. Just ahead is a small peak at a height of 300'.
Legend has it that the Saptarishis had meditated on this peak in their divine pursuits. A cool breeze awaited us on the peak and we enjoyed the freshness. A nice spectacle unfolded in front of us.View from BrahmagiriA bird making use of the thermal currents was majestically gliding in the crystal blue sky. We watched in awe and silence at this wonder of nature that surpassed the efforts of humans viz. the modern aeroplanes. Sometimes the bird would hover in the air effortlessly at a particular place for some time and then resume its flight. Poor Vijay had a tough time trying to watch the flying beauty with the binoculars we had. Afternoon lunch was had under the shade of a tree and consisted of tomato chutney (which we were destined to eat regularly throughout our trip at the various hotels were we had our dinner) puriees, lemon rice and other assorted stuff skillfully cooked by the members of chillercoffee club.

Just a couple of kilometers later, we crossed the confluence of three rivers Cauvery, Kanike, and Sujyothi rivers., two of which are visible and the last one being invisible (akin to ganga jamuna saraswati). Nearby lies an old temple that has braved the ravages of time bearing testimony to the resilience of the Indian civilization (which has weathered many storms, seen empires being built and destroyed). We were told that it's about 2000 years old with the last restoration having been carried out some 200 years ago. It lent the whole place an aura of rustic charm, tranquility and a halo of divinity .The temple was originally dedicated to Lord Shiva with the shivling installed by some rishi (got to be Agasthya he was the major rishi in south India) whose name eludes me, Vishnu and Lord Subramaniam too occupied a place here. After praying (for a safe and interesting trek) and paying our obeisance, we moved back to Madikere to have a look at Abbe falls. Abbe falls is a privately owned property and you need to pay a small entry fee. After reaching the place, we took the tickets and ambled across the narrow lane surrounded by dense coffee plants. Water was gushing through, cascading its way across the terrain and splashing onto boulders.
A bridge supported by cables similar to Howrah Bridge (but smaller) served as the platform from which one could behold the Abbi Falls. After a couple of snapshots,

with the Sun about to go down the horizon we got into the Tempo traveller and winded our way through to Raja's seat. Here the royal monarch used to come, and sit, for viewing the setting Sun.
However we were late and the sun had already cast its last rays. So in the twilight we settled ourselves on the Lawns of Raja's seat and were introduced to the photographic skills of PAV Prasad and Divyesh Shah.wild flower
Finally we reached the hotel and retired for the day preparing us for the arduous trek that lay ahead.

Tadeyendamol Calling:

With the onset of Dawn our activities started and like a group of busy bees the party started packing, bathing and freshening themselves up. The group checked out of the hotel assembled in the van and thus began what was to be an eventful and eagerly awaited day. We reached Kakkabe about 50 kms from Coorg at about 9:00am after some generous halts for breakfast. From there we moved to Palace stop that serves as the base for the trek. The palace is a humble deserted bungalow and don't be misled by the fancy name and conjure images of the Jaisalmer palace.

