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Formed In: 1987

A rare live photo of VON performing

Select Discography

Satanic (demo) (1990)
Satanic Blood (demo) (1992)
Blood Angel (demo) (1992)
Satanic Blood Angel (compilation) (2003)
Satanic Blood EP (2010)
Satanic Blood Ritual (DVD) (2010)
Black Mass: Jesus Stain (split with TOAD) (2012)
Satanic Blood (2012)
Dark Gods: Seven Billion Slaves (2013)
"Ritual of the Black Mass" (single) (2013)


There is not much information on Von. Who was in it, what they did after 1991, etc. There was a rumor going around that Von actually stood for "Victory-Orgasm-Nazis", but this is just a rumor. Well, regardless of rumors, the facts are these: Von was from San Francisco, and produced 2 demos, Satanic Blood and Blood Angel. Both demos circulated in the underground for years, until they were re-released on CD in the late 90s. Onto the music itself. Extreme old-school black metal. That's really all that needs to be said. This is definitely demo quality, but that actually helps the sound (in a black metal sense, I mean). And the songs are extremely simple...usually the same riff over and over again with little or no flare. Probably the most brutal black metal sound ever--other than maybe Ildjarn.

RATING:  3 out of 5

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