Sadistik Exekution
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Formed In: 1986

Select Discography

Sadistikally Exekuted (single) (1991)
The Magus (1991)
Suspiria (demo) (1992)
We Are Death...Fukk You! (1994)
Demon With Wings MCD (1995)
K.A.O.S. (1997)
Sadistik Elektrokution (single) (1998)
Fukk (2002)
Fukk II (2004)
A Tribute to Slayer Magazine (split with Nifelheim) (2006)
Death Metal (boxed set) (2010)

THE MAGUS (1991)

Although their recent work is a sort of blistering black-death-grind, this early album by SadEx is clearly old-school black-death (somewhere in the same ballpark as earlier Celtic Frost with touches of some Sarcofago, maybe?). This is a little on the disappointing side here, with nothing like the crazed (but controlled) chaos that they have become known for. The songs "The Magus" and "Lupercalia" do resemble old-school black metal, and are actually pretty interesting, but most of the other songs have a kind of "thrash" quality to them--a la early Slayer. This is not bad metal, just a little underwhelming.

RATING:  3 out of 5

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