Alighting from the four wheeler, the load of fruits, chocolates Bread, butter and jam was distributed equitably. This was to serve as our ration for the up and downhill journey along with two bottles of water per person. We began the climb at 9:30 am .The trek had begun. snaps taken on the wayWe walked on a (6'wide) track (which later on narrowed down to a one-person 1' wide track) and came across a gradual ascent--a hint of things to come.
The road was lined by tall trees that jutted across the skyline, permitting sunlight to filter through as minute rays illuminating our path. Birds were sounding their multihued calls chirping, tweeting. It was music to the ears. After negotiating the ascent we came across two small streams in a wooded area. After this a steep climb for about 50 meters tested our physical fitness and we encountered a point of bifurcation. We took the Left road as advised by a group of fellow trekkers who were in a hurry and overtook us with their local guide. Another stream with water gurgling through the rocks greeted us.
As we made our way through the tall trees, all of a sudden, a cool breeze started blowing and a flurry of dried leaves started descending (in a fashion reminiscent of wicker tapes being thrown in a jam packed stadium) as if to welcome and encourage us to explore the hidden treasures of nature.
view on the wayNext we came across the base of a mountain peak to our right and another one, slightly obscured to the left. A minor confusion arose as to which one was Tadiyanmol. However it was resolves as per the instructions of some trekkers we had crossed path with (Mr. RaviShankar from the wild along with his group of 24 who had originally helped us in deciding out trek route), while they were returning down (after their overnight halt at the peak). We were on the lookout for a large rock with some names scrawled across it that served as the landmark. Besides this we had been to told to keep a watch for a buffalo skull that had been strategically placed across another rock (at a distance of around 50-100 mtrs from the first) this was to be followed by a stone wall (Taking a left turn at the first rock led us to a cool fresh bubbling brook which happens to be the last point before the final ascent where you can fill up your bottles).
Once we came across the clues, we had an eerie feeling observing only the skull of what once might have been a big buffalo. By now the trekkers had separated into two groups, one going in the fast lane and the other bringing the rear moving at a gentler pace.
After crossing the wall the path became still more steep and we had to step gingerly, on the narrow trail, supporting ourselves with tufts of grass that stubbornly held onto the ground, much to our relief -since had it given way, climbing would have been more difficult-. Next we encountered a small jungle with dense undergrowth and we were aided in our climb by the various roots of trees that had shot out from the terrain here and there. This also was the most strenuous part of the advance and progress was labored, as the ascent was in the form of (naturally formed) stairs with a height of about one-foot. The only consolation being that we were sheltered from the heat of the afternoon by the thick growth.
At last the first group successfully negotiated the climb and reached the top of the peak -at about 1:15 p.m.- and was enjoying the sense of achievement that comes after toiling hard. Soon the rest of the members joined us .We had a hearty Lunch above the mountain peak and were careful to collect all the litter that we had used up like plastic bags, chocolate wrappers, banana peels etc. From the top, the view of the valley was beautiful. We could make out the path we had trudged to come so far, as also the numerous mountains that formed the complete range (It is rumored that one can view the Arabian sea at a distance from the top of the peak but since we were ignorant of this fact we did not attempt to do so).
After some time we started back our return journey on a joyous note. However a small drama was enacted as one of the participants had fear of heights (Hypsiphobia) (and had not realized the intensity of the trek when he signed up) .So he had a difficult time and sometimes had to be cajoled, encouraged to get down, sit and make it. comming down on the slope of tadyenmolThus he too made a brave attempt and managed to reach the base camp after some anxious moments. (The bubbling brook were some of us freshened up had a nice lunch and drank some cool water) His joy on completing the trek successfully was infectious.
As we were returning, and neared the same rock with names scrawled across, a cluster of clouds started drifting and gradually enveloping the mountaintop as if bidding us farewell. It would have added to our joy had we camped overnight at the mountain top with the clouds and morning dew for company to be awakened by the resplendent rays of the rising Sun. May be, we thought, next time around wise from our experience we would equip ourselves with camping gear.
We had begun our descent at about 2:45 in the afternoon and managed to reach the base (Palace stop) at about 6:30 p.m. much to the annoyance of our driver who had to wait patiently for almost two hours (and could not understand the purpose of us spending all day climbing up and down a mountain with no gains to show for it and getting tired at the end of it).
Finally with twilight giving way to darkness we settled in the comforts of the Tempo traveller and the vehicle wound its way towards Virajpet .We reached Virajpet at about 8:30 p.m. and again searched for a hotel. The night was spent there with muscles aching and joints complaining. Sleep never appeared so sweet and refreshing.

Lakshman theerth

Next morning we again boarded the vehicle and made our way towards the last leg i.e. Irupu Falls. This place is on the outskirts of a tiny village and the journey on foot commences at about one and a half kms from a temple (Rameshwar) where vehicles can be parked.
The falls (Lakshman theerth) are more imposing than the ones at Abbi falls and water barges in its way through the mountain forcefully, gurgling and splashing as it falls down onto black rocks and gets collected into small pools. We caught a glimpse of a small rainbow that had formed owing to the prismatic effects of the sunlight being split by the waters of the waterfall. Besides this, we saw a small crab enjoying the sun underwater and some insects that swam -as if they had flippers- on the surface of the waters. After spending some time within which some trekkers cooled off by having a bath in the icy waters irpu falls-and a brief fling at rock climbing (60+ degree incline <1'mud track, right on the edge where a slight slip easily means end of all trekking activity forever on hitting the rocky base below, height equivalent to an 8-10 storey building) during which four of us viz. me, Vijay, Girish and Divyesh took a circuitous and challenging path towards the origin of the falls (which happens to be the start of the jungle and we could see another fall at some distance ahead. It was here we saw some shit approx. diameter 20cm our local expert on all sort of crap, Divyesh declared it to be an elephantine crap and since we had not seen any other crap than HR crap for quite some times an detailed analysis followed the conclusion drawn was the elephant had passed a few days ago eat mostly a fibrous meal, which means it was not constipated, since the shit was all straws), though we had to abort our attempts (to scale new heights) midway through due to paucity of time- (actually this is another one day trek)) ,we began our Journey back to Bangalore.
The return path took us through the Rajiv Gandhi National Park at Nagarhole. We were witness to a group of deer's and some domesticated elephants -fortunately or unfortunately though Veerappan eluded us :-) -. The forest area is dotted with teak trees (Sagwan in Marathi parlance) and its frontiers extend into the domains of three states viz. Kerala, Karnataka and Tamilnadu. We reached Bangalore at about 10:45 p.m. After having a wonderful time and some novel experiences.
So I hope you can get an idea of our maiden trekking venture and it encourages you to go on these sort of
adventures as long as you are young (at heart) and your physique permits you to endure the long often-solitary walk cutoff from humdrum of our daily routines.

(This report was composed by Abhijit Mohod, with minor comments by Jahagirdar VS comments by Jahagirdar appear in brackets.The photographic skills of Divyesh and PAV Prasad were scanned by Girish)

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