The English language is notorious as one of the most
difficult in the world because it is a mixture of several
archaic languages, including three old dialects of German
(Angle, Saxon, Jute) plus Latin, Greek, Old Norse, Old French
and Brittonic. The result is the chaos of diverse spellings
and pronunciations in which written symbols juxtapose very
inconsistently with the reality of spoken sounds, forcing
confusion and despair on too many students. Yet stubborn
linguistic traditionalists hold tight, changing a few words
each century. So, let's do something about it, now.

To simplify a complex language, we insert punctuation marks,
like long and short signs, right and left slashes, various
curves, then combine letters and change their shape, so each
sound is represented by one, and only one symbol. Thus,
perhaps children around the World may do their lessons
without the sighs and groans we hear so often.

Although this work eliminates all silent letters, capitals
are too useful to get rid of without causing even more
confusion, so "caps" are in and "silents" are out.

John Talbot Ross, April - December 2001

June 26, 2003 - As this work has slowly progressed over the
past several years, a shift has occurred from a few simple
reconfigurations to the creation of a series of interrelated
phonetic pictographs. I discovered many English letters are
closely related in sound, but not in form, so major changes
were necessary to bring form and sound together; and in the
process, many letters had to be replaced. The result is only
a few standard letters remain without change; but once a
person learns this system, English becomes a much easier
language to work with (if only it could have its own

July 5, 2003 - Reviewing the work, it occurred to me that to
really simplify the hard job of learning this language and be
true to the principle of one symbol for one sound, there
can't be a different symbol for "small" letters, but instead
one symbol for both capitals and smalls. So, if you want a
a capital letter, just enlarge it. That's already true of
letters like s and k, so let's apply it to all the letters.
From now on capitals and smalls are shaped exactly alike, no
tall and short letters. That way there is no need for some to
extend above or below the lines entangling letters on the
lines above and below them.

August 9, 2003 - To see this complete alphabet now go to:
Vowels and Consonants on separate pages.

There is also a Hand-drawn Summary.

August 13, 2003 - A further discovery is that even a phonetic
alphabet can be carried to extremes, so much so that the
first priority can be lost - to make it easier for children
to learn English. For example, if letter U is rendered
phonetic as long E and long OO combined we have a complex
symbol that looks like some sort of Chinese character, and
then how to depict the sound of short U? It's simpler to stay
with standard long and short U, even if it's not perfectly
phonetic. Each vowel in each of its variations must look
similar, even if they don't sound similar, because the vowels
must be a distinctly different and cohesive group from
consonants, phonetically pure or not. Vowels are open-ended
soft sounds waiting to be connected to the mostly hard sounds
of the consonants. That's how the language works. To assign
each and every letter its individual phonetic symbol without
accomodating their inter-relationships would really be more
confusing than the old alphabet, which would be the opposite
of my purpose - to make learning English easier for children.

John Talbot Ross




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