Suzyn’s North Carolina Trip


Downtown Charlotte. For a place that has had a lot of sprawl, there is still a fairly centralized downtown, with lots of cool buildings and some questionable outdoor art.

Pink buildings are nifty.

This is my future mother-in-law’s front porch.

Looks like something out of a magazine, doesn’t it?

Ian drinks bottled water.

The Mint Museum in Charlotte doesn’t have much in the way of cool art. It does have a Chuck Close, however. This is Ian looking at it.


Like you wouldn’t have stopped to take this picture…

Too bad the composition is kind of sucky.


There used to be a slightly odd person named Hugh McManaway who would direct traffic on Selwyn Ave in Charlotte. When he died, folks in the neighborhood put up a statue of him. Here are some pictures of the statue:

Last statue photo.

Then, we went to visit Peter at Duke

Our friend Peter plays "Dance Dance Dance Revolution"

These are Peter’s feet.

Ian eats doughnuts at the niftiest doughnut shop I've ever seen.

I took this on the campus of Duke University. That’s the chapel in the background.

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