No Apology

This writer has come to the sad conclusion that most of his verse appearing on this
home page website may be classified by literary professionals as "bad poetry", because
so much of it is without symbolism or metaphor. But I needed to say in explicit language
exactly what the human race is doing to planet Earth and to itself. Yet, there is no such
thing as an explicit poem, just a piece of rhyming prose. So, I've tried to write another
poem to mark a short break from this collection until I can decide how to reform
and improve it.

After some consideration, I've decided there is no way to "reform" what I have written,
because I am so deeply involved in creating it, and I enjoy it so much, whatever it may
or may not be worth, it genuinely represents my thinking and feeling. So it stays,
no apology necessary.

Paradox 1

Though reveling in our perfect flaw
time endlessly better and worse,
whatever we so arrange,
the immutable law
of the universe
is change.

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