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Formed In: 1990

Select Discography

Dark Rehearsal (demo)
...Thus Revealed (demo) (1992)
Conjuration of the Southern Circle (1993)
The Seven Seals EP (1993)
In Lustful Mayhem EP (1995)
Resurrectiónem Mortuórum (1996)
Behold the Wrath EP (1997)
Sacrifice of the New Born (split with Alastor) (1997)
The Book of Darkness (1999)
French Attack (live album) (2000)
Decadentia Christii 7" (split with Corpus Christii) (2000)
Black Metal Endsieg II (split with Nargaroth, Apolokia, and Godless North) (2001)
Nockthurnaal (2001)
The Bulldozer Armageddon (split with Abigail) (2001)
Ten Years of Steel (live album) (2001)
Demon Blade (compilation) (2002)
Satanic Blast EP (2002)
Hymns to Satan EP (2002)
Ataque Profano (compilation) (2002)
The Beast Has Risen (2003)
Pure Fucking Mayhem (live album) (2003)
The Nameless Wraith (split with Urn) (2004)
Remnants...of a Past (2004)
Hell-Witch EP (2007)
Unholy Sacrifice EP (2007)
Under Hecate's Spell (compilation) (2007)
Hexagram (2007)
Live '95 EP (2007)
The Black Metal Flame (2008)
MCMXCIV-MMVIII (compilation) (2008)
A Tribute to the Ancients (2010)
Shadow-Land EP (2010)
Chaos Underground (2010)
Bringers of Black Death (split with Azaghal and Погост)
Blasphemic Offerings - The Singles (compilation) (2011)
13 Candles of Doom (compilation) (2011)
Lusitanian Black Fucking Metal (2011)
A Stygian Heritage (compilation) (2011)
A Feast of Decay (compilation) (2012)
Cast in Fire (split with Cunnilingus and Thugnor) (2012)
Apocryphal Spells EP (2012)
The Ancient Brethren (2012)
Unholy Demon Seed (compilation) (2013)
Hexagram...From Hell (compilation) (2013)
From the Underworld With Hate (split with Irae and Inquisitor) (2013)

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