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On June 8, 2004, Thomas "Quorthon" Forsberg--founder of Bathory and mastermind of the Swedish black metal scene--passed away due to heart failure. His blackened soul will be sorely missed.




Formed In: 1983

Select Discography
Bathory (1984)
The Return (1985)
Under the Sign of the Black Mark (1987)
Blood Fire Death (1988)
Hammerheart (1990)
Twilight of the Gods (1991)
Jubileum Vol I (1992)
Jubileum Vol II (1993)
Requiem (1994)
Octagon (1995)
Blood on Ice (1996)
Jubileum Vol III (1998)
Destroyer of Worlds (2001)
Nordland I (2002)
Nordland II (2003)
In Memory of Quorthon (boxed set) (2006)

BATHORY (1984)

Raw, brutal, fast, primitive metal is what we have here. Probably the most evil thing to come out of the early 80s. This stuff edges out Venom and Slayer for the title of "most evil". Not too refined, in fact, almost punk at times, Bathory's self-titled album is less of a black metal album and more of an extreme metal album. Remember, this was the time when metal was still establishing itself. Considering the other things that were being offered at the time, it isn't difficult to see how this inspired black metallers of the future. Currently available from Black Mark Productions (Quorthon's own label), this is a must-have for true black metal fans.

RATING:  3 out of 5


A major improvement over the self-titled, that's for sure. Whereas Bathory was kind of a "speed metal gone evil," The Return really sounds like black metal. If one were to compare this release to modern BM bands, it would compare quite favorably with the sound. This has the speed, sound, and overall atmosphere of black metal. I especially like the evil riffing style. If the drumming were more like contemporary black metal (blastbeats, some double bass work, etc.), then the songs on here would not feel out of place at all put next to some modern stuff. Personally, I think the song "Sadist" is a kick-ass old school black metal song.

RATING:  4 out of 5

